John Titor: A Time Traveler's Story

  • Thread starter Kirl
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In summary: The summary of the conversation is that John Titor is the alias of someone who claimed to be a time traveler in 2000-2001. He posted messages and pictures of his supposed time machine, as well as explanations of how it worked. Some people found his explanations reasonable, but others debunked his claims. However, the topic of Titor has been extensively discussed and debunked, and further discussion on it is not allowed on this forum.
  • #1
John Titor is the alias of someone who claimed to be a time traveler. Around 2000 - 2001 this person posted a series of messages on discussion boards telling about why he was here along with pictures of the supposed time machine, including pages of the manual. He also explained a great deal about how it worked (see the pictures").

I do not have any physics education but I know the basics of most theories, and to me his explanations sounded very reasonable. I am interested what people with actual knowledge in the field would think about it.

I am not interested in hardcore debunkers that can even prove the Earth isn't actually round, only objective and honest thoughts please.

His original thread posts can be found here:"""
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  • #2
It's absolute crap and it's been discussed ad nauseum and debunked.
  • #3
Topic locked without help?

If my Titor topic is locked because it has been debunked, I can accept that, but I would apriciate a link to the particular thread or conclusion. This doesn't help me one bit!

I find it absolutely rude and unhelpfull to just state it is crap and close any further discussion without helping me one step further...!

Please help me instead of locking or removing this thread.
  • #5
Kirl, anytime you post a thread on an existing topic, it will be locked or deleted. Also, I wasn't being rude, I was being accurate, there's a difference.

I was going to add the links which you failed to l;ook for, but the phone rang.
  • #6
What's more, Titor is specifically listed as a closed subject in the S&D posting guidelines.
  • #7
Kirl said:
I find it absolutely rude and unhelpfull to just state it is crap and close any further discussion without helping me one step further...!

As a new member, you should read the posting guidelines before posting.

FAQ: John Titor: A Time Traveler's Story

1. Who is John Titor?

John Titor is the name used by a person claiming to be a time traveler from the year 2036. He first appeared on internet forums in the year 2000, claiming to have traveled back in time to the year 1975 and then to the year 2000 in order to retrieve an IBM 5100 computer. He then continued to post online for several months, discussing his knowledge of future events and his mission to prevent a future civil war in the United States.

2. Is John Titor's story real?

There is no concrete evidence to prove whether or not John Titor's story is real. Some people believe that he was a genuine time traveler, while others think he was a hoax created by someone looking for attention. There are inconsistencies in his story and no one has been able to verify any of the events he claimed would happen in the future.

3. What is the significance of the IBM 5100 computer in John Titor's story?

According to John Titor, the IBM 5100 computer was needed in the future to debug some legacy code and prevent a major computer crisis. He claimed that this particular computer had a feature that was crucial for this task and was not found in any other computer. However, there is no evidence to support this claim and the IBM 5100 is a widely available computer from the 1970s.

4. Did John Titor provide any evidence of time travel?

John Titor did not provide any concrete evidence of time travel. He posted pictures of his time machine and a manual on how to operate it, but these were later proven to be fake. He also made predictions about future events, but none of them have come true.

5. Why is John Titor's story still talked about today?

John Titor's story is still talked about today because it is a fascinating and intriguing concept. The idea of time travel has always captured the imagination of people and John Titor's detailed and elaborate story adds to the mystery. Additionally, the fact that his predictions have not come true and the lack of concrete evidence adds to the speculation and makes it a popular topic for discussion and debate.

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