Neanderthals: Red Hair Discovered in Ancient Species

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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Volume 318, Number 5855, 1453-1455.In summary, lead author Carles Lalueza-Fox, assistant professor in genetics at the University of Barcelona, and his team discovered that Neanderthals had a variant of the MC1R gene that is not present in modern humans. This variant causes a similar effect on hair color as seen in modern redheads. This finding suggests that Neanderthals may have had varying levels of pigmentation.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
..."We found a variant of MC1R in Neanderthals which is not present in modern humans, but which causes an effect on the hair similar to that seen in modern redheads," said lead author Carles Lalueza-Fox, assistant professor in genetics at the University of Barcelona. [continued]
Biology news on
  • #2

Carles Lalueza-Fox, Holger Römpler, David Caramelli, Claudia Stäubert, Giulio Catalano, David Hughes, Nadin Rohland, Elena Pilli, Laura Longo, Silvana Condemi, Marco de la Rasilla, Javier Fortea, Antonio Rosas, Mark Stoneking, Torsten Schöneberg, Jaume Bertranpetit, and Michael Hofreiter
A Melanocortin 1 Receptor Allele Suggests Varying Pigmentation Among Neanderthals.
(25 October 2007) Science.
  • #3

This is a fascinating discovery that sheds new light on the appearance of Neanderthals. The fact that they possessed a genetic variant associated with red hair, a trait that is typically seen in modern humans, is a surprising finding. It suggests that Neanderthals may have had a wider range of physical characteristics than previously thought, and it also raises questions about the genetic diversity and interbreeding between Neanderthals and early humans. This discovery highlights the importance of continued research and exploration into our ancient ancestors and their genetic makeup.

FAQ: Neanderthals: Red Hair Discovered in Ancient Species

1. What is the significance of discovering red hair in Neanderthals?

The discovery of red hair in Neanderthals provides evidence that this ancient species had a diverse range of physical characteristics, similar to modern humans. It also suggests that Neanderthals may have interbred with other hominid species, as the gene for red hair has been found in modern humans and other ancient hominids.

2. How was the red hair in Neanderthals discovered?

The red hair in Neanderthals was discovered through the analysis of ancient DNA extracted from a fossilized Neanderthal bone. Scientists were able to identify a specific gene associated with red hair and found that it was present in the Neanderthal genome.

3. Are there any other physical characteristics of Neanderthals that have been discovered?

Yes, there have been other physical characteristics of Neanderthals that have been discovered through the analysis of their DNA. These include a higher incidence of freckles, a tendency towards fair skin and eyes, and a possible adaptation to cold weather in the form of a stocky build and wider nasal passages.

4. How did Neanderthals compare to modern humans in terms of physical appearance?

Neanderthals were generally shorter and more robust than modern humans, with a larger brain size and sloping foreheads. They also had a prominent brow ridge and a prominent nose. However, the discovery of red hair and other physical characteristics suggests that there was also a wide range of diversity within the Neanderthal species, similar to modern humans.

5. Did Neanderthals have any cultural or societal practices related to red hair?

There is no evidence to suggest that Neanderthals had any specific cultural or societal practices related to red hair. However, it is possible that the gene for red hair may have held some cultural or symbolic value within Neanderthal communities, similar to how it does in some modern societies.

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