What's the deal with thoughts and quantum ice?

  • Thread starter Jeremy
  • Start date
In summary, this little bit of content is about crystals and thoughts having an effect on the quantum level. Some scientists involved in the project believe that happy thoughts lead to beautiful snowflakes, while negative thoughts lead to ugly things. A layman such as yourself might think that the shapes formed by different types of music are due to the shaking of water, but this is not supported by any peer-reviewed research. Dr. Emoto is a well-known tourist promoter of pseudoscience, and his self-published book does not have the endorsement of any physicists.
  • #1
read this little bit


the scientists involved in this project seem to think that thoughts can have an effect on the quantum level, leading to different formations of ice.

i find it strange that the happy ideas we think of (love and gratitude, mozart) makes a beatiful ~snowflake, while hate leads to that ugly brown thing...just as we would want it to. maybe the formation is actually random, but that is what we were looking for?

furthermore, a layman such as myself might suggest that the shape formed by "heavy metal music" is a result of the water shaking.

i don't really believe this stuff because this is the only source i could find.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Nonsense. The give away is the phrase "self-published book" which you can read as "not peer reviewed." What we have here, I think, is another example of a so called scientist preying on the confusion that exists amongst non-scientists. Guys like this give the real scientists a bad name.

I guess he could be right :rolleyes: , and the moon might be made of cheese (the moon landing was faked after all, so who knows what the moon is made of).
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  • #3
that website is a few years old but Dr. Emoto is well renowned for his findings in Japan. They have been verified and are real facts.. its really interesting thing to think about. I've been following it since "what the bleep do we know" came out on DVD.
  • #4
Oh man this thread is going to get eaten up...

What the bleep do these people know is more like it.
  • #5
thats more rediculous than my Hydrogen atom "theory" which is pretty rediculous!
  • #6
Jeremy said:

i find it strange that the happy ideas we think of (love and gratitude, mozart) makes a beatiful ~snowflake, while hate leads to that ugly brown thing...

i don't really believe this stuff because this is the only source i could find.

Scientifically it is complete rubbish, but that's not the criteria.

The only thing what matters is that it sells. The naive question
is if there is scientific merit. The real question is if it makes a living.

Dr. Masaru Emoto's European and North American tour:


It seems Dr. Masaru Emoto has a great time traveling around the world in
the limelight with his hoax. Just doing his act as any traveling artist like
circus artists, magicians, traveling theaters, miracle doctors. Regard, Hans
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  • #7
Chipper said:
that website is a few years old but Dr. Emoto is well renowned for his findings in Japan. They have been verified and are real facts.
Why is it that I can't find a single peer-reviewed article authored by a "masaru emoto" (or one that cites any work by him) ?


Just found out why - this Dr. Emoto doesn't have a PhD - he's not a physicist. He has a certificate from an open university as a "doctor" of alternative medicine.
  • #8
Jeremy said:
the scientists involved in this project seem to think that thoughts can have an effect on the quantum level, leading to different formations of ice.
The word "quantum" has become synonymous with "magic". It can now be used to conjure with.
  • #9
zoobyshoe said:
The word "quantum" has become synonymous with "magic". It can now be used to conjure with.

I always knew witches were physicists... :-p
  • #10
hey I've heard that Emoto refuses to do a double blind test, this really makes his work hard to take seriously. I am not a scientist as such and was wondering if there are reasons why people won't do double blinds? I've got to talk about him soon and defend his work, help!
  • #12
azalea said:
Ive got to talk about him soon and defend his work, help!
So, why do you have to defend his work?
  • #13

FAQ: What's the deal with thoughts and quantum ice?

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Depending on the topic and findings, this research could have practical applications in various industries and fields. It is important for researchers to consider the potential real-world implications of their work and how it can be used to benefit society.
