Feeling old? Have you seen the latest xkcd comic?

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In summary, kids today are not as literate as they used to be and some things have not changed at all since the 70s.
  • #1
Homework Helper
If you haven't seen this already: http://xkcd.com/891/

If you're 15 or younger, read the mouse-over text.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I hate my life now.
  • #3
Wow, Shrek was 10 years ago. I actually felt a twinge of devastation reading that.
  • #4
ideasrule said:
If you're 15 or younger, read the mouse-over text.

You mean there are people aged 15 or younger who still know how to read?

Well, you learn something new here every day :rolleyes:
  • #5
I know what an 8-track was.
  • #6
my son is into transformers at the same age i was. even mario is pushin 30
  • #7
A child thinks that 25 cents or 25 years can scarce ever be spent.
  • #8
Jimmy Snyder said:
A child thinks that 25 cents or 25 years can scarce ever be spent.

A child also thinks 2x50p pieces are worth more than a £1 coin.
  • #9
<ignorance>100p = £1, right?</ignorance>
  • #10
jhae2.718 said:
<ignorance>100p = £1, right?</ignorance>


Give them a pound coin and they're happy, give them five 20p coins and they're ecstatic.

Seen a few fights because one got "more" than the other in this way.
  • #11
And if you give an adult a gold coin that turns out to be chocolate wrapped in tin foil, they will be disappointed. If you give a child a gold coin and it turns out to be solid gold the child will be disappointed.
  • #12
Kramer Jr. is almost 40.
  • #13
It has been more than 38 years since astronauts last walked on the Moon.
  • #14
The last season of Gilligan's Island was in 1967.
  • #15
Borek said:
Kramer Jr.
GeorginaS said:
Gilligan's Island

What the heck are you guys talking about?
  • #16
George Jones said:
It has been more than 38 years since astronauts last walked on the Moon.

What a coincidence. There's even a cartoon for that: http://xkcd.com/893/
  • #17
I explained what an LP is/was to the bf of my youngest daughter.
  • #18
GeorginaS said:
The last season of Gilligan's Island was in 1967.

The last episode of Star Trek aired (for the first time) in June, 1969.
  • #19
Andre said:
I explained what an LP is/was to the bf of my youngest daughter.

You should have given him a copy of the Golden Record. The instructions for building and operating a device to listen to it are right on the record, itself.

Or, then again, having human youth prove incapable of deciphering something we intend alien life to interpret may just be depressing.
  • #20
BobG said:
You should have given him a copy of the Golden Record. The instructions for building and operating a device to listen to it are right on the record, itself.

Or, then again, having human youth prove incapable of deciphering something we intend alien life to interpret may just be depressing.

Forget about human youth. Even top human scientists back in the 1970's couldn't decipher the Golden Record; top scientists of today would probably have no hope whatsoever if they haven't seen it before.
  • #21
i feel terribly old when i realize has been ten years since the appearence of tom green on MTV... we were so young :cry:

FAQ: Feeling old? Have you seen the latest xkcd comic?

What is the latest xkcd comic about and why is it relevant to feeling old?

The latest xkcd comic is about a character who feels old because they remember using a certain technology or cultural reference that is now outdated. It is relevant to feeling old because it highlights the feeling of being left behind by rapidly changing technology and cultural norms.

Why do some people feel old while others do not?

Feeling old is a subjective experience that can vary greatly among individuals. Factors that can contribute to feeling old include physical changes, societal expectations, and personal mindset.

How can feeling old affect a person's mental and emotional well-being?

Feeling old can lead to negative thoughts and emotions such as sadness, anxiety, and a sense of loss. It can also contribute to low self-esteem and a lack of motivation.

Is there a way to prevent or lessen the feeling of being old?

While aging is inevitable, there are ways to maintain a positive outlook and mindset. Engaging in activities that bring joy and purpose, staying physically active, and maintaining social connections can all help combat the feeling of being old.

How can society address and support those who feel old?

Society can promote a more positive view of aging by celebrating the wisdom and experiences that come with getting older. It can also provide resources and support for older individuals to stay engaged and connected, such as community programs and initiatives focused on intergenerational interactions.

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