How did Apollo get to the moon?

In summary, the Apollo 11 mission used a translunar injection trajectory to reach the moon, which took 100 hours and 39 minutes 53 seconds. This was chosen over a Hohmann transfer, which would have taken 119 hours, due to the limitations of the Hohmann transfer in a system with multiple massive bodies. The translunar injection is simply the burn that transfers the vehicle from LEO to a trajectory to the Moon.
  • #1
Q: What kind of trajectory was used? And why was it used over the Hohmann transfer?

The time of flight to the moon on Apollo 11 was 100 hours, 39 minutes 53 seconds. The time of flight for a Hohmann transfer would have been 119 hours from my calculations.

I've done some research and found a translunar injection was used. But I couldn't find ANY INFO on WHY it was used. Was it to reduce launch window? For safety reasons?
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  • #2
A Hohmann transfer implicitly assumes a system with one and only one massive body. Strictly speaking, you can't do a Hohmann transfer from the Earth to the Moon, or the Moon to the Earth.

The term translunar injection just means the burn that transfers the vehicle from LEO to a trajectory to the Moon. What they used was a".
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FAQ: How did Apollo get to the moon?

1. How did Apollo land on the moon?

Apollo landed on the moon through a mission called Apollo 11. It involved a spacecraft called the Lunar Module (LM) that was designed specifically for landing on the moon. The LM was launched into space by a larger spacecraft called the Saturn V rocket. Once in orbit around the moon, the LM separated from the main spacecraft and descended to the lunar surface using its own engines.

2. How long did it take for Apollo to reach the moon?

The journey from Earth to the moon took approximately three days. The Apollo spacecraft traveled at a speed of about 24,500 miles per hour to cover the distance of approximately 240,000 miles between the two bodies.

3. How did Apollo astronauts survive the trip to the moon?

Apollo astronauts were able to survive the trip to the moon thanks to advanced technology and careful planning. The spacecraft was equipped with a life support system that provided oxygen, regulated temperature, and controlled humidity. The spacecraft was also shielded from radiation, and the astronauts wore special suits to protect them from the vacuum and extreme temperatures of space.

4. How did Apollo return to Earth from the moon?

After completing their mission on the moon, the astronauts launched the LM from the lunar surface and docked with the main spacecraft, which was orbiting the moon. They then discarded the LM and used the main spacecraft's engines to begin their journey back to Earth. The spacecraft re-entered the Earth's atmosphere and deployed parachutes to slow its descent before splashing down in the ocean.

5. How did Apollo prove that they had landed on the moon?

Apollo's landing on the moon was confirmed by multiple pieces of evidence. One of the most significant was the collection of lunar samples, which were brought back to Earth and analyzed by scientists. These samples showed distinct differences from Earth rocks and confirmed that they were indeed from the moon. Additionally, images and videos taken by the astronauts during their mission served as visual proof of their landing on the moon.

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