Standing waves and length of tube

In summary, a narrow column of air with standing waves at frequencies of 390 Hz, 520 Hz, and 650 Hz has a fundamental resonant frequency of 130 Hz. The length of the tube can be calculated using this frequency and the velocity of sound. It is open on both ends, similar to a pipe. Different wave speeds will result in different lengths, but the correct length can be determined by working out the corresponding m values for each frequency.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A narrow column of air is found to have standing waves at frequencies of 390 Hz, 520 Hz, and 650 Hz and at no frequencies in between these. The behavior of the tube at frequencies less than 390 Hz or greater than 650 Hz is not known.

How long is the tube?

Homework Equations

f = m(v/(2L)) = mf
m = 1,2,3,4...

The Attempt at a Solution

I keep getting .4358 or .4410 (depending on if I use 344 or 340 for the speed of sound, respectivly)
Physics news on
  • #2
one-end open tube or both ends open tube?
btw, your answers seem wrong either
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  • #3
mjsd said:
one-end open tube or both ends open tube?
btw, your answers seem wrong either

open on both ends, basically like a pipe..
  • #4
aliaze1 said:

Homework Equations

f = m(v/(2L)) = mf
m = 1,2,3,4...

did u work out the corresponding m's for your frequencies? indeed, different wave speed will give different L.
  • #5

mjsd said:
did u work out the corresponding m's for your frequencies? indeed, different wave speed will give different L.

so each frequency will give a different length? so what length would be correct?
  • #6
mjsd said:
one-end open tube or both ends open tube?
btw, your answers seem wrong either

well it said 'narrow column of air' so i assumed open on both ends
  • #7
aliaze1 said:
so each frequency will give a different length? so what length would be correct?

no, what I meant was, you should work out the value of your m's corresponding to each frequency:
say [tex]m_{f1} = k, m_{f2}=k+1, m_{f3}=k+2[/tex] where f1, f2 and f3 are the 390, 520, 650 Hz.

and you would only get different answer if your speed of sound is different.
it appears that this can only be the open-both-ends case for it to work. (just from the wavelength to m relations)
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  • #8
Um, I'm not sure on this question either. Can someone guide me through it? It's also been giving me problems.
  • #9
Hate to revive an old thread but I can't figure out this one for the life of me...I've tried entering the length for every frequency (with the accompanying mode) and none of them seem to give me the correct length.
  • #10
Three frequencies 390, 520, and 650 Hz can be wrightten as 3x130, 4x130 and 5x130. The same open tube can resonate in these three modes. Hence fundamental resonant frequency of the tube must be 130 Hz. Using this frequency and the velocity of sound, you can calculate the length of the tube.

FAQ: Standing waves and length of tube

1. What is a standing wave?

A standing wave is a wave pattern that forms when two waves of equal frequency and amplitude travel in opposite directions and interfere with each other, resulting in a stationary pattern.

2. How is the length of a tube related to standing waves?

The length of a tube is directly related to the wavelength of a standing wave that can be produced within it. The length of the tube must be equal to a half integer multiple of the wavelength for a standing wave to form.

3. What are the nodes and antinodes in a standing wave?

Nodes are points on a standing wave where there is no displacement, while antinodes are points of maximum displacement. In a tube, nodes occur at the closed ends and antinodes occur at the open ends.

4. How does the frequency of a standing wave change with the length of a tube?

The frequency of a standing wave is inversely proportional to the length of a tube. As the length of the tube increases, the frequency of the standing wave decreases and vice versa.

5. Can a standing wave exist in a tube with both ends open?

Yes, a standing wave can exist in a tube with both ends open if the length of the tube is equal to a half integer multiple of the wavelength. This is known as an open-closed tube and has a standing wave pattern with a node at one end and an antinode at the other.
