How can we study the composition of the Sun and Jupiter without direct samples?

In summary, the helium found in the Sun's atmosphere, Jupiter's atmosphere, and the Sun's core is primarily produced through the big bang and fusion of hydrogen in the cores of stars. Observational challenges make it difficult to obtain direct samples, but estimates are made through modeling and various observational techniques. The Galileo mission also provided direct measurements of helium in Jupiter's atmosphere.
  • #1
S. Dilly
Stuck again with this "not so informational" astronomy book, and we need help with a question.

What produced the helium in the Suns atmosphere, Jupiters atmosphere, and the suns core?


can anyone help us?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
The planetary gases originally had helium; it's the 2nd most abundant gas in our universe.
  • #3
The big bang produced most of the helium that exists today. 75% of the mass created in the big bang was hydrogen, and the rest was almost all helium. Stars do fuse hydrogen to helium in their cores however, so some of the helium in the Sun's core is a fusion product, while some of it is primordial.

- Warren
  • #4
Thank you both, We read somewhere it was because of the bigbang, we just needed more information to go off of to make a correct answer. I appreciate both of you takin time out to help us.

Thanks again :D
  • #5
just to add to the good responses...

The Big Bang created lot of subatomic particles (the building blocks of atoms). 300,000 years later when the universe cooled enough, those building blocks formed the smallest atoms (as you would expect)...hydrogen and helium.
  • #6
these answers are for "the sun".. are they the same for jupiter??
  • #7
A_I_ said:
these answers are for "the sun".. are they the same for jupiter??
In a word, yes.

The observational challenges are huge - we can't take direct samples of the inside of the Sun, nor Jupiter; in both cases we can only 'see' (in the optical, UV, IR, radio, etc) the 'surface' of the objects. Of course, we have samples of the solar wind (and the recently crashed Genesis satellite would have given us much more data on this!), and some info on the near Jovian environment (from Galileo), but those results need to be interpreted with caution.

So, estimates of the bulk elemental composition of these bodies relies heavily on modeling (using well-established, earthly, physics) and observational techniques such as helioseismology (and boring things like the bulk density and moments of inertia). You can also consider it to be a kind of linear programming exercise - what values of elemental abundance are consistent with the wide range of different observational and experimental results?
  • #8
Nereid said:
we can't take direct samples of the inside of the Sun, nor Jupiter; in both cases we can only 'see' (in the optical, UV, IR, radio, etc) the 'surface' of the objects. Of course, we have samples of the solar wind (and the recently crashed Genesis satellite would have given us much more data on this!), and some info on the near Jovian environment (from Galileo), but those results need to be interpreted with caution.

FWIW, the Galileo mission also dropped a probe into the cloudtops of Jupiter for some direct measurements.
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FAQ: How can we study the composition of the Sun and Jupiter without direct samples?

1. What is Helium Sun and how does it differ from a regular sun?

Helium Sun is a type of star that is primarily made up of helium instead of hydrogen like a regular sun. This difference in composition affects the way the star produces energy and its lifespan.

2. How does Helium Sun produce energy?

Helium Sun produces energy through a process called nuclear fusion. The high temperatures and pressure in the star's core cause helium atoms to fuse together, releasing energy in the form of light and heat.

3. Why is Jupiter often referred to as a "failed star"?

Jupiter is often referred to as a "failed star" because it contains a large amount of hydrogen and helium, similar to a star. However, it did not have enough mass to undergo nuclear fusion and become a true star.

4. How does the amount of helium in a planet's atmosphere affect its characteristics?

The amount of helium in a planet's atmosphere can affect its characteristics in various ways. For example, a high concentration of helium can lead to a thicker atmosphere and a higher surface temperature. It can also influence the planet's ability to retain its atmosphere and its overall climate.

5. Why is helium a rare element in the universe?

Helium is a rare element in the universe because it is primarily produced through nuclear fusion in stars. However, once it is released into space, it is often lost due to its low mass and escape velocity. This makes it difficult for helium to accumulate in large quantities.
