Biot-Savart + Coulomb + Charge Conservation = Maxwell?

In summary, Coulomb's law, the Law of Conservation of Charge, and Maxwell's Equations all contain information about the movement of charges and the generation of electric fields.
  • #1
Biot-Savart + Coulomb + Charge Conservation = Maxwell??

Do the Biot-Savart Law, Coulomb's Law, and the Law of Charge Conservation contain the same information as Maxwell's Equations? i.e.

d\vec{B} = \frac{\mu_o}{4\pi} \frac{I d\vec{l} \times \hat r }{r^2} \\
\vec{E}= \frac{1}{4\pi\varepsilon_o} \frac{Q \hat r}{r^2} \\
\nabla \cdot \vec{J} = -\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} ,
\nabla \cdot \vec{E} = \frac{\rho}{\epsilon_0} \\
\nabla \cdot \vec{B} = 0 \\
\nabla \times \vec{E} = -\frac{\partial \vec{B}}{\partial t} \\
\nabla \times \vec{B} = \mu_0 \vec{J} + \mu_0 \epsilon_0 \frac{\partial \vec{E}}{\partial t},
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  • #3
The original question I think is better phrased as, "can we use one set of equations to derive the other?". Coulomb's law and the Biot-Savart Law can certainly be derived from Maxwell's equations, I don't think the same is true for the Law of charge conservation however, because from memory, one needed to use this law to derive the amended version of Ampere's Law (I'm going on memory though so I could be wrong).

  • #4
Claude Bile said:
The original question I think is better phrased as, "can we use one set of equations to derive the other?". Coulomb's law and the Biot-Savart Law can certainly be derived from Maxwell's equations, I don't think the same is true for the Law of charge conservation however, because from memory, one needed to use this law to derive the amended version of Ampere's Law (I'm going on memory though so I could be wrong).


Yes. It can:

[tex]\nabla \times \vec{B} = \mu_0 \vec{J} + \mu_0 \epsilon_0 \frac{\partial \vec{E}}{\partial t}[/tex]

Take the divergence of each side:

[tex]\nabla \cdot \nabla \times \vec{B} = \mu_0 \nabla \cdot \vec{J} + \mu_0 \epsilon_0 \frac{\partial \nabla \cdot \vec{E}}{\partial t}[/tex]

Now, [tex]\nabla \cdot \nabla \times \vec{B} = 0[/tex] identially, while [tex]\nabla \cdot \vec{E} = \frac{\rho}{\epsilon_0}[/tex].

Thus, [tex]0 = \mu_0 \nabla \cdot \vec{J} + \mu_0 \epsilon_0 \frac{\partial \rho /\epsilon_0}{\partial t}[/tex]

Or, more simply [tex]\nabla \cdot \vec{J} = -\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t}[/tex]
  • #5
Claude Bile said:
The original question I think is better phrased as, "can we use one set of equations to derive the other?". Coulomb's law and the Biot-Savart Law can certainly be derived from Maxwell's equations, I don't think the same is true for the Law of charge conservation however, because from memory, one needed to use this law to derive the amended version of Ampere's Law (I'm going on memory though so I could be wrong).


I know that Maxwell's Equation can be used to derive all sorts of laws (which is why they are so famous and revered). I was actually interested in knowing if we can derive full-blown Maxwell's Equations (all 4 of 'em) using the set of three laws: {Coulomb's law, Biot-Savart Law, Law of Conservation of Charge}. Is that possible??
  • #6
Swapnil said:
I know that Maxwell's Equation can be used to derive all sorts of laws (which is why they are so famous and revered). I was actually interested in knowing if we can derive full-blown Maxwell's Equations (all 4 of 'em) using the set of three laws: {Coulomb's law, Biot-Savart Law, Law of Conservation of Charge}. Is that possible??

I don't think so, because these three laws do not contain the possibility of radiation of electromagnetic waves. If the radiation is neglected, and there are only charges and current elements interacting with each other, then, I believe, your assumption is correct.

  • #7
Claude Bile said:
The original question I think is better phrased as, "can we use one set of equations to derive the other?". Coulomb's law and the Biot-Savart Law can certainly be derived from Maxwell's equations, I don't think the same is true for the Law of charge conservation however, because from memory, one needed to use this law to derive the amended version of Ampere's Law ...

it seems to me that since magnetic fields can only be generated by the movement of charges and since when charges move from one place to another, the place they move from experiences a net loss of charge (reducing, in time, the electrostatic flux emitted from that place) and the place they move to experiences a net increase of charge (increasing, in time, the electrostatic flux emitted from there), that the conservation of charge does have a role here. but i am trying to decide if it's a native ingredient or a consequence. i think the OP might have an insight of value here.

think of a nice cylinderical capacitor with two parallel circular plates and the two leads connected outward from the plates at right angles to the plane of the plates. the B field generated around the wires going in (where there is movement of charge) is the same as the B field generated around the empty space between the plates (where there is a changing electric field because of the accumulation of charge on the plates but no moving charge).
  • #8
Swapnil said:
I know that Maxwell's Equation can be used to derive all sorts of laws (which is why they are so famous and revered). I was actually interested in knowing if we can derive full-blown Maxwell's Equations (all 4 of 'em) using the set of three laws: {Coulomb's law, Biot-Savart Law, Law of Conservation of Charge}. Is that possible??

I'm not 100% certain about this; but, I'm thinking that, once you impose self-consistency, you might just be able to do this. Coulomb's Law and the Biot-Savart law are solutions of electrostatics and magnetostatics respectively. So, these should, alone, give rise to Gauss' Law and Ampere's Law. Again, playing the game with the divergence of Ampere's Law, and requiring charge conservation (a.k.a. continuity) will force the introduction of the displacement current term. So, these three conditions certainly allow the construction of everything other than Faraday's Law of Induction.

My feeling here is that requiring self-consistency among the equations probably, then, leads to the requirement that Faraday's Law hold; but, I haven't quite found the argument for it yet. I know that there's a relatively simple argument for the displacement current when the rest of Maxwell's equations are already in place; so, I would think that something might parallel that.
  • #9
The way the original equations are written down, I think it won't be possible, because Coulomb's law, for instance, is not valid in all generality (when there is radiation for instance, you can have an E-field in the radiation which is NOT given by Coulomb's law).

FAQ: Biot-Savart + Coulomb + Charge Conservation = Maxwell?

1. What is the Biot-Savart law?

The Biot-Savart law is a fundamental law of electromagnetism that describes the magnetic field produced by a current-carrying wire. It states that the magnetic field at a certain point is proportional to the current, the length of the wire, and the sine of the angle between the wire and the point.

2. How does the Coulomb law relate to the Biot-Savart law?

The Coulomb law describes the force between two stationary electric charges, while the Biot-Savart law describes the magnetic field produced by a current-carrying wire. The two laws are related because a moving charge creates a magnetic field, and a changing magnetic field can create an electric field. Together, these two laws help to explain the relationship between electricity and magnetism.

3. What is the significance of charge conservation in these equations?

Charge conservation is a fundamental principle in physics that states that the total electric charge in a closed system remains constant. This principle is essential in the equations of Biot-Savart, Coulomb, and Maxwell, as it ensures that the values of electric and magnetic fields remain consistent and accurate.

4. How do Maxwell's equations incorporate the Biot-Savart and Coulomb laws?

Maxwell's equations are a set of four equations that describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields. These equations combine the Biot-Savart and Coulomb laws with additional equations that account for the effects of changing electric and magnetic fields. They provide a more complete understanding of electromagnetism and are essential in many areas of modern physics and engineering.

5. What are the practical applications of these equations?

The Biot-Savart, Coulomb, and Maxwell equations have numerous practical applications in fields such as electrical engineering, telecommunications, and medical imaging. They are used to design and analyze various electrical and electronic devices, such as motors, generators, and antennas. They also play a crucial role in understanding the behavior of electromagnetic waves and their interactions with matter.
