Evolution of Humans: What Will We Become?

  • Thread starter Yggdrasil
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In summary: Some people believe that human beings will eventually evolve into a species that can control the environment and travel to other dimensions. However, there is no evidence to support this idea, and it is unlikely to happen in the near future.
  • #1
We all know Darwin's theory of how humans were once little monkeys running around, hitting other with sticks, but what about what humans will become?

Some people have "psi power". Like control fire, look anywhere on earth, move objects with their minds. Is that what humans are going to become?Your great-great...grandchildren will be able to control the environment with their minds, right? Soon humans will be able to travel to higher dimensions and meet God, right (One theory of God is that he is in a higher dimension, where you can control and create anything in the lower dimensions).

What are you humans going to become?
You just evolve for now, you will need it soon, very soon. Six years in fact, 2010, 12th month. I won't talk about that subject right now, just research my name to find out what I am talking about, that might help.
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
I bet you really like the X-Men, don't you?

As far as we can tell, evolution is not a process open to prognostication. Humans fit the environmental niche that they occupy very well and are easily the most successful single species that has ever existed. We can live virtually anywhere on the planet and not be subjected to the normal vigors of natural life that all other species must endure. If humans ever evolve into a new species, it won't be any time soon, and there is really no foretelling what the particular environmental pressures will be that cause it to happen so far off in the future. Furthermore, given the completely random nature of gene mutation, there is just no way to know what kinds of new alleles will arise, much less whether or not they will proliferate.
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  • #3
Yggdrasil said:
Some people have "psi power". Like control fire, look anywhere on earth, move objects with their minds.
Sounds interesting, care to provide proof of this? Seems like if someone could actually control fire or look anywhere on earth, that it would have stood up to repeated random tests of differing circumstances, and that it would be widely accepted, and this person would be a global celebrity, but somehow, I missed out on these individuals.

Or perhaps the govt. kidnapped them and is using them for secret plans? Do you think they're for good or evil? Maybe a Captain America type, or maybe Comrade Red...

Was Comrade Red Captain America's main enemy, or am I off in my comic-book knowledge...
  • #4
One big step we've overcome as a species is the ability to not respond to insults with our fists but see it for the misdirected anger it is, well almost.
  • #5
Yggdrasil said:
We all know Darwin's theory of how humans were once little monkeys running around, hitting other with sticks, but what about what humans will become?

Some people have "psi power". Like control fire, look anywhere on earth, move objects with their minds. Is that what humans are going to become?Your great-great...grandchildren will be able to control the environment with their minds, right? Soon humans will be able to travel to higher dimensions and meet God, right (One theory of God is that he is in a higher dimension, where you can control and create anything in the lower dimensions).

What are you humans going to become?
You just evolve for now, you will need it soon, very soon. Six years in fact, 2010, 12th month. I won't talk about that subject right now, just research my name to find out what I am talking about, that might help.

No, I don't think I'll bother to "research" your name- I haven't found anything here that gives me any confidence in you.

In the first place, Darwin's theory does NOT say "we were once little monkeys running around, hitting other with sticks". It says that both humans and monkeys evolved from some common ancestor- that's quite a different matter. And since modern monkeys do not "run around, hitting each other with sticks", I doubt that our common ancestors did!

More to the point, there is NO evidence that "Some people have "psi power". Like control fire, look anywhere on earth, move objects with their minds." In fact, those powers that you mention violate some pretty basic laws of physics.
  • #6
Maybe this thread should be torn apart in Skeptism and Debunking :-p

psi powers... :smile:
  • #7
Maybe we could have a standard IQ test that one must past before posting here.. Say, anyone above 57 could get in.

This excludes Forrest Gump and the original poster.
  • #8
its pass, not "past", ur IQ just dropped 3 points :eek: let's hope your still above 57
  • #9
Yggdrasil said:
We all know Darwin's theory of how humans were once little monkeys running around, hitting other with sticks, but what about what humans will become?

Some people have "psi power". Like control fire, look anywhere on earth, move objects with their minds. Is that what humans are going to become?Your great-great...grandchildren will be able to control the environment with their minds, right? Soon humans will be able to travel to higher dimensions and meet God, right (One theory of God is that he is in a higher dimension, where you can control and create anything in the lower dimensions).

What are you humans going to become?
You just evolve for now, you will need it soon, very soon. Six years in fact, 2010, 12th month. I won't talk about that subject right now, just research my name to find out what I am talking about, that might help.
What you said told me that you are completely ignorant of evolution, and people above already pointed out...
I spent a couple of times comeing to read what members shared their ideas about aging researches, which I admit I like that question!
I don't know if the old who are completely out of place have that much time to play hike and seek with children or if they dare to look at themselves in their mirrors to see how sick and how old they are!, I don't know actually!

Women use cereals, actors use cereals, lesbians, gays use cereals...But I always take it for granted that whores use cereals much more than anyone else does when they have to go sleep with customers!. Thats an example anyway explained for the fact that they like to be looked much younger perhaps around 25 or 26 or in unlucky cases which those cereal used are unable to give any good effects, around 36!

If you are still wondering about what humans are going to become, try posting back a more particular question.
  • #10
Alek said:
I don't know if the old who are completely out of place have that much time to play hike and seek with children or if they dare to look at themselves in their mirrors to see how sick and how old they are!, I don't know actually!

What old people have is a long lifetime of experiences and learning to get them over the silly pretty-body worship that afflicts young folks. What you look like in the mirror is the least of all possible facts about you. And yes; I play hide and seek and other games with my granddaughter.
  • #11
Ha! Adjoint, you're just jealous of us good-looking youngsters.
  • #12
decibel said:
its pass, not "past", ur IQ just dropped 3 points :eek: let's hope your still above 57
If you're going to criticize someone’s spelling, you should probably use proper spelling/grammar as well. Your sentence should have read like this:

Its pass, not "past", your IQ just dropped 3 points :eek: lets hope youre still above 57.
  • #13
Yggdrasil said:
I won't talk about that subject right now, just research my name to find out what I am talking about, that might help.
I don't get it. In Norse mythology Yggdrasil is a large birch tree. And the location you post Ginnungagap is "seeming emptiness", also in Norse mythology.

What does Norse mythology have to do with evolution?
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  • #14
selfAdjoint said:
What old people have is a long lifetime of experiences and learning to get them over the silly pretty-body worship that afflicts young folks. What you look like in the mirror is the least of all possible facts about you. And yes; I play hide and seek and other games with my granddaughter.
MeH, what yo look like in your mirror ?

Me? Nec look like a sheetty monk3y (from IndoChina)! i intened to post a porn pic of mine if i am allowd -100% nude harcore-, poeple call me Mighty Bicep, not no how to use monk3y langugea more correcly, so only dumb plain sentences, my English mixed with Japanes, bcos I am in jap long, bout 6" or 5.9" ...uhmm i measure count correctly, heh

Btw,yo thought of teachin your daughter best ways to work perfectly like her father or 6ter? i order first with teh highest price if she sells somethinin market :D :D,
Guess she only needs 2 to get a feel :D
  • #15
Nec said:
MeH, what yo look like in your mirror ?

Well I've been dieting hard and working out to lose weight. A year ago I had this big belly and it is now shrunken, but still there. I'm bald, started balding in high school, and I decided to grow a little beard to save my face from shaving. With the flabby skin on my torso where the fat used to be, and the bald head and the beard, I'm quite a sketch.
  • #16
Your rhetoric sounds good, but people here are ALL slow, and I am myself quite BLIND,
My body doesn't develop as well as yours--i means my health is not good, I feel shameful if it is known to many people about the fact that I sometimes lick my face whenever I look at it in the mirror, and observe my saliva runs down on it...long, long and slowly !

Because I find the thread is far from OP's main ideas, I'd like to ask for a stop right here!
or if there are any more ideas on the evolution relating to OP, go on!
  • #17
wasteofo2 said:
If you're going to criticize someone’s spelling, you should probably use proper spelling/grammar as well. Your sentence should have read like this:

Its pass, not "past", your IQ just dropped 3 points :eek: lets hope youre still above 57.

:smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #18

Well because one of the "10 characteristics of life" is to evolve we must over come such things as cancer, if we don't our population will be greatly reduced. Our lungs will have to evolve to handle the chemicals we let out in the air. there are many things that humans will have to acomplish to adapt to the world around us. But these processes take hundreds of thousnands of year if not millions. So the evoultion of mankind can't be related to super powers; why do we need those? What will being able to fly or walk threw walls have to do with curing our bodies? Just a little idea for yggdrasil.
  • #19
loseyourname said:
Humans fit the environmental niche that they occupy very well and are easily the most successful single species that has ever existed. We can live virtually anywhere on the planet and not be subjected to the normal vigors of natural life that all other species must endure.

Aren't insects the single most important subphylum/class that has every existed?
  • #20
Bacteria are the only kingdom that matter - everything else is just carrying the bacteria around and can only exist because of the bacteria they contain.
  • #22
mgb_phys said:
Bacteria are the only kingdom that matter - everything else is just carrying the bacteria around and can only exist because of the bacteria they contain.

Perhaps humans are the most important chordate ever?
  • #23
CRGreathouse said:
Perhaps humans are the most important chordate ever?
After cats - maybe, someone has to open the cans for the master race.
  • #24
Humanity, the unfolder of many secrets of nature, suffers like all life forms and order-mantaining systems the increase of entropy that metabolisms implies.
Drastic changes in environment and species populations torns the world each day more hostile.
This isn't, however, a bad thing. We are like nature's conciousness, in a special language that is still a son of nature.
From our planet, humanity has tried to learn and to apply technology as fast as possible. We have opened holes in ozone and increased the harmfull effects of radiation.
As we hostilice our own planet, the dregree of concern about this increaces, and solutions are provided.
Maybe big natural or human caused disasters will erase some sorts of nowdays technologies to be replaced but others.
We are in a long long evolutive transition, and as well said by others, nobody can predict evolution results.

In humans is the intelect what evolves faster. Physical medicine (to put some credit on physics) has demostrated many harmful effects of technologic sources of radiation. And we are like poisoned in an environment that has changed very quickly from the form that made us evolve to what we are. Sounds paradogical, but I insist in the idea that as we hoctilice our world the concequences get progressively more evident, and medicine tells us that we must protect ourselves from hotile agents to live more and, again paradogicaly, suprime the factors that increase the rate of mutations (as well as cancer, for example). The natural selection is still aplicable in our case of human selection, because we are part of nature.
  • #25
My friend has laser eyes already, so I think we will evolve into x-men like creatures.
  • #26
Just to clear up the obvious confusion: "Heros" is a fictional show, not a documentary.
  • #27
I don't think we are going to evolve anymore, but instead we'll evolve ourselves through genetic engineering.

FAQ: Evolution of Humans: What Will We Become?

1. What is evolution and how does it apply to humans?

Evolution is the process by which living organisms change and adapt over time through genetic variations and natural selection. In the case of humans, this means that we have evolved over millions of years from simpler organisms to the complex beings we are today.

2. What evidence supports the theory of human evolution?

There is a wealth of evidence supporting the theory of human evolution, including fossil records, DNA analysis, and anatomical similarities between humans and other primates. Additionally, the observation of natural selection in action through the study of animal populations further supports the idea of evolution.

3. Will humans continue to evolve in the future?

Yes, humans will continue to evolve in the future. Evolution is an ongoing process and as long as there is genetic variation and environmental pressures, organisms will continue to adapt and change over time.

4. What factors influence the evolution of humans?

There are several factors that can influence the evolution of humans, including environmental changes, natural selection, genetic mutations, and reproductive patterns. Additionally, cultural and technological advancements can also impact the direction of human evolution.

5. What might humans look like in the distant future?

It is impossible to accurately predict what humans will look like in the distant future as evolution is a complex and unpredictable process. However, some scientists believe that humans may continue to evolve physically and intellectually, potentially becoming taller, more slender, and with larger brains.
