Thinking of writing a research paper on Gyroscopes

In summary, the author discusses precession and how it arises from the unbalancing of centripetal force from the various parts of the gyro. He suggests that someone should work more on this subject, and suggests a possible simulation.
  • #1
Hi everyone

Long time since i posted something.
(May be i have posted at the wrong place, Doc Al...feel free to move it)

I am in my first year... Basically i will have to start writing research papers from the next year... But i am really interested to start from the first year...

I thought for a while and i think that "On the motion of precessing bodies" would be a good topic...I will cover nutation also...

This is my first time i am writing a paper... and the obvious question "Where do i start from?"

I have started going through various websites... I am thinking of some MATLAB simulation also...
My reference material consists "Kleppner" and "Goldstein"(issued it just today)

Help me friends...
Physics news on
  • #2
You might think about writing about applications of gyros, but not on the therory of the gyro itself. There is a closely related subject concerning the instability of solids spinning about their intermediate principal moment of inertia. This might be a more interesting subject. (Almost) Everbody already knows that "the polehode rolls on the herpolehode without slipping", but what happens when the solid is spinning about its intermediate principal moment of inertia? Could the Earth ever turn upside down?
Bob S
  • #3
Bob S said:
You might think about writing about applications of gyros, but not on the therory of the gyro itself. There is a closely related subject concerning the instability of solids spinning about their intermediate principal moment of inertia. This might be a more interesting subject. (Almost) Everbody already knows that "the polehode rolls on the herpolehode without slipping", but what happens when the solid is spinning about its intermediate principal moment of inertia? Could the Earth ever turn upside down?
Bob S

Yeah... Thats a goo advise... If i write anything about gyroscopes, it would be just some other usual educational paper... I want to write something original... This thing looks good... I will think about...

  • #4
FedEx said:
Yeah... Thats a good advise... If i write anything about gyroscopes, it would be just some other usual educational paper... I want to write something original... This thing looks good... I will think about...
The Earth is a prolate spheroid, but a lot of the mass around the equator is water, so it can easily move to a new axis of rotation. How does the water conserve angular momentum if the Earth's axis of rotation changes?
Bob S
  • #5
There is an article in Am. J of Phys, where the author discusses the precession with basic Newtonian concepts as forces, particularly the centripetal force. He shows that prcession arises from the unbalancing of centripetal force from the various parts of the gyro. You should work more on this subject, may be a simulation. Sorry for not having the complete reference. I am moving and everything here is in boxes.

Best wishes

  • #6
DaTario said:
There is an article in Am. J of Phys, where the author discusses the precession with basic Newtonian concepts as forces, particularly the centripetal force. He shows that prcession arises from the unbalancing of centripetal force from the various parts of the gyro. You should work more on this subject, may be a simulation. Sorry for not having the complete reference. I am moving and everything here is in boxes.

Best wishes


Yeah will definitely thin over it...Thanks

FAQ: Thinking of writing a research paper on Gyroscopes

What is a gyroscope and how does it work?

A gyroscope is a device that is used for measuring or maintaining orientation and angular velocity. It works by utilizing the principle of conservation of angular momentum, where the axis of rotation remains fixed in space regardless of any external forces acting on it.

What are the common applications of gyroscopes?

Gyroscopes have a wide range of applications, including navigation and orientation systems in airplanes, ships, and spacecraft. They are also used in compasses, inertial guidance systems, and stabilizers for cameras and drones. In addition, gyroscopes are used in various consumer products, such as smartphones and video game controllers.

What are the different types of gyroscopes?

There are three main types of gyroscopes: mechanical gyroscopes, optical gyroscopes, and MEMS gyroscopes. Mechanical gyroscopes use a spinning mass to detect changes in orientation, while optical gyroscopes use light interference patterns. MEMS gyroscopes are the most common type and use microscopic vibrating elements to measure rotation.

What are the advantages and limitations of using gyroscopes in research?

The main advantage of using gyroscopes in research is their high accuracy and sensitivity in measuring angular velocity. They are also compact and can be integrated into various systems easily. However, gyroscopes may be affected by external factors such as temperature changes and vibrations, which can impact their accuracy.

What are some potential research topics related to gyroscopes?

Some potential research topics related to gyroscopes include the development of more accurate and efficient gyroscopes, the use of gyroscopes in autonomous vehicles, and the integration of gyroscopes with other sensors for improved navigation and orientation systems. Other topics could include the application of gyroscopes in medical devices, robotics, and virtual reality technology.
