Why are non-solid-state electronics often developed before solid-state?

  • Thread starter rnabioullin
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In summary: EE Dept., Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteIn summary, tubes when you say non-solid state. They were historically developed due to limited knowledge of physical phenomena and limitations in other technology used to construct the device. Solid state technology was not developed until later due to the development of transistors and integrated circuits.
  • #1
I have wondered, why do non - solid-state electronics typically precede solid-state in the history of development? The two main reasons that I have thought of are limited knowledge of physical phenomena, and limitations in other technology used to construct the device (e.g., involving small tolerances). Any thoughts and specific examples?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
rnabioullin said:
I have wondered, why do non - solid-state electronics typically precede solid-state in the history of development? The two main reasons that I have thought of are limited knowledge of physical phenomena, and limitations in other technology used to construct the device (e.g., involving small tolerances). Any thoughts and specific examples?

I think tubes when you say non-solid state. Check out how they came about.

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  • #3
Not just traditional "vacuum tubes" but also incandescent lightbulbs (vs. LEDs), GM tubes (vs. semiconductor detectors), scan converter tubes (vs. high-speed semiconductor ADCs), mechanical cooling devices (vs. Peltier cooling devices), etc.
  • #4
You should also look at


to understand the basic theory of vacuum tube amplifiers (thermionic emission, space charge, etc). All the equations were written down in the early 1900's (or before). The first transistor was built in about 1948 (Bardeen, Shockley, Brattain), but the transistor did not appear in most electronics until 1960. (Bardeen won another Nobel Prize for superconductivity). The transistor was followed by integrated circuits in the 1960's.

GM detectors, ion chambers, and proportional counters were developed in the early 1900's. They generally required amplifiers to work properly. Bethe and Bloch developed the dE/dx ionization energy loss equation in the mid 1930's. Before these, people observed scintillation of alphas hitting zinc sulfide screens with microscopes (Rutherford), and tracks in cloud chambers. Photographic emulsions were in common use in the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's. In the early 1950's, Sodium iodide scintillators and photomultipliers were developed. Silicon and GeLi solid state particle detectors were developed in the early 1960's.

Bob S

FAQ: Why are non-solid-state electronics often developed before solid-state?

What is solid-state electronics?

Solid-state electronics refers to any electronic device or system that uses solid materials instead of vacuum tubes or other gaseous materials. These solid materials, such as semiconductors, have electrical properties that can be manipulated to create electronic components such as transistors, diodes, and integrated circuits.

How does solid-state electronics differ from traditional electronics?

In traditional electronics, vacuum tubes were used to control and amplify electronic signals. However, solid-state electronics replaced these tubes with solid materials, which are smaller, more reliable, and more energy-efficient.

What are some common applications of solid-state electronics?

Solid-state electronics are used in a variety of applications, including computers, cell phones, televisions, and power supplies. They are also used in medical devices, transportation systems, and renewable energy technologies.

What are the advantages of solid-state electronics?

Solid-state electronics offer several advantages over traditional electronics, including smaller size, lower power consumption, higher reliability, and faster processing speeds. They also have a longer lifespan and are more resistant to shock and vibration.

What are the current trends in solid-state electronics?

Some current trends in solid-state electronics include the development of smaller and more powerful devices, the integration of multiple functions into a single chip, and the use of new materials and technologies such as nanotechnology and 3D printing. There is also a focus on improving energy efficiency and reducing the environmental impact of electronic devices.

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