Reconstructing a signal using an equilizer filter function

In summary, the author is describing how to reconstruct a signal using an equilizer "filter" function. A low pass signal g(t) is sampled at a rate of ##f_{s} > 2B## and needs to be reconstructed. The reconstruction pulse to be used is$$p(t)=∏(\frac{t}{T_s}-\frac{1}{2})$$Specify the equalizer filter ##E(f)## to recover ##g(t)##.The Attempt at a SolutionThere is one example in my text and it is not very clear at all.I understand my "sampling interval" is ##T_s=\
  • #1
Reconstructing a signal using an equilizer "filter" function

Homework Statement

A low pass signal g(t) is sampled at a rate of ##f_{s} > 2B## needs to be reconstructed. Sampling interval is ##T_s=\frac{1}{f_s}##

The reconstruction pulse to be used is


Specify the equalizer filter ##E(f)## to recover ##g(t)##

Homework Equations

$$E(f)P(f)=0 / |f|>f_s-B$$
$$E(f)P(f)=T_s / |f|<B$$

$$E(f)=T_s \frac{ \pi f}{sin( \pi f T_p)} ≈ \frac{T_s}{T_p} \ \ |f|≤B$$

The Attempt at a Solution

There is one example in my text and it is not very clear at all.

I understand my "sampling interval" is ##T_s=\frac{1}{f_s}## What is ##T_p##?

if my sampling frequency is greater then 2B then my last equation posted above does not apply right?

Im confused as where to start..

Thanks in advance for any help
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Physics news on
  • #2
Change $$ to ## for your reconstruction pulse? And is that the world's largest pi in front of it or does it mean "product"?
  • #3
Sorry about the code error i guess i was in a hurry. Trying to balance work and homework.

to answer your second question its both i guess? I never really have seen that notation before but now that you mention it, it makes more sense. The text I am using and my professor for that matter both use the capital pi and the lower case pi but not interchangeably.
  • #4
Evo8 said:
Sorry about the code error i guess i was in a hurry. Trying to balance work and homework.

to answer your second question its both i guess? I never really have seen that notation before but now that you mention it, it makes more sense. The text I am using and my professor for that matter both use the capital pi and the lower case pi but not interchangeably.

Generally, upper-case pi denotes product and lower-case = 3.14...

Need to find out which was intended because this looks like a more challenging problem than the last one, even though it seems to use a similar sampling pulse train.
  • #5
rude man said:
Generally, upper-case pi denotes product and lower-case = 3.14...

Need to find out which was intended because this looks like a more challenging problem than the last one, even though it seems to use a similar sampling pulse train.

Ok so i finally found what the books notation means when using ##∏##

Taken from the book:
Unit Rectangular Function
We use the pictorial notation ##∏(x)## for a rectangular pulse of unit height and unit width, centered at the origin as shown in Fig 3.6a

##∏(x)= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
1 & \mbox{|x|≤ 1/2}\\
0.5 & \mbox{|x|=1/2}\\
0 & \mbox{|x|>1/2}.\end{array} \right. ##

Notice that the rectangular pulse in fig. 3.6b is the unit rectangular pulse ##∏(x)## expanded by a factor of ##\tau## and therefore can be expressed as ##∏(x/ \tau)##. Observe that the denominator ##\tau## in ##∏(x/ \tau)## indicated the width of the pulse.


So I don't believe that it means the "product." that being said I am not sure I fully see how to apply this..

Sorry for the late response.
  • #6
OK, I need to mull this one over. Like I said, more challenging than your last one.

However, it seems that the reconstruction pulse is identical to the one used in your last problem [sampled g(t)], except due to the "1/2" in the PI function it looks like it's not centered at t = 0 but starts at t = 0. Stay tuned ...
  • #7
Due to the advanced nature of thie problem, I'm going to grant rude_man some extra lattitude in providing help in this thread.
  • #8
rude man said:
I was wrong when I said your reconstruction pulse is the same as the pulse-train version of g(t) in your last problem.

In this case what is happening is that the signal is sampled every Ts seconds via what's called a zero-order hold process. You get a sequence of FLAT pulses, each representing the signal at the sampling instants.

This is a pretty involved subject and even if I gave you hints you'd be hard-pressed to follow them I think. So instead I will direct you to a link that discusses the theory. Read the section starting with "Sampling with a zero-order hold" down to the "Interpolation" section.

What you need to understand in this writeup is:
1. The meaning of your reconstruction pulse definition is that x(t) is zero-order-hold sampled. The ZOH output is xs(t).
2. The ZOH process is equivalent to delta-function sampling process followed by a filter with impulse response h0(t). The output of the h0(t) filter, which is the same as the output of the ZOH process, is inputed to a second filter hY(t).
3.hY(t) must be such that h0(t) * hY(t) = the impulse response of an ideal low-pass filter, the frequency spectrum of which H(jw) = 1 from w = 0 to w= 2πB and = 0 for w > 2πB. This fact is the result of Dirac-delta sampling and I cannot go into the details of this - it's elementary but too lengthy. (The beginning of this link does that to some extent). The frequency-domain of this ideal low-pass filter is H(jω).
4. So the filter transfer function HY(jw) you are looking for is their equation 2.

The link is
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  • #9
I tried the link & it didn't come back.

If you send me you privatre e-mail I can e-mail you the file. If that's OK with Mr. Berkeman.
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  • #10
I was able to download the lecture4.doc and pdf.
If you click on hte URL above and then navigate to lecture notes on the left hand side then scroll down to lecture notes and select lecture4.doc or .pdf i believe that is what you meant to link.I took another look through the book and did some more research online. I don't think this problem is meant to be so difficult..

According to my text (see screen shot below)

##E(f)=T_s/P(f)## and ##P(f)## is the Fourier transform of my ##p(t)## and the i found the Fourier transform of a rectangular function is the following
$$∏(\frac{t}{\tau})= \tau sinc( \pi f \tau)$$

$$If\ \ g(t)\Leftrightarrow G(f)$$
$$Then \ \ g(t-t_0) \Leftrightarrow G(f) \exp^{-j2 \pi ft_0}$$

So I get ##P(f)=T_{s} sinc( \pi f T_{s}) \exp^{-j \pi f}##

And if ##E(f)=\frac{T_s}{P(f)} \ \ and\ T_s=\frac{1}{f_s}\ \ where\ f_s>2B##

Then I would get ##E(f)=P(f)f_s## which yields

$$E(f)=\frac{1}{2B} \ sinc( \pi f T_s) \exp^{-j \pi f}$$Maybe?...

However I feel that i handling the ##f_s>2B## incorrectly..
  • #11
Evo8 said:
I was able to download the lecture4.doc and pdf.
If you click on hte URL above and then navigate to lecture notes on the left hand side then scroll down to lecture notes and select lecture4.doc or .pdf i believe that is what you meant to link.

I took another look through the book and did some more research online. I don't think this problem is meant to be so difficult..

According to my text (see screen shot below)

##E(f)=T_s/P(f)## and ##P(f)## is the Fourier transform of my ##p(t)## and the i found the Fourier transform of a rectangular function is the following
$$∏(\frac{t}{\tau})= \tau sinc( \pi f \tau)$$

$$If\ \ g(t)\Leftrightarrow G(f)$$
$$Then \ \ g(t-t_0) \Leftrightarrow G(f) \exp^{-j2 \pi ft_0}$$

So I get ##P(f)=T_{s} sinc( \pi f T_{s}) \exp^{-j \pi f}##

EDIT: sorry, I didn't realize that the textbook p(t) had Tp in it but your problem has Ts instead. So just replace Tp with Ts since for the problem, Tp = Ts which makes
p(t) = ∏(t/Ts - 1/2)

So your text has already defined E(f) in terms of P(f) with Tp = Ts and all you need to do is perform
E(f) = Ts/P(f), |f| <= B
= arbitrary, B < |f| < 1/Ts - B
= 0, |f| > 1/Ts - B.

So, you already have your P(f) which is the result of the zero-order hold process I discussed earlier, so this is just math. Since this filter is NOT REALIZABLE it's hard to know to what extent you're supposed to simplify the expression for E(f). I mean, in a way the answer is there already.

In real life no filter can have zero gain for |f| > 1/Ts - B or the ideal gain for |f| < B. All such E(f) are realizable approximations. The farther the spread between 2B and 1/Ts, the sloppier the filter can be, so in real life people sample at rates significantly greater than 1/Ts = 2B.

Example: a CD player samples at a rate of at least 44 KHz even though the realistic cutoff frequency is about 15 KHz so the Nyquist rate would be 30 KHz.
And if ##E(f)=\frac{T_s}{P(f)} \ \ and\ T_s=\frac{1}{f_s}\ \ where\ f_s>2B##

Then I would get ##E(f)=P(f)f_s## ..

Now this you need to look at more carefully! (It would be nice if you could compute E(f) so easily! Hint: if y = a/x then y ≠ ax :smile:

Since you were able to open the faraday file link I still think perusing it would be beneficial. You are going to have to deal with inverting P(f) one way or another.
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  • #12
Yeah my E(f) is wrong right there. Just incorrect algebra. Not sure what I was going.

Giving it another go I would get something like this ##E(f)=\frac{T_s}{P(f)}=\frac{1}{P(f)f_s}##

If this is correct then my filter transfer function should look something like this
$$E(f)= \frac{1}{T_s \ sinc( \pi fT_s) \ e^{-j \pi f} (2B)}=\frac{1}{sinc(\frac{ \pi f}{2B} )e^{-j \pi f}}$$

And if I wanted to simplify further I would have to deal with inverting the P(f) as you mentioned. Or I would have attempted that before I "simplified" right?
  • #13
Evo8 said:
Yeah my E(f) is wrong right there. Just incorrect algebra. Not sure what I was going.

Giving it another go I would get something like this ##E(f)=\frac{T_s}{P(f)}=\frac{1}{P(f)f_s}##

If this is correct then my filter transfer function should look something like this
$$E(f)= \frac{1}{T_s \ sinc( \pi fT_s) \ e^{-j \pi f} (2B)}=\frac{1}{sinc(\frac{ \pi f}{2B} )e^{-j \pi f}}$$

And if I wanted to simplify further I would have to deal with inverting the P(f) as you mentioned. Or I would have attempted that before I "simplified" right?

Not quite. Look again at the book's definition of E(f) and substitute Ts for Tp since their formula for E(f) was developed with arbitrary pulse width Tp whereas your pulse width = Ts = 1/fs.

You wind up with the 1/sinc()e-j function but you also need to specify the behavior of E(f) for the region f > B since your problem said that fs > 2B. Had it said fs = 2B there would not be a "flexible" region. The E(f) filter would have to pass everything for 0 < f < B and reject everything above f = B. If we sample faster than 2B we can allow "slop" in E(f) which is the "flexible" region. Then, for f > fs - B the filter E(f) needs to reject all signals since that is where the first "aliased" spectrum starts.

In the link I sent you their eq. 2 is identical with your E(f). Their H(jw) is the ideal low-pass filter which is H(jw) = 1, f < B and H(jw) = 0, f > B. That paper nicely shows how the aliased specrum develops as fs varies above and below 2B.

As I said, this E(f) is not realizable. Practical filters can never meet these E(f) specifications. So what is done in practice is to increase fs well above 2B in order to allow a wider "flexible" region and an acceptably low gain for when the first aliased spectrum intrudes, at f = fs - B.

FAQ: Reconstructing a signal using an equilizer filter function

1. What is signal reconstruction using an equalizer filter function?

Signal reconstruction using an equalizer filter function is a process in which a degraded signal is improved and restored to its original form by using an equalizer filter. This filter is designed to adjust the frequency response of the signal and remove any unwanted noise or distortion.

2. How does an equalizer filter function work?

An equalizer filter function works by adjusting the amplitude or frequency of specific parts of a signal. It can boost or reduce certain frequencies to improve the overall quality of the signal. This is achieved by using a combination of resistors, capacitors, and inductors to create a frequency-selective filter.

3. What are the benefits of using an equalizer filter function for signal reconstruction?

Using an equalizer filter function for signal reconstruction can improve the overall quality and clarity of the signal. It can also remove unwanted noise and distortion, making the signal easier to analyze and interpret. Additionally, an equalizer filter function allows for customization and fine-tuning of the signal's frequency response.

4. What types of signals can be reconstructed using an equalizer filter function?

An equalizer filter function can be used to reconstruct a variety of signals, including audio, video, and data signals. It can also be applied to both analog and digital signals, making it a versatile tool for signal processing and analysis.

5. Are there any limitations to using an equalizer filter function for signal reconstruction?

While an equalizer filter function can greatly improve the quality of a signal, it does have some limitations. It may not be able to completely remove all types of noise or distortion, and the effectiveness of the filter may vary depending on the complexity of the signal. Additionally, designing an equalizer filter function requires expertise and careful consideration of the signal's characteristics.

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