Water bath system - flow rate problems

In summary, Allan is trying to design a system in which two tanks will be used to control water properties. He has a problem with the flow rate from one tank to the other and needs to calculate the flow rate using various methods.
  • #1
Hi, I hope someone can be of help with this problem I have, as I have tried different forumulas from different places but still havn;t come up with a sensible answer.

I am currently developing a modification to a rotary fatigue rig. The steel tube being tested is required to be placed in synthetic sea water. Therefore a tank is to be fabricated which will allow the steel tube to pass through and be completely submerged. The water must be temp, salinity, and pH controlled. Also the water must be continuously replenished and therefore to house the equipment to control water properties and to create a continuous cycle, a second tank is required. Tank A will be up a height, base of the tank is roughly 1.2m from ground level.

The set up of my system is as follows:

Tank A – pump from tank B will fill this tank with sea water. The sea water must be drained from this tank back in tank B to continually replenish the tube with sea water. This tank is rectangular and holds a volume of 18804500mm3 (18 liters). This will have a sealed lid. Height of the water within the tank will be roughly 0.16m

Tank B - filled with sea water (temp could range from 5-36 degrees) containing pump with flow rate of 300lph. Power of pump does not have to be 300lph but I need a decent pump which can run continuously in sea water. Therefore a pond pump is required. Size of tank is undetermined but both tanks are required to have water in them at all times to allow the continuous cycle of water from one tank to another. This tank must be bigger than tank A, twice the size perhaps.

So tank B will pump water into tank A and tank A will require hoses to drain the water back into tank B. Creating the cycle.

The problem I foresee is that tank A will not be able to drain the water quickly enough, therefore causing the tank to overflow. How do I calculate the flow rate from tank A back into tank B? For example if 1 inch hoses were used to drain the water, how do I calculate the flow rate of this hose to determine how many hoses I need and if I can accomplish draining tank A in a fast enough time from hoses alone? Or do I require secondary pump to pump water back from tank A back into tank B? If so, how to i calcuate the balance required?

Thanks for any help, if there’s any info required I have not given please let me know and I will provide all I have.
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  • #2
Hi Allan,
This is a pretty simple problem if I understand you correctly. The flow from A to B is due to the drop in elevation - tank A is higher than tank B. So you have pressure driving the flow of water from A to B which, assuming neither tank is pressurized, is simply the density times gravity times height (rho*g*h). Countering this flow is the resistance of your hose/pipe/tube. The only thing you need to figure out is the total resistance to flow, then apply the Darcey-Weisbach equation.

This is very simple if you have a program to do it. If you list the various restrictions and height difference it takes less than a minute to set it up and run. Otherwise, use the attached information to determine resistance and do a calculation on it.


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  • #3


Thank you for reaching out for assistance with your water bath system. Based on the information provided, it seems that the main concern is the flow rate from tank A back into tank B. The first step would be to determine the ideal flow rate for this system. This can be calculated by considering the volume of the tank (18 liters) and the time it takes for the water to be replenished (which is determined by the flow rate of the pump in tank B).

Once the ideal flow rate is determined, you can then calculate the flow rate of the hoses needed to drain tank A. This can be done by using the formula Q=VA/t, where Q is the flow rate, V is the volume of water in tank A, and t is the time it takes for the water to be drained.

If the calculated flow rate of the hoses is not sufficient to drain tank A in a timely manner, then a secondary pump may be necessary to pump water back from tank A to tank B. In this case, the flow rate of the secondary pump should be calculated to ensure that it can handle the required volume of water.

Additionally, it is important to consider the size and diameter of the hoses used, as this can also affect the flow rate. Using larger hoses or multiple hoses may increase the flow rate and help prevent overflow in tank A.

I hope this helps with your calculation and finding a suitable solution for your water bath system. If you need further assistance, please provide more information on the specific pump and hoses being used. Good luck with your project!

FAQ: Water bath system - flow rate problems

1. What is a water bath system?

A water bath system is a laboratory equipment used for heating or cooling samples to a specific temperature. It consists of a container filled with water and a heating or cooling element to control the temperature of the water. Samples are placed in the water to be heated or cooled indirectly.

2. What are flow rate problems in a water bath system?

Flow rate problems in a water bath system refer to issues with the movement of water within the system. This can include low flow rate, inconsistent flow, or complete blockage of the flow. These problems can affect the accuracy and efficiency of the temperature control in the water bath system.

3. What causes flow rate problems in a water bath system?

Flow rate problems in a water bath system can be caused by various factors such as clogged filters, air bubbles in the water lines, faulty pumps or valves, or incorrect settings. It can also be due to the quality of the water being used, such as high levels of minerals or impurities.

4. How can flow rate problems in a water bath system be solved?

The first step to solving flow rate problems in a water bath system is to identify the root cause. This can be done by checking and cleaning the filters, removing air bubbles from the water lines, checking and repairing any faulty pumps or valves, and adjusting the settings. If the water quality is the issue, using filtered or distilled water can help improve the flow rate.

5. How can flow rate in a water bath system be optimized?

To optimize the flow rate in a water bath system, regular maintenance and cleaning of the equipment is essential. This includes checking and replacing filters as needed, removing any air bubbles, and ensuring all pumps and valves are functioning properly. Using high-quality water and regularly calibrating the temperature controls can also help improve the flow rate in a water bath system.
