Differential Equation substitute-to-make-seperable question

In summary, the conversation discusses two problems from an old exam, one involving finding the general solution for a differential equation and the other involving a substitution method. The participants also confirm their answers and discuss the method for solving the problems.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Problem #7 in this old exam: http://math.njit.edu/pdfs/222ex1.pdf

... note: i didnt care about getting the IVP solvied... this is just practice and getting the general solution was all i cared about doing

2. The attempt at a solution

I think i confirmed my answer in a cas. But my confussion is if i plug the original differential equation, without making that substitution, that i get a different general solution... and I'm not entirely sure if that's to be expected.

In short, is my answer correct :P

3. Quick question about a different problem
Problem #3-A on that old exam:
"(d/dx)[sec(x)y]=x ...get general solution"

should the left side be expanded first, and then work the problem, or am i not seeing some easy way to separate this thing right away.
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  • #2
Well when i did the first one I eventually got

[tex]\frac{1}{2x}v' = \frac{v^2+1}{v}[/tex]

and I believe it was because of this step

[tex]y=vx[/tex] so [tex]\frac{dy}{dx}=x\frac{dv}{dx} + v [/tex] you missed out the extra v and put 0 instead

and for [tex]\frac{d}{dx}{[sec(x)y]=x [/tex]

I think they are telling you that the differential of sec(x)y w.r.t x is equal to x...so you can just integrate both sides w.r.t x
  • #3
Thanks for the help. Teacher confirmed how you did the substitution, but think we got different answer, or its in a different form.

From just sub-ing in y = vx the general solution from that was
v^2 = CX-1, which was de-substituted to become
(Y/X)^2 = CX - 1 by replacing v with y/x

and y(1) = 1 was the initial condition... you i know i ddidnt want to do the ivp,, but this is answer anyhoot

gives... C = 2

so exact solution is: (y/x)^2 = 2x -1

so you my problem was i differentiated wrong... was trying to do partial derivitives but i think the goal was implicit differentation... and it got the respect-to-x from the original differential equation which i didn't realize to do. Thx for the help.

FAQ: Differential Equation substitute-to-make-seperable question

What is a differential equation?

A differential equation is a mathematical equation that relates a function with its derivatives. It describes the relationship between a function and its rate of change.

What does it mean to "substitute-to-make-separable" in a differential equation?

To substitute-to-make-separable in a differential equation means to manipulate the equation by replacing certain variables or terms in order to separate the variables on different sides of the equation. This makes it easier to solve the equation.

Why is it important to make a differential equation separable?

Making a differential equation separable makes it easier to solve, as it allows us to isolate the variables and integrate each side separately. It also helps us to understand the relationship between the variables in the equation.

What are the steps for solving a "substitute-to-make-separable" differential equation?

The steps for solving a "substitute-to-make-separable" differential equation are as follows:
1. Identify the dependent and independent variables
2. Manipulate the equation by substituting to make it separable
3. Integrate both sides of the equation
4. Solve for the constant of integration
5. Substitute the values back into the original equation to find the solution.

Can all differential equations be made separable?

No, not all differential equations can be made separable. Some equations are inherently not separable, and require different methods of solving such as using integrating factors or Laplace transforms.

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