How much does dust affect light from high redshift quasars?

In summary, the new study suggests that the dimming of distant supernovae may be due to the presence of dust, and this may have an impact on the determination of cosmological parameters.
  • #1
As I understand it, the conclusion that our spatially flat universe is expanding at an accelerating rate is supported by observations of 'standard candles' (type S1a supernovae) which appear less bright than expected when their z exceeds about 0.3 --- . Robert Kirschner has discussed these observations in his popular book The Extravagent Universe. He dismissed the possibility that the supernovae were instead dimmed appreciably by intergalactic dust.

In his Fig. 10.7, for example, the dimming seems to be quite a small effect. Smoothed out, it seems to be about 0.3 magnitudes as z approaches 1, which is comparable with the observational scatter for individual quasars. These are not easy observations. They have considerable cosmological implications.

In a" just out Menard, Scranton, Fukugita and Richards report an analysis of SDSS data which suggest that dust may indeed affect the dimming of distant supernovae. They comment that: "The magnitude of this effect and its impact on dark energy constraints must be investigated and quantified." and later add that: "This will affect the brightness estimates of Type Ia supernovae at high redshift, which require high precision in order to maximize their constraints on cosmological parameters."

The dimming they talk of is about .03 magnitudes up to z = .5 and possibly .05 to .09 at z = 1, if I read correctly.

I'd appreciate an assessment of their results in relation to those of say, Perlmutter and Kirschner to date by folk more competent than I to judge their significance.
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  • #2
A valid point, but does not have a great deal of observational support from deep sky surveys. We know that dust is a very relevant issue with regard to the galactic plane. Problem is, there is not enough difference between on plane and off plane observations to contradict the Perlmutter studies.
  • #3
oldman said:
As I understand it, the conclusion that our spatially flat universe is expanding at an accelerating rate is supported by observations of 'standard candles' (type S1a supernovae) which appear less bright than expected when their z exceeds about 0.3 --- . Robert Kirschner has discussed these observations in his popular book The Extravagent Universe. He dismissed the possibility that the supernovae were instead dimmed appreciably by intergalactic dust.
Well, what really puts the idea that dust extinction can explain the appearance of acceleration to rest is the observation that when you look very far back, the universe is in a decelerating phase, which means that the supernovae are brighter than they should otherwise appear:
Adam Riess's website description
Arxiv preprint of the most recent work
Basically, if the appearance of accelerated expansion were explained by dust, we should see what looks like accelerated expansion all the way back, as the supernova light has to go through more and more dust. On the other hand, a Lambda-CDM cosmology predicts a late-phase accelerated expansion, but deceleration early on.

oldman said:
In a" just out Menard, Scranton, Fukugita and Richards report an analysis of SDSS data which suggest that dust may indeed affect the dimming of distant supernovae. They comment that: "The magnitude of this effect and its impact on dark energy constraints must be investigated and quantified." and later add that: "This will affect the brightness estimates of Type Ia supernovae at high redshift, which require high precision in order to maximize their constraints on cosmological parameters."
Well, bear in mind that supernova teams already do perform dust corrections: the spectra of supernovae is affected by the dust in a way that depends upon the frequency of the light, so it can be corrected for (at least partially). And yes, it is a good idea to quantify the effect. It's just that dust extinction can't account for our measurements of accelerated expansion.
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  • #4
Thanks, both Chronos and Chalnoth, for putting this paper in the correct perspective for me. And thanks for the links also, Chalnoth.

FAQ: How much does dust affect light from high redshift quasars?

1. How does dust affect the light emitted from high redshift quasars?

Dust can absorb and scatter light, which can make it difficult for the light from high redshift quasars to reach us. This can result in a decrease in the observed brightness of the quasar.

2. Can dust completely block the light from high redshift quasars?

While dust can significantly decrease the observed brightness of a high redshift quasar, it is unlikely that it can completely block the light. This is because quasars are extremely bright and emit a large amount of light, making it difficult for dust to completely block it.

3. How does the amount of dust affect the observed redshift of quasars?

The amount of dust present in the line of sight can affect the observed redshift of quasars. This is because dust can scatter and absorb the light, causing a distortion in the spectrum of the quasar. This distortion can lead to an incorrect measurement of the redshift.

4. Is dust the only factor that affects the observed light from high redshift quasars?

No, there are other factors that can affect the observed light from high redshift quasars, such as gravitational lensing and the expansion of the universe. However, dust is one of the major factors that can significantly impact the observed brightness and redshift of quasars.

5. How do scientists account for the effects of dust when studying high redshift quasars?

Scientists use various techniques, such as multi-wavelength observations and dust extinction models, to correct for the effects of dust when studying high redshift quasars. By comparing data from different wavelengths and using models, they can estimate the amount of dust and its impact on the observed properties of the quasar.

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