Jumping on a Moving Bus: Conservation of Momentum?

  • Thread starter nirvana1990
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In summary: Suppose you are on a bus that is moving forward at a constant speed. If you jump straight up, you will be moving forward with the bus. However, if you jump up and to the side, you will be moving sideways with the bus. The reason is that the bus is moving forwards faster than you are, so the force of your jump pushes you sideways.
  • #1
Hello, I'm a little confused on what seems like a simple problem!

If you are on a moving bus (at a constant velocity) and you are standing in the aisle then you jump directly upwards, would you move backwards or forwards relative to the bus? Or would you stay in the same place relative to the bus?

Someone suggested to me that you would move forwards in order to conserve momentum. Is this correct?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You do not move relative to the direction that the bus is moving -- you and the bus have a constant velocity in that direction. The combined linear momentum of you and the bus in the direction of travel does not change as you jump straight up relative to the bus.
  • #3
Thanks for replying so quickly!
So you don't move relative to the bus? But what if you were stood on top of the moving bus?!? Would you then move backwards relative to the bus; so you'd fall of the back? If so, why does it make a difference whether you are inside the bus or on top, and therefore not contained, in the bus?
  • #4
Same thing except for air resistance. You would move relative to the bus, not the ground, but there would be a "wind" tending to blow you a little bit backwards. That's the difference- if you are "contained" in the bus, then the air around you is also contained in the bus and moving at the same speed (0 relative to the bus, bus speed relative to the pavement). If you are on top of the bus, the air is motionless (assuming no wind) relative to the pavement and so is moving at the buses speed, but backwards, relative to the bus. The situation is exactly the same as if you were standing on the ground and jumped straight up while a strong wind was blowing against you.
  • #5
nirvana1990 said:
Thanks for replying so quickly!
So you don't move relative to the bus? But what if you were stood on top of the moving bus?!? Would you then move backwards relative to the bus; so you'd fall of the back? If so, why does it make a difference whether you are inside the bus or on top, and therefore not contained, in the bus?

The only difference is that when you are on top of the bus, there is air pressure (aka wind) blowing in your face. If bus is moving at 60 mph, there is a 60 mph wind, which is quite strong. So, when you jump, this wind tends to push you back. If there was no air resistance, then your jumps inside and outside would be equally uneventful.

  • #6
Is it because when you are in the bus everything inside is stationary relative to each other but if you're on top of the bus (or on a skateboard) all the air molecules etc. are not stationary relative to you or the bus. Is that the difference between being inside the bus and being on top of the bus?
  • #7
Oh ok I see thanks for the explanations!
  • #8
What if the bus is now accelerating, if you're inside the bus you would move backwards wouldn't you (to oppose the force)? So if you were on top of the bus would you also move backwards relative to the bus? Like if you were on a skateboard going downhill?
  • #9
nirvana1990 said:
What if the bus is now accelerating, if you're inside the bus you would move backwards wouldn't you (to oppose the force)? So if you were on top of the bus would you also move backwards relative to the bus? Like if you were on a skateboard going downhill?

Exactly right. If the bus is accelerating forward, and you try to jump strait up inside it, you'll be pushed backward by the acceleration "force", and if you're on the roof, you'll be pushed backward by the air resistance plus the acceleration, and land further back than you would if the bus were traveling at a constant speed.
  • #10
Phew I thnk I finally understand! Thanks everyone for your help!
  • #11
Newton's first law: an object in motion stays in motion until a force acts upon it. This can definitely be applied here.

FAQ: Jumping on a Moving Bus: Conservation of Momentum?

1. Can you jump while the bus is moving?

Yes, you can jump while the bus is moving. However, it is not recommended as it can be dangerous and lead to accidents. It is always better to stay seated or hold onto a stable object while on a moving bus.

2. Will jumping on a moving bus affect its speed or stability?

Jumping on a moving bus will not affect its speed or stability significantly. Buses are designed to withstand the weight and movement of passengers, so a single person jumping will not make a noticeable difference.

3. Is it safe to jump while the bus is turning or braking?

No, it is not safe to jump while the bus is turning or braking. These movements can cause you to lose your balance and fall, potentially leading to injuries. It is best to wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to jump.

4. Are there any benefits to jumping on a moving bus?

There are no significant benefits to jumping on a moving bus. It can be seen as a fun or daring activity, but it also poses risks to the jumper and other passengers. It is always better to prioritize safety over any potential thrill.

5. Can jumping on a moving bus get you in trouble with the law?

Yes, jumping on a moving bus can be considered reckless behavior, and you can get in trouble with the law. It is important to follow all safety rules and regulations while on public transportation to avoid any legal consequences.
