Finite element analysis alternative?

In summary, FEA is an easier alternative to Finite Element Analysis, but there are many different types of FEA software and they all have different strengths and weaknesses.
  • #1
finite element analysis alternative??

hi do you happen to know any alternative for using Finite Element Analysis(FEA)? i need to know it badly.. hope someone could help. thanks!
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  • #2
If you can be a bit more specific about your problem I'm sure people can came up with more alternatives ... ? In principle any numerical method suited for solution of partial differential equations is a potential alternative, if considering FEM - like methods with similar properties & "power" when applied to complex PDE problems there is stuff like the boundary element method, people still use the finite difference method, meshfree methods etc.
  • #3
Make some simplifying assumptions and derive the equations of motion from first principles.

FEA is a much easier alternative.
  • #4
Other than being able to solve a PDE analytically, FEM and FDM are pretty much it.

However, one can employ a relatively new technique, BEM or Boundary Element Method -

The method depends on the problem.
  • #5
The IFER site has some links to FEA alternatives for PDEs :

(if its down as I've found for some reason lately take it e.g. from google cache).
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  • #6
You could also try energy methods...

I recommend:
Galerkin's Method
Rayleigh's Quotient
Rayleigh-Ritz Method
Assumed Modes Method

Any good structures or vibrations text will give you what you need.

  • #7
I understand this is a stretch.. but can anyone recommend any open source.. or even better.. a free FEA/FDM software for windows or *nix
  • #8
I use this nowadays for most of my analyses :

its a complete package, constantly under serious development and state-of-the-art, kicks the butt of most commercial software.
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  • #9
Thanks for that link, Perennial. I'll download that after the New Year.
  • #10
You're welcome ... it's well documented, has lots of examples and a good manual (even access to source code) ... I've used it for the past 10 years and have a whole lot of material on it (like interfaces towards different FEA software formats) ... so I can probably come up with something if you run into trouble.

FAQ: Finite element analysis alternative?

1. What is finite element analysis (FEA) and why is it important?

Finite element analysis (FEA) is a numerical method used to solve engineering problems that involve complex geometries, material properties, and boundary conditions. It is important because it allows engineers to simulate real-world conditions and predict the behavior of a structure or system before it is built, saving time and resources in the design and testing process.

2. What are some common applications of FEA?

FEA has a wide range of applications in various fields of engineering, including structural analysis, heat transfer, fluid flow, and electromagnetics. It can be used to analyze and optimize designs for buildings, bridges, aircraft, cars, medical devices, and more.

3. What are some alternative methods to FEA?

Some alternative methods to FEA include boundary element method (BEM), meshless methods, and analytical methods. BEM is similar to FEA but uses surface elements instead of volume elements. Meshless methods use a set of scattered points to discretize the domain, while analytical methods involve solving differential equations using mathematical formulas.

4. What are the advantages of using an alternative method to FEA?

Alternative methods to FEA may offer advantages such as faster computation time, more accurate results for certain types of problems, and easier implementation for complex geometries. They may also require less computational resources, making them more cost-effective.

5. When is it appropriate to use an alternative method instead of FEA?

It is appropriate to use an alternative method instead of FEA when the problem at hand has specific characteristics or constraints that are better suited for a different method. For example, BEM is more suitable for problems with unbounded domains, while analytical methods may be more accurate for simple geometries with known analytical solutions.
