Google Search PhysicsForums Virus Attack

In summary, a link on Google redirected to a forum on Physicsforums which was then attacked by spyware and viruses.
  • #1
While searching a topic on Google, I ran across a link that lead to Physicsforums so I clicked the link.

The next thing I knew, my computer was under massive attack. Viruses were being delivered as anti-virus warning windows began popping up. Spybots and Malware were being delivered - found over 60 in one pass. Programs of some sort were being installed. My browser opening page was highjacked.

So, what happened? Why did a link leading to this forum get re-directed?
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  • #2
Do you by any chance still have the original link from Google? I would email everything you have to chroot or Greg, just in case this is a problem with this site. I doubt it, though, and you can probably attribute what happened to spyware that was already installed on your computer.
  • #3
that must have been scary
  • #4
DarkAnt said:
that must have been scary
No, not scary at all, Web developers know well what problems they might be...
  • #5
(Q) said:
While searching a topic on Google, I ran across a link that lead to Physicsforums so I clicked the link.

The next thing I knew, my computer was under massive attack. Viruses were being delivered as anti-virus warning windows began popping up. Spybots and Malware were being delivered - found over 60 in one pass. Programs of some sort were being installed. My browser opening page was highjacked.

So, what happened? Why did a link leading to this forum get re-directed?
Give me that link, I want to know how dangerous it really is..
  • #6
Give me the link too. I'll believe it when I see it. The more likely scenario being that you went to another, it openned a pop-under that you didn't see. Then you happened to go to click on a link to physicsforums when the pop-under initiated its attack against your computer.
  • #8
(Q) said:
I went back in my history folder and found the link below:
Why didn't I see anything similar to what you said ? (-.-)
I guess those viruses have found out other sources, so they have gone chase them, and left this thread alone, (there is also possibility that they are afraid of Pattielli--(:redface:)) uhmm, it is internet though, there will never be anything so called statability, if viruses saw something strange/ irritative, they will choose other ways to run immediately, I addmit it is hard to catch them, and much harder if they are already well-trained (well-made) ones--again internet, it is internet ! yeah -- yeah --yeah!
  • #9
You must have gotten it for somewhere else. Even though I'm in linux have popup blocking, I would have seen a little icon telling me it blocked something.
  • #10
I'm with (Q) on this matter. Here's what I did;

1) Deleted all TIF files
2) Ran AdAware and removed all traces.
3) Clicked on that link provided by (Q).

Two popup windows and WMP opened.
Popup 1: Web Page Dialog for Westwood College Online.
Popup 2: Microsoft Internet Explorer for

So, I closed the player and killed the two popups, then hit the refresh button on my browser window;

Three popups, WMP, and an Install program dialog box appeared. Killed all instances and ran AdAware again. Seven instances were detected, all cookies. Here's the list;


Also, in checking the TIF folder I found the following executables, two of which I'm fairly certain are adware related from having dealt with them in the past;


In short, I have every reason to believe that link is buggy.
  • #11
I used to visit codeguru where I got much more than these things, and whenever i run adware, i see them even in my registry.
By the way, after glancing at what you posted, I would highly recommend not to accept third-party cookies, then turn on the ad-block function available in your browser if that is not explorer. But if it is, you should google and download an ads-blocker for free, I am sorry i don't remember its URL but i am sure there are a lot!
If you like or as a careful person, you should check the internet options and check "ask before accepting cookies". If there is something that you shouldn't put your trust on, just click NO and everything would be fine !

Hope that can be of help!
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  • #12
It's a shame I never have to worry about these problems. I almost feel bad for you windows users. :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #14
Thanks all, but I'm not asking how to avoid such things, merely supporting what (Q) said as being accurate and alerting anyone who may be interested in looking into this matter (Greg?).

FAQ: Google Search PhysicsForums Virus Attack

1. What is the "Google Search PhysicsForums Virus Attack"?

The "Google Search PhysicsForums Virus Attack" is a term used to describe a malicious attack that targets users searching for PhysicsForums on Google. This attack may redirect users to fake websites or prompt them to download malware.

2. How does this virus attack affect users?

The virus attack can affect users in several ways. It can compromise their personal information, such as login credentials and credit card details, as well as cause damage to their devices by installing harmful software or deleting important files.

3. How can I protect myself from the "Google Search PhysicsForums Virus Attack"?

To protect yourself from this virus attack, it is important to have up-to-date antivirus software installed on your device. You should also be cautious when clicking on links or downloading files from unfamiliar websites, and regularly back up your important files.

4. What should I do if I think I have been affected by the "Google Search PhysicsForums Virus Attack"?

If you suspect that you have been affected by this virus attack, immediately run a full system scan with your antivirus software. You should also change your login credentials for any accounts that may have been compromised and monitor your financial accounts for any suspicious activity.

5. Is there any way to report this virus attack to Google?

Yes, you can report the "Google Search PhysicsForums Virus Attack" to Google by using their Security Checkup tool. This will alert Google to the attack and they can take steps to prevent it from affecting other users. You can also report the attack to the Federal Trade Commission at

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