Energy of a particel in a gravitational field

In summary: You need to use an equation that is valid for a changing acceleration. In summary, a particle is launched vertically from the surface of the earth, and rises to a height of 2RE above the surface before falling back. Ignore air resistance entirely. Using the expression for gravitational PE, we find that mVo^2/2 = -GMm/r from RE to 2RE.
  • #1
4. A particle is launched vertically from the surface of the earth, and rises to a height of 2RE above the surface
before falling back. Ignore air resistance entirely.
a) Find the initial speed of the particle. (Look up the necessary numbers.)
b) This is a problem of motion in one dimension, with a force that depends on position only. Find the time
required to reach the turning point (maximum height).
(RE is just the radius of the earth).

This seeems so simple that I must be approaching this all wrong but here goes.

a). Putting the origin at the Earth's surface, we get that mvo^2/2 = mgh, where h = 2RE.
Therefore rearranginf for vo we get vo = 2sqrt(gRE).
I'm skeptical whether this is right or not because this is a level 2 mechanics course, and it just seems to easy for the course and the prof.

b), We known that U(r) - U(ro) = integral from ro to r of F dr, and thet U(ro) is zero, and
U(r) = 2mgRE.
F = mg, an then setting up an equation I get mdv/dt = 2mgRE.

Does this seem right. I just feel that its no correct?
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  • #2
Gogsey said:
a). Putting the origin at the Earth's surface, we get that mvo^2/2 = mgh, where h = 2RE.
Therefore rearranginf for vo we get vo = 2sqrt(gRE).
I'm skeptical whether this is right or not because this is a level 2 mechanics course, and it just seems to easy for the course and the prof.
You are right to be skeptical. :wink: The expression ΔPE = mgh is only valid near the Earth's surface, where h is small compared to the Earth's radius. Instead you have to use an expression for the gravitational PE that applies for large distances. (And for the gravitational force, use Newton's law of gravity, not F = mg.)
  • #3
Ah I see, so does this mean the kinetic energy of the particle is equal to the integral of the Newtons law of gravation?

Where V is Vo and r is RE? And potential energy at the surface is zero since we can take this to be the origin?
  • #4
Gogsey said:
Ah I see, so does this mean the kinetic energy of the particle is equal to the integral of the Newtons law of gravation?
Sure, but even easier to use the standard expression for gravitational PE. (See your other thread.)

Where V is Vo and r is RE? And potential energy at the surface is zero since we can take this to be the origin?
You could do it that way, but easier to just use the standard convention of setting V = 0 at r = ∞. Then find the change in PE from r = RE to r = 2RE.
  • #5
So isn't that what I had in my original post? If not, I'm not following what you mean.
  • #6
Gogsey said:
So isn't that what I had in my original post? If not, I'm not following what you mean.
When I said "standard expression for gravitational PE", I meant the more general one (see:") not the restricted expression that you used in your first post (mgh) which is only good near the Earth's surface.
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  • #7
So, mVo^2/2 = -GMm/r from RE to 2RE.

Maybe it was not clear but this is what I meant in my second post.
  • #8
Gogsey said:
So, mVo^2/2 = -GMm/r from RE to 2RE.
OK, assuming you mean that ΔKE = -ΔPE as you go from r = RE to 2RE. (Just conservation of energy.)
  • #9
For part B0, we now know Vo, we knoe RE and also we know a. Can we just use the equation for motion, d = Vot -gt^2/2 and use the quadratic formula to solve for t?
  • #10
Gogsey said:
Can we just use the equation for motion, d = Vot -gt^2/2 and use the quadratic formula to solve for t?
No. That equation is only valid for constant acceleration; it doesn't apply here. The acceleration is not g, but varies with distance.

FAQ: Energy of a particel in a gravitational field

1) What is the energy of a particle in a gravitational field?

The energy of a particle in a gravitational field is the sum of its kinetic energy and potential energy. Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion, while potential energy is the energy an object possesses due to its position in a gravitational field.

2) How is the energy of a particle in a gravitational field calculated?

The energy of a particle in a gravitational field can be calculated using the equation E = KE + PE, where E is the total energy, KE is the kinetic energy, and PE is the potential energy.

3) Does the energy of a particle in a gravitational field change as it moves?

Yes, the energy of a particle in a gravitational field can change as it moves. As the particle moves closer to or farther away from the source of the gravitational field, its potential energy changes. Additionally, if the particle speeds up or slows down, its kinetic energy will also change.

4) How does the mass of a particle affect its energy in a gravitational field?

The mass of a particle does not affect its energy in a gravitational field. The energy of a particle in a gravitational field is determined by its position and velocity, not its mass.

5) Can the energy of a particle in a gravitational field be negative?

Yes, the energy of a particle in a gravitational field can be negative. This typically occurs when the particle's potential energy is greater than its kinetic energy, such as when it is moving towards the source of the gravitational field.
