Wider tires experience more friction than narrow tires?

In summary, according to this statement, wider tires experience more friction than narrower tires. However, this does not seem to be entirely true, as wider tires still experience the same level of friction. The main advantage of wider tires is that they have more surface contact, which leads to a higher level of friction.
  • #1

Homework Statement

"Cars with wide tires experience more friction than cars with narrow tires"

Homework Equations

Is that statement true or false?
What are the advantages of wider tires? explain!

The Attempt at a Solution

I think that they experience the same friction because they will still have the load of the car above them. Even though they are a bit wider it won't make a difference :\
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
Well, if friction is caused on the microscopic level by bonds made between the material of the tire and the material of the ground, it would stand to reason that wider tires give more surface contact and thus more friction.

That being said, I am not 100% about this and would love confirmation or a reason why this is not so.
  • #4
Berko said:
Well, if friction is caused on the microscopic level by bonds made between the material of the tire and the material of the ground, it would stand to reason that wider tires give more surface contact and thus more friction.

That being said, I am not 100% about this and would love confirmation or a reason why this is not so.
uhh can you please put that in a little bit easier words, I am only in grade 11 lol and its my first physics class :\
All i know is Static Friction, forces (Normal force, applied force, friction force, force of gravity) and i know Kinetic friction a bit. Also the 3 Newton laws.
  • #5
Physics textbooks typically present a mathematical model of friction. You need to use that.
  • #6
I was always under the impression that friction "is" the overcoming of molecular bonds made between (in this case) the tires and the ground. The tires and the ground form bonds much like atoms do to form molecules. It takes energy to overcome these bonds and it takes energy to overcome the bonds formed between the rubber in the tires and the asphalt in the ground.

So, it stands to reason, the more bonds formed (due to more surface contact), the more the friction is.
  • #7
The standard physics textbook definition for the magnitude of friction only deals with the weight, not the surface area. But, as I said, I am not sure if this is 100% true beyond the standard first high school/college look.
  • #8
Fr = μN


* Fr is the resistive force of friction
* μ is the coefficient of friction for the two surfaces (Greek letter "mu")
* N is the normal or perpendicular force pushing the two objects together
* μN is μ times N

surface area doesn't come into it.
  • #9
bcrowell said:
Physics textbooks typically present a mathematical model of friction. You need to use that.
Well my teacher isn't expecting a mathematical answer. He just wants a conceptual answer as to why this is the case (If its true) and what the advantages are in wider tires. I've heard different opinions which seem to be sometimes completely opposite of each other and I am wondering what is right
  • #10
I just checked Wikipedia. The formula given in textbooks (as quoted above) is an approximation.

In actuality, surface area does matter, which is why racing car tires are wider.
  • #11
Berko said:
In actuality, surface area does matter, which is why racing car tires are wider.

Not only wider but no ridges, so it is smooth and therefore more road contact.

Well for your answer I'd quote the formula, explain how surface area isn't a factor, but then counter argue and say how this formula is only an approximation and surface area does matter.

Then write a short conclusion about your own opinion.
  • #12
Berko said:
I just checked Wikipedia. The formula given in textbooks (as quoted above) is an approximation.

In actuality, surface area does matter, which is why racing car tires are wider.
Thank you, that is what i needed!
Now i got to explain that -.-.

FAQ: Wider tires experience more friction than narrow tires?

1. Why do wider tires experience more friction than narrow tires?

Wider tires experience more friction because they have a larger surface area in contact with the ground. This increased contact creates more resistance and therefore more friction.

2. Does this mean that wider tires are slower?

Yes, wider tires can be slower due to the increased friction. However, they also have more stability and traction, which can be beneficial in certain situations such as off-roading or wet conditions.

3. Is there a trade-off between traction and speed when it comes to tire width?

Yes, there is a trade-off between traction and speed. Wider tires provide better traction but can be slower, while narrow tires have less traction but can be faster. It ultimately depends on the specific needs and conditions of the vehicle and the driver.

4. Are there any other factors that affect tire friction besides tire width?

Yes, there are other factors that can affect tire friction, such as the type of tire tread, the condition of the road surface, and the weight of the vehicle. These factors can also impact the overall performance of the tires.

5. Can tire pressure also affect tire friction?

Yes, tire pressure can affect tire friction. Over-inflated tires have less contact with the ground, resulting in less friction and potentially faster speeds. Under-inflated tires have more contact with the ground, resulting in more friction and potentially slower speeds.

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