Is Bush's Mars Trip Proposal a Strategic Distraction?

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  • Thread starter Loren Booda
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In summary, President Bush suggested a manned Mars trip and has taken advantage of a loophole in the law to claim ownership of the moon and other planets. He is an expert on space law and policy and has taught at various universities. If you are on your land on the moon and President Bush thinks you have WMD, you will care.
  • #1
Loren Booda
What credit should President Bush receive for suggesting a manned Mars trip? Does he scheme to one-up Kennedy, evade failed policy, or nationalize the world (all for ~$500,000,000,000)?
Physics news on
  • #2

Lets kick some martian butt!
  • #3
Yeah, This is for "War of the Worlds" Martian SCUM!
  • #4
Originally posted by Andy

Lets kick some martian butt!

Today, it was announced that Mars has oil! It all makes sense now!
  • #5
Bush is in good company!

The top ten go to Mars
  • #6
Bush is too late

Over the past 23 years, Hope estimates he has made $6.25 million selling land on the moon and the planets, primarily Mars and Venus.

For $19.99, along with a $1.51 lunar tax, you, too, can buy an acre on the moon or Mars. Hope even will send you a deed. If you don't like it, he gives a 30-day, money-back guarantee.

"I am fully aware of what I am doing," he says. "I am not operating a scam. I am taking advantage of an opportunity shown to me by a loophole in the law. I am exercising my right to be as profitable as possible."...

...In a flash, he remembered something he learned 12 years earlier while taking a political science class at an Oregon college.

His professor discussed the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, signed by all members of the United Nations. Hope remembered that all governments agreed no nation would have sovereignty or control over any of the celestial bodies.

But they did not mention individuals owning planets, he recalled. He drove to the local library to check whether his memory had failed him. It hadn't.

"When they passed the treaty, they probably never thought about individuals," Hope said. "It may have been an innocent mistake. So I filed a declaration of ownership for the moon and the eight other planets and their moons."

He filed his declaration of ownership in the local courthouse and quickly sent letters to the governments of the United States, Soviet Union and the United Nations. In those letters he expressed his ownership rights and intention to sell and subdivide the moon and planets.

"I said if they had any problem with it, let me know," Hope said. "I am still waiting to hear from them."
  • #7
where do i send my cheque? at the rate we are 'exploring' people will be dying to buy moonland.. got to be ahead of the game in the property market!
  • #8
Originally posted by jimmy p
where do i send my cheque? at the rate we are 'exploring' people will be dying to buy moonland.. got to be ahead of the game in the property market!
The three most important words in real estate:
Location, location, location. :wink:
  • #9
But what if oil, uranium, and WMD were discovered on 'your' lunar (or martian) half acre/bottom paddock/plot?
  • #10
Originally posted by Nereid
But what if oil, uranium, and WMD were discovered on 'your' lunar (or martian) half acre/bottom paddock/plot?
Uhhh... Be a true capitalist, sell off all three to the highest bidder, and get real rich real fast?
  • #12
Hey, that was written on the earth, if I am on my plot of land on the moon I'm not going to care!
  • #13
We have ways of MAKING you care ;-)

Originally posted by jimmy p
Hey, that was written on the earth, if I am on my plot of land on the moon I'm not going to care!
You WILL care if Rummy thinks - or can be persuaded - that you have WMD
  • #14
Get out your space pen and sign on the dotted geodesic...
  • #15
Funny, a few days ago one of the advertising banners here at PF was selling land on the moon.

Ok, for all of you outer space entrepreneurs, here is the site to actually file claims for extra terrestrial ownership. It's not a joke site. Although, I would say that the people filing the claims are a little looney.

Lawrence D. Roberts, the Director of the Archimedes Institute, is an academic specializing in issues of space law and policy. The author of numerous articles on international law and space law and policy, Professor Roberts is a member of the faculty at the Fordham University Graduate School of Business. He has taught at New York University School of Law, Seton Hall Law School, New England School of Law and the City University of New York School of Law. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Columbia University, his Juris Doctor degree from Cornell Law School and his Master of Laws degree from New York University School of Law. A former chair of the American Bar Association's Committee on United States Aerospace Law and Policy, Roberts currently Chairs the A.B.A.'s Committee on International Aerospace Law, the National Space Society's Policy Committee and the X Prize Foundation's Law and Policy Committee.
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  • #16
from Ivans link..
Actually, these and other nations have no right to stop him because they surrendered any ownership rights in the U.N. treaty, Hope said.
If they have "no right to stop him" on the basis of "no ownership rights" then they also have no right to validate, either, him, or his claim, nor responcibility to protect his 'rights' that he doesn't really have and really cannot enforce...legally speaking(?)
  • #17
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
from Ivans link..

If they have "no right to stop him" on the basis of "no ownership rights" then they also have no right to validate, either, him, or his claim, nor responcibility to protect his 'rights' that he doesn't really have and really cannot enforce...legally speaking(?)
This is a very grey area in space law right now.

"Article II of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty1 prohibits national appropriation of outer space, but it does not prohibit private appropriation.2 Hence, private entities may appropriate area in outer space or on a celestial body, although states may not.

Because the relationship between property and territorial sovereignty differs under common law and civil law systems, it is not immediately clear whether Article II would permit national governments to confer property rights upon private entities under their jurisdiction."
  • #18
Originally posted by Evo
This is a very grey area in space law right now.
"Article II of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty1 prohibits national appropriation of outer space, but it does not prohibit private appropriation.2 Hence, private entities may appropriate area in outer space or on a celestial body, although states may not.
Because the relationship between property and territorial sovereignty differs under common law and civil law systems, it is not immediately clear whether Article II would permit national governments to confer property rights upon private entities under their jurisdiction."
Whats not immediate, two differing nations could confer the same rights to two distinct and separate coporate (and or private) landclaimers, and you now have a conflict that the two states enter into via their respective assignatin of rights that they assign in a place where they enforce no rights, nor can support 'ownership' rights, and haven't the right to assign 'the right' that they don't really possesses 'to assign' in the first place, perhaps it should only be "People from Earth" who travel out/off of this planets atmosphere/face...whadda you think?
  • #19
Lol, I am not from the US of A so i don't give a damn what Donald Rumsfield wants. Being a Brit means that we have a walk-over leader, he will let us by land on Mars for our own inscrutable purposes if we pressurise him enough and threaten not to vote for him. what a loser :smile:
  • #20
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Whats not immediate, two differing nations could confer the same rights to two distinct and separate coporate (and or private) landclaimers, and you now have a conflict that the two states enter into via their respective assignatin of rights that they assign in a place where they enforce no rights, nor can support 'ownership' rights, and haven't the right to assign 'the right' that they don't really possesses 'to assign' in the first place, perhaps it should only be "People from Earth" who travel out/off of this planets atmosphere/face...whadda you think?
You've hit the nail on the head!

One of the propositions is that there be some type of "homesteading" requirement where an individual that wants to make a "claim" has to actually set up residence for a set period of years, making improvements to property, etc..., similar to existing homesteading laws. For example one person has filed a claim on our Sun. I'd love to see him homestead. :wink:

Space law is going to be extremely difficult unless they exclude individual claims as well as government claims.

The people of Earth are being rather presumptuous in thinking that they have any rights to claim anything off this planet.

For all we know an alien could show up with a deed to our planet and tell us we've got 48 hours to evacuate. I'm being silly, but obviously for individual and business claims it's about potential money if we ever do manage to venture forth and begin to destroy other celestial bodies for fun and profit.
  • #21
Possession is nine tenths of the law...thus the new space race?

This all strikes me a bit as the birth pangs of a new gold rush.
  • #22
  • #23
Originally posted by jimmy p
Ya cool, but I have the "mineral rights" so if you need to use anything beneath your feet, well send chq. or Money orders C/O "Saturnia mining Co" or simply insert cash in the slot provided...

Money Slot, insert $ above
  • #24
Garn, should have thought of that one...however you will have to pay comission yourself to get access to my private property and do you work so i expect a hefty cheque to come MY way!
  • #25
Originally posted by jimmy p
Garn, should have thought of that one...however you will have to pay comission yourself to get access to my private property and do you work so i expect a hefty cheque to come MY way!

go read the law buddy...
  • #26
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
go read the law buddy...
True, if Mr Parsons has the mineral rights, I don't believe you can stop him from tearing your property up to get what is his.

It's been awhile, but when I lived in Houston, TX, a new house I bought was on land previously owned by Exxon and they were retaining the mineral rights. I had to sign papers acknowledging that if they ever thought there was anything of value under my house, they could basically bulldoze my house to get to it. I looked at the attorney and he said "don't worry, they wouldn't be selling the property unless they were sure there was nothing there, so it's unlikely they will ever do this".
  • #27
Have read the same kind of thing having happened here in Kingston's surrounding area's, Ontario's law (I think)...
  • #28
DAMMIT! humph well, its my planet my rules. :frown: Ok, well i'll lay claim on Uranus too, no-one will want to mine up there!
  • #29
Originally posted by jimmy p
DAMMIT! humph well, its my planet my rules. :frown: Ok, well i'll lay claim on Uranus too, no-one will want to mine up there!
Chopnik, get the mineral rights!
  • #30

hey mom, I am suprised you didnt get them first! :smile:
  • #31
Originally posted by jimmy p

hey mom, I am suprised you didnt get them first! :smile:
I'm relying on you son! BTW, you're half American now. :wink:
  • #32
I won't fail you! oh yeah, point taken!
  • #33
Originally posted by jimmy p
DAMMIT! humph well, its my planet my rules. :frown: Ok, well i'll lay claim on Uranus too, no-one will want to mine up there!
I can almost gaurantee that no one will be wanting to mine around Uranus.
  • #34
Originally posted by Evo
I'm relying on you son! BTW, you're half American now. :wink:


Evo! When did you become Mrs. Chopnik?!
  • #35
she has adopted me!

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