Shocking Story: Woman Sent Man Thousands, But Had No Money for Food

  • Thread starter Holocene
  • Start date
In summary, this guy is a complete fraud. Apparently one woman sent him thousands of dollars, but had to stop when she had no money remaining for food. He's a fraud, and people should be scared of him. With regard to intervention, it would be nice to see a god eliminate some devastating diseases, or perhaps reduce famine.
  • #1
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  • #2
Holocene said:
Apparently one women sent him thousands, but had to stop when she had no money remaining for FOR FOOD.

What in the HELL are people thinking? :confused:

The guy doesn't even have a regular television show. His spiel is presented in an infomercial format.
  • #4
The Holiest Crackers ever invented!
  • #5
Is there nothing legally that can be done against *restrains from using vulgar language*...him?
  • #6
edward said:
Popoff has sold prayer cloths, holy water, and my favorite miracle manna.

That anyone would believe this, should frighten us all.

If an omniscient god were to exist, surely he knows of our plights already, regardless of what piece of cardboard we eat.

With regard to intervention, it would be nice to see a god eliminate some devastating diseases, or perhaps reduce famine, instead of just giving people $50,000 checks...:rolleyes:
  • #7
As mentioned in another thread , my preacher father was an agnostic. Unfortunately, several of his siblings were raving Jesus freaks. One of them dragged us off to a revival meeting one night (we had no choice, since we were staying at their place on vacation).
The first thing that the revivalist said was that he had never felt such a sense of disbelief in a crowd before in his career, and looked directly at my parents and me. (So, obviously, he knew beforehand that my dad had his Masters in Religious Studies from McGill, but he would have said that anyhow to cover his ass when things didn't work out.)
Along with his other 'miracles', he relieved an elderly man of his hearing aids, whereupon the old fart pranced about saying 'I can hear! I can hear!'
Too bad for the revivalist, the guy's neighbour was in the crowd. His comment, for all to hear, was "I've known that son of a ***** for 40 years, and he's never been deaf a day in his life." Pretty stupid to plant a shill from the 'hood. :rolleyes:
  • #8
Unfortunately, several of his siblings were raving Jesus freaks.

I feel your pain Danger...I too suffer from a bad case of "reborn family members" :cry:

As for people believing this crap:

"Never underestimate the extent of human stupidity."
  • #9
phyzmatix said:
"Never underestimate the extent of human stupidity."

Amen to that (and I mean that in the original translation of the word, which essentially means 'so be it'). :wink:
As for the 'pain' part, we were their guests, and went along for the sake of family harmony. On the other hand, when trying to explain the circumstances of my dad's death to his even more Jesus freakish sister, she went ballistic on me and blamed it all on me (as if I can induce prostate cancer; and she was a nurse!). I put up with it for about a minute and a half, then just told her to **** off and die. That was in '79, and I've had no contact with the ***** since. I only hope that she's as dead as my father.
  • #10
I was sort of seeing a jesus freak for a little while. She waas a rather bright girl. One day though she told me about how she had been feeling lonely since so many of her friends had gone away or changed so she went driving around late at night until she saw a church that had the lights on. Inside she found a youth group meeting in progress that apparently culminated in the pastor exorcising a demon from a girl there at the group. When she told me how amazing and wonderful it was I knew I could never date her.
  • #11
Unfortunately, SA, sometimes you can just never tell until it's too late.
W isn't rabid about it, but she's a bloody Christian, which would have been a deal-breaker had I known about it before I fell in love with her. She has little Jesuses all over the apartment. I ignore them, in general, but do I really want to have that one that watches me taking a dump?
I got my revenge on her, though. Our entryway opens onto one set of stairs up to the living room, and another beside it going down to the bedrooms. The ceiling is about 6 metres high at that point. On the 'header' over the downward stairwell, I tacked up my favourite poster from my single days, so it's the first thing that anyone sees when they come in the front door. It's done in Old English typeface and says:

Though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death
I shall fear no evil:
For I am the meanest son of a ***** in the valley.

A visitor glanced at it and said "I'm glad to see that you finally came around." I told her to read it again... she did and went a little pale. :devil:

edit: By the bye, PF went down while I was doing my previous post, and then it came up repeated. Will a Mentor please delete the second instance thereof, since it's past the 'Edit' time limit?
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  • #12
Holocene said:
Apparently one women sent him thousands, but had to stop when she had no money remaining FOR FOOD.

What in the HELL are people thinking? :confused:
Those folks are pretty desparate usually because something is very wrong in their lives, e.g. ill-health. Unfortunately, there are charlatans (con-men, swindlers) who will take advantage of such people and their misfortune.
  • #13
Anyone saw Jesus camp?

It's so disturbing I can't even get past two minutes of this clip.
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  • #14
Heaven knows that if miracle's not happened for somone, it's all her/his fault since there's something wrong with his faith, and s/he must work on it more!
I'm not sure if anyone can swear that s/he'd never(try to) believe in these things if someone would have faced the same trouble as these people in the future!
As for what mentioned about dating/living with someone who doesn't share the same view point on religion and that sort of stuff, well I guess I don't mind that as long as that person'd show some respect towards my personal beliefs, wouldn't try to convert me, wouldn't speak and act base on hings that doesn't make sense. That means I just can't stand extremists of both sides and am ok with the rest.
  • #15
Astronuc said:
Unfortunately, there are charlatans (con-men, swindlers) who will take advantage of such people and their misfortune.

Ok, ok, ok, even though it brings in a lot of money, you've convinced me, I won't do it again. Promised... :redface: :biggrin:
  • #16
Danger said:
Though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death
I shall fear no evil:
For I am the meanest son of a ***** in the valley.
I wonder if I could find that one somewhere.

By the way I most recently went after a girl I nicknamed Danger. ;-p
Unfortunately that didn't turn out well either. Maybe the nickname jinxed it. :-/
  • #17
TheStatutoryApe said:
I wonder if I could find that one somewhere.

By the way I most recently went after a girl I nicknamed Danger. ;-p
Unfortunately that didn't turn out well either. Maybe the nickname jinxed it. :-/

I know how to get rid of jinxing and bad luck!It do wonders.o:)
  • #18
TheStatutoryApe said:
I was sort of seeing a jesus freak for a little while. She waas a rather bright girl. One day though she told me about how she had been feeling lonely since so many of her friends had gone away or changed so she went driving around late at night until she saw a church that had the lights on. Inside she found a youth group meeting in progress that apparently culminated in the pastor exorcising a demon from a girl there at the group. When she told me how amazing and wonderful it was I knew I could never date her.

The sad thing is she was lonely and just found some friends. She probably wouldn't believe in that stuff otherwise.

I saw a documentary on the KKK. Some of the members adopt kids or just take them in. Interviews with the kids showed that they were happy to be accepted and part of something more than hating black and jews. It seems like they are believing whatever "the group" believes in in order to stay accepted.
  • #19
TheStatutoryApe said:
a girl I nicknamed Danger. ;-p
Unfortunately that didn't turn out well either. Maybe the nickname jinxed it. :-/

She must have been a lesbian. Anyone named Danger only likes girls. :wink:

Poop-Loops, to show you how socially backward we Canuks are... one of the leading members of the Alberta KKK branch is black. :rolleyes:
  • #20
waht said:
Anyone saw Jesus camp?

It's so disturbing I can't even get past two minutes of this clip.
That these people have protection under the law is just despicable. What they are doing is very nearly murder.
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  • #21
Danger said:
Poop-Loops, to show you how socially backward we Canuks are... one of the leading members of the Alberta KKK branch is black. :rolleyes:

  • #22
waht said:
Anyone saw Jesus camp?

It's so disturbing I can't even get past two minutes of this clip.

You should watch it. Check the title: 'A Nation Down the Drain'. It's meant to demonstrate the stupidity of the people involved, and does so quite nicely. It's also solid video evidence of child abuse, so the fat blonde ***** should be thrown into prison for the rest of her life based upon it.
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  • #23
This is a Texas polygamy sect in progress.
  • #24
Don't be silly. They would never abuse their children. It's against God's word!
  • #25
See after talking to people like this and seeing videos of people like this I have come to a very firm conclusion.

Jesus is kinda like Kurt Cobain. I'm a big fan of both... but they both some really ret**ded fans.

FAQ: Shocking Story: Woman Sent Man Thousands, But Had No Money for Food

What is the shocking story about?

The shocking story is about a woman who sent a man thousands of dollars, but claimed to have no money for food.

What was the man's reaction to receiving the money?

The man was shocked and confused as to why the woman would send him such a large amount of money.

Why did the woman send the man the money?

The reason for the woman sending the man the money is not specified in the story.

Was the woman telling the truth about not having money for food?

It is unclear whether the woman was telling the truth or not about not having money for food. The story does not provide enough information to determine the truth of her statement.

What is the lesson or moral of the story?

The lesson or moral of the story could be to be cautious when sending money to someone, especially if there is no clear reason for doing so. It is also important to be honest and transparent about financial situations.

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