Speed of light not a legitamate factor in relation to mass

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of mass increasing at high speeds and the application of E=mc^2 in special relativity. The participants also mention the use of Wikipedia as a source and recommend books on the subject. It is concluded that mass is a relative property based on frame of reference and it is useless to think of it in terms of an object getting more or less massive.
  • #1
When I think of the speed of light, I imagine something moving really fast.

Everyone knows that something moving fast hurts more than something moving slow.

So why is something said to have "infinite" mass when traveling at the speed of light if the speed of light is a finite "measurable" speed?

Why is this even considered "impossible"?

If E = mc(squared)

then doesn't it simply make energy proportianal to mass "since the speed of light doesn't change for the equation". Or does the E stand for "potential energy".

Does anyone else relate to how I feel about this?

Can't you just as justifiably take the speed of a train, write it down, and use that as an absolute?

"which would produce a representation of energy that is only practical for use in a relitive sense, and cannot be applied as a number on it's own"
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Jimbrady57 said:
So why is something said to have "infinite" mass when traveling at the speed of light if the speed of light is a finite "measurable" speed?
Why is this even considered "impossible"?
If E = mc(squared)
Read up on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_relativity"
[tex]E = mc^2[/tex] only applies to the 'rest mass' energy of an object. The total energy is [tex]E = \gamma mc^2[/tex] where [tex]\gamma[/tex] is a function of velocity, and becomes infinite when the velocity approaches the speed of light.
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  • #3
Ahh, thank you very much.

I love wikipedia, but anyone I talk to will redicule me if I use it as my source, do you have any favorite books to recommend?
  • #4
Jimbrady57 said:
Does anyone else relate to how I feel about this?
Our feelings about relativity are not relevant. Only nature's "feelings" on the subject are important, and she has spoken quite clearly on the subject for more than a century.

Jimbrady57 said:
Can't you just as justifiably take the speed of a train, write it down, and use that as an absolute?
The speed of a train is not frame-invariant.
  • #5
Jimbrady57 said:
Ahh, thank you very much.

I love wikipedia, but anyone I talk to will redicule me if I use it as my source, do you have any favorite books to recommend?

Taylor and Wheeler, Spacetime Physics.
  • #6
The view of mass increasing as velocity does is, from my recent knowledge, incorrect. The mass of an object is always the same. The momentum or kinetic energy of an object WILL increase, but not the actual mass of an object.
  • #7
Drakkith said:
The view of mass increasing as velocity does is, from my recent knowledge, incorrect. The mass of an object is always the same. The momentum or kinetic energy of an object WILL increase, but not the actual mass of an object.

Rest mass is always the same. Momentum/kinetic energy of an object will increase as v increases, but not proportionally to v (or v^2) as in classical mechanics. One perceives objects moving at a great speed relative to oneself to have a great mass than that objects otherwise rest mass. Do the objects really become more massive? In my opinion this question is kind of the same as asking if two things are simultaneous. We have an equation that relates the rest mass to it's measured mass under relative motion. It's just relative to your frame of reference. The idea of mass being something invariant attached as a property of an object really needs to be thrown out. Mass, just like time, length, velocity, and momentum, is simply a relative property based on your frame of reference, were just accustomed to letting that relative velocity be 0, that's why we have rest mass. There's nothing really special about rest mass. It's useless to think of it in terms of an object getting more massive or less massive.
  • #8
saneisjus said:
Rest mass is always the same. Momentum/kinetic energy of an object will increase as v increases, but not proportionally to v (or v^2) as in classical mechanics. One perceives objects moving at a great speed relative to oneself to have a great mass than that objects otherwise rest mass. Do the objects really become more massive? In my opinion this question is kind of the same as asking if two things are simultaneous. We have an equation that relates the rest mass to it's measured mass under relative motion. It's just relative to your frame of reference. The idea of mass being something invariant attached as a property of an object really needs to be thrown out. Mass, just like time, length, velocity, and momentum, is simply a relative property based on your frame of reference, were just accustomed to letting that relative velocity be 0, that's why we have rest mass. There's nothing really special about rest mass. It's useless to think of it in terms of an object getting more massive or less massive.

I've read the opposite actually. That the term Relativisitic mass should be thrown out. Does an object traveling at high velocity have more gravitational pull? Not as far as I know. It certainly doesn't in it's rest frame. Its momentum most definitely increases, but not mass. Seems to me that mass is pretty set when talking about matter.
  • #9
hmmm that is a good point. Does a particle traveling at a high velocity not contribute to the EM/SR Tensor? Energy definitely does, otherwise we wouldn't have gravitational waves, correct? So would a particle traveling at a high velocity not contribute more to the EM Tensor than the same particle at rest? When a particle has an increase in energy we see a corresponding increase in momentum, but not a corresponding increase in speed ( because as energy increases, velocity can only approach c asymptotically) If that energy isn't accounted for as an increase in kinetic energy, there where else can we account for that missing energy?
  • #10
But, it will contribute to a DIFFERENT components of the tensor, than a particle at rest.

In fact, 2 test bodies moving at high speed flying parralel to each other attract slower (in a frame where we see them moving) than when they are at rest. The explanation is simple: if it takes, say, 1s for them to collide in their rest frame, then because time is dilated, it would take LONGER for them to collide if they are moving.

There is a special case however, when there are MANY particles or bodies in a bound system with a total momentum of 0. In such case, the movement of particles create pressure, which creates 'more gravity' for an observer who is unaware of the internal structure of a system.

1. When you heat a body, its gravity slightly increases.
2. Proton. Most of the mass comes from the quarks, moving at relativistic speeds back and forth.
  • #11
I guess i stand corrected then. Thanks Dmitry67.
  • #12
Dmitrey, I've heard of that before as well. However, are we sure that the gravity of a system will increase if you add energy, like in the form of heat to it? And if so, how does that relate to two moving objects moving together slower at relativistic speeds? Would adding energy not cause an increase in the speed of the movement of the particles, which would cause further time dilation?
  • #13
Because when objects moving in the same direction, there is a rest frame where they are at rest. So you can calculate everything in that rest frame and then just calculate the dilation for the other rest frames. When bodies are moving in DIFFERENT directions, there is no such frame!

1. Photon gas (photons moving in random directions) self-attract (and attract other bodies)
2. two collinear light beams, going in the same direction, don't gravitate to each other
3. two collinear light beams, going in the opposite directions, attract to each other
  • #14
As there is no rest frame for a photon, how can you relate to them using the same thing for matter?
Also, if I pick a frame of one of the particles, then everything else is moving in relation to it. Wouldn't that mean that everything else is still time dilated in relation to that particle?
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  • #15
Dmitry67 said:
Because when objects moving in the same direction, there is a rest frame where they are at rest. So you can calculate everything in that rest frame and then just calculate the dilation for the other rest frames. When bodies are moving in DIFFERENT directions, there is no such frame!
Surely you did not mean to say this. If two objects are moving in the same direction, at different speeds, there is not "frame where they are at rest". "Direction" is not important, "velocity" is.

1. Photon gas (photons moving in random directions) self-attract (and attract other bodies)
2. two collinear light beams, going in the same direction, don't gravitate to each other
3. two collinear light beams, going in the opposite directions, attract to each other
As Drakkith says, photons have no "rest frame" so none of this makes any sense.
  • #16
HallsofIvy said:
Dmitry67 said:
1. Photon gas (photons moving in random directions) self-attract (and attract other bodies)
2. two collinear light beams, going in the same direction, don't gravitate to each other
3. two collinear light beams, going in the opposite directions, attract to each other
As Drakkith says, photons have no "rest frame" so none of this makes any sense.
One photon has no rest frame, but I am sure you are aware that a system of multiple photons going in different directions does have a center of momentum frame, which you can loosely call the system's "rest" frame. That is why a photon gas and antiparallel light beams gravitate while parallel light beams do not.
  • #17
zhermes said:
Read up on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_relativity"
[tex]E = mc^2[/tex] only applies to the 'rest mass' energy of an object. The total energy is [tex]E = \gamma mc^2[/tex] where [tex]\gamma[/tex] is a function of velocity, and becomes infinite when the velocity approaches the speed of light.

E=mc^2= Gamma-function(m_oc^2)
you dnt want to confuse relative mass and rest mass.
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  • #18
Ikoro said:
zhermes said:
Read up on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_relativity"
[tex]E = mc^2[/tex] only applies to the 'rest mass' energy of an object. The total energy is [tex]E = \gamma mc^2[/tex] where [tex]\gamma[/tex] is a function of velocity, and becomes infinite when the velocity approaches the speed of light.
E=mc^2= Gamma-function(m_oc^2)
you dnt want to confuse relative mass and rest mass.
The convention followed by most physicists nowadays is to denote "rest mass" by m and "relativistic mass" by E/c2. And the terminology used is "mass" and "energy (divided by c2)" respectively.
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FAQ: Speed of light not a legitamate factor in relation to mass

1. What is the evidence that the speed of light is not a legitimate factor in relation to mass?

There is no direct evidence that the speed of light is not a legitimate factor in relation to mass. In fact, the theory of relativity, which includes the famous equation E=mc², has been extensively tested and confirmed through numerous experiments.

2. How does the speed of light affect mass?

The speed of light does not directly affect mass. However, according to the theory of relativity, as an object's velocity approaches the speed of light, its mass will increase. This effect is negligible at everyday speeds, but becomes more significant as an object approaches the speed of light.

3. Can an object with no mass travel at the speed of light?

No, according to the theory of relativity, an object with no mass would require an infinite amount of energy to reach the speed of light. Therefore, it is impossible for an object with no mass to travel at the speed of light.

4. How is the speed of light related to energy and mass?

The speed of light, energy, and mass are all related through the famous equation E=mc². This equation states that the energy (E) of an object is equal to its mass (m) multiplied by the speed of light (c) squared. This equation helps us understand the relationship between energy, mass, and the speed of light.

5. Can the speed of light be exceeded?

Based on our current understanding of physics, the speed of light is considered to be the ultimate speed limit in the universe. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, as an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases and it requires an infinite amount of energy to accelerate further. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that the speed of light can be exceeded.
