Assistance w/ Inductive Proofs required :-)

In summary, the given problem is to prove by induction that for any natural number n, there exists an integer a greater or equal to zero such that n*2^m <= (n+a)*2^m. The confusion lies in which variable to use for induction, but it is determined to be n since the proposition is for all n. The proof involves establishing a base case and then showing that if the statement holds for n = k, it also holds for n = k+1. It may seem simple, but the key is in choosing the right a. However, the problem may have been stated incorrectly as it can be easily proven without induction.
  • #1
Hey all, I got a proposition I am supposed to prove by induction but am just a bit confused. The problem is as follows:

Prove by the principle of mathematical induction that if m is a natural number, then for each natural number n, there exists an integer a greater or equal to zero such that,

n*2^m <= (n+a)*2^m

The inequality is not that difficult but I am just unsure as to which variable I would be doing the induction on. I assume its n, since the proposition is making a statement for all n. Any thoughts otherwise?

And additionally if I did do induction on n, how would I then show existence for a??

Thanks for the help.
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  • #2
It says for each n, so n is the variable you use induction on.
First off take n=1, what does the theorem state then?, is the inequality you're trying to solve the following:
n\cdot 2^{m}\leqslant (n+a)2^{m}\Rightarrow n\leqslant n+a
Is this not obvious, have you copied the question down correctly?

  • #3
Thanks for your replay Mat. No that is the question,, my teacher is concerned with our actual writing of the proofs more so than giving us tuff problems. And yes lol it is incredibly obvious but how do i state it mathematically? arrgghh!
  • #4
1. Establish a base case (typically for n = 1).
2. Assume that the statement is true for n = k.
3. Show that if the statement is true for n = k, then it must also be true for n = k + 1.
  • #5
It seems to me that the whole thing boils down to showing that for any n, there is an a>0? Is it this simple? The whole thing seems to be independent of m.
  • #6
It does seem to be simple. The OP is correct in thinking that induction should be done on n. As Mark44 indicates, first prove the statement for n = 1. That is, fix m and find an a for which the inequality holds. Next, if n = k, and there exists an a for which the inequality holds, show that there is an a for which the inequality holds when n = k+1. Key is your choice of a; in this case, there are many easy choices.
  • #7
I almost suspect the OP stated the problem wrong since it’s so easy to prove without induction:

n = n
n < n + a for a > 0
2^m(n) < 2^m(n + a) since 2^m > 0

so for free m,n and a>0; 2^m(n) < 2^m(n + a)

FAQ: Assistance w/ Inductive Proofs required :-)

1. What is an inductive proof?

An inductive proof is a mathematical proof technique that uses a specific pattern or sequence to prove a statement for all values in a set. It involves proving a base case and then using that to prove the next case, and so on until the statement is proven for all cases.

2. How do I know when to use an inductive proof?

An inductive proof is typically used to prove statements about natural numbers or sets with a specific pattern or structure. If you notice a pattern or sequence in your problem, an inductive proof may be a good approach.

3. What is the difference between strong and weak induction?

In strong induction, the proof assumes that all previous cases in the sequence are true in order to prove the next case. In weak induction, the proof only assumes that the previous case is true. Strong induction is often used when the statement being proven depends on multiple previous cases.

4. How do I construct an inductive proof?

To construct an inductive proof, you first need to identify the base case and prove it. Then, assume the previous case is true and use that to prove the next case. Repeat this process until you have proven the statement for all cases in the sequence.

5. Can you provide an example of an inductive proof?

Sure! An example of an inductive proof could be to prove that the sum of the first n positive integers is n(n+1)/2. The base case would be n=1, where the sum of the first positive integer is 1. Then, assuming the statement is true for n=k, we can prove that it is also true for n=k+1. By following this pattern, we can prove that the statement holds for all positive integers.
