Gravitationally bound, ionized cloud of hydrogen

In summary, the conversation discusses an isolated, spherical cloud of ionized hydrogen at temperature T that is initially near gravitational-electromagnetic equilibrium. The question is posed of how the cloud's structure will evolve, as well as any potential manifestations such as remaining spherically symmetric or stable, and the relationship between temperature and size of the charged cloud. The mentioned articles and links are meant to provide further insight into the problem of electrodynamics and the formation of nebulae and protostars.
  • #1
Loren Booda
An isolated, spherical cloud of ionized hydrogen at temperature T initially nears gravitational-electromagnetic equilibrium. How will the cloud's structure evolve?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Is there a more specific question buried here, about protostars, or nebulae, or HII regions, or is this purely theoretical?
  • #3
I would like to know what eventually manifests from the given theoretical state: whether the cloud remains spherically symmetric; whether the situation is stable; what known bodies (like the ones you mention) might coalesce from such an idealization; and the relation between temperature and size (analogous to the Jeans radius) of this significantly charged cloud.
  • #4
Loren Booda said:
An isolated, spherical cloud of ionized hydrogen at temperature T initially nears gravitational-electromagnetic equilibrium. How will the cloud's structure evolve?

everytime I think of this I get a different answer, makes my head spin...

first I thought you meant a cloud of COMPLETELY ionized hydrogen. but if you consider two ionized H atoms (i.e. protons), the repulsive eletrostatic force will overpower the attractive garvitational force by a factor of 10^36, so they will just fly apart. there cannot be any equilibrium position because both forces go down with 1/r^2.

so I guess you meant PARTIALLY ionized. consider two clouds, each containing 10^36 neutral H atoms and one ionized H+ atom. when one cloud looks at the other it will neither be repulsed nor attracted, there is gravitational-electrostatic equilibrium. so you might as well unite both clouds, or an arbitrary number of them, you just have to maintain the relation of 1 / 1^36 from charged to noncharged atoms.

but as both forces are in equilibrium, the escape-velocity of the system is 0 (for a charged H+ atom). since you have a temperature T, and an assoicated velocitey distribution, the fastest H+ atoms will leave the cloud very quickly. until for the remaining H+ atoms the gravitational force will dominate, so there is a non-zero escape velocity and only a few (the fastest H+ atoms in the velocity distribution) can escape.
  • #5
Gravitationally bound, ionized cloud of hydrogen
Your question can only be answered by looking at your assumptions. How did the hydrogen became a “cloud”?
The Phase Diagram of Strongly-Interacting Matter
Authors: P. Braun-Munzinger, J. Wambach
(Submitted on 28 Jan 2008)
Phase transition from hadronic matter to quark matter
Authors: P. Wang, A. W. Thomas, A. G. Williams
last revised 3 Apr 2007
The phase transition from nuclear matter to quark matter is always first order, whereas the transition between color superconducting quark matter and normal quark matter is second order. The phase transition between hadronic matter and quark matter can only occur at high density or temperature.
I have more links in this blog entry
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  • #6

At first glance, I do not understand the application of the articles you cite to a problem of electrodynamics. Perhaps you would condense your ideas into a paragraph or two.

The hydrogen in my question would have become a cloud much like any nebula originally evolved from a collection of gas. A certain percentage of the cloud is assumed ionized as the whole reaches a quasi-gravitational equilibrium. What are the relatively stable states of this gas, like nebulae and protostars, and more importantly, what might cause electromagnetic disequilibrium there?

FAQ: Gravitationally bound, ionized cloud of hydrogen

1. What is a gravitationally bound, ionized cloud of hydrogen?

A gravitationally bound, ionized cloud of hydrogen is a large collection of hydrogen gas that is held together by its own gravity and has been stripped of its electrons, resulting in a highly electrically charged state.

2. How is a gravitationally bound, ionized cloud of hydrogen formed?

These clouds are formed in areas of space where there are high concentrations of hydrogen gas, such as in nebulae or near stars. The intense radiation and energy from nearby stars or supernovae can strip the electrons from the hydrogen atoms, creating an ionized cloud.

3. What causes the hydrogen atoms in the cloud to become ionized?

The strong radiation from nearby stars or supernovae can cause the electrons in the hydrogen atoms to become excited and break away from the nucleus, resulting in an ionized state.

4. How do gravitationally bound, ionized clouds of hydrogen affect star formation?

These clouds play a crucial role in the formation of new stars. As the gas particles within the cloud continue to collapse under their own gravity, they become denser and hotter, eventually leading to the formation of a protostar. This process can continue until a stable star is formed.

5. Can gravitationally bound, ionized clouds of hydrogen be used to study the early universe?

Yes, these clouds can provide valuable insights into the early stages of the universe. Since hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, studying these clouds can help us understand the formation and evolution of galaxies and stars in the early universe.

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