Semiconductor: Cz Crystal Growth

In summary, the Czochralski growth process involves inserting 1000 moles of pure silicon and 0.01 mole of pure arsenic into a crucible and solidifying it into a boule. The maximum permissible doping concentration for this boule is 1018 cm-3. The segregation coefficient (k) is 0.3 and the fraction of the boule that is usable (X) can be calculated using the equation C_s=kC_0(1-X)^(k-1). To convert C_s_max, which is for a solid, into a molar ratio, we can use densities and molar masses of solid silicon and arsenic. It is recommended to use liquid densities to yield
  • #1

Homework Statement

A Czochralski growth process is begun by inserting 1000 moles of pure silicon and 0.01
mole of pure arsenic in a crucible. For this boule, the maximum permissible doping
concentration is 1018 cm-3. What fraction (X) of the boule is usable? (k=0.3)

Homework Equations


Where [tex]C_{s}[/tex] is the concentration in the solid, k is the segregation coefficient [tex]{C_s}/{C_l}[/tex], [tex]C_0[/tex] is the initial doping concentration in the melt, and X is the fraction of the boule that is solidified.

The Attempt at a Solution

In our case, k<1, so [tex]C_s[/tex] increases as X increases.
I am trying to find X when [tex]C_{s}_{max}=10^{18}cm^{-3}[/tex]





From here on out it's plug-n-play with my one show-stopper: I am given [tex]C_{0}[/tex] as a molar ratio (unitless), and [tex]C_{s}_{max}[/tex] as a volume ratio (#/cm^3). I need my final answer to be unitless. How do I convert [tex]C_{s}_{max}[/tex] to a unitless ratio? I'd play with density, but I don't know either the pressure or temperature at which this process is being carried out.


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  • #2
Never mind: Csmax is a value for the solid crystal, so I just used densities and molar masses of solid silicon and arsenic to get C0 in units of cm-3.

Also, to correct a mistake in last post: I made an algebra error while isolating Csmax.

The second-to-last equation should read

and similarly for the last equation.
  • #3
In order to calculate C_0, do you think we should use solid densities or liquid densities? C_0 is the initial melt concentration.

You are right about the fact that pressure and temperature of the process are not given. But I think using liquid densities will yield more accurate result.

Thanks for taking the initiative to discuss the problem.


  • #4
Yes, but from my understanding, melts are generally made by putting solid components into a crucible and then heating them until they melt (and perhaps a bit beyond).
But I hear what you are saying, that C0 is supposed to describe a liquid.
Perhaps for most accurate results, we should convert Csmax, which is for a solid, into a molar ratio.
  • #5

As a scientist, it is important to carefully consider the units and conversions in our calculations. In this case, we are dealing with concentrations, which can be expressed in different units such as molarity or number of particles per volume. In order to convert the given C_{s}_{max} from volume ratio to molar ratio, we would need to know the density of the silicon-arsenic mixture at the specific conditions of the Czochralski growth process. Without this information, it is not possible to accurately convert the given C_{s}_{max} to a unitless ratio.

Additionally, it is important to note that the segregation coefficient k is typically temperature-dependent and can vary depending on impurities and other factors. Therefore, the calculated fraction X may not be entirely accurate without considering these variables.

In conclusion, it is not possible to accurately determine the fraction X of the boule that is usable without knowing the density and temperature at which the process is being carried out. It is also important to consider the temperature-dependent segregation coefficient in order to obtain a more accurate result. Further research and experimentation may be necessary to obtain a more precise answer.

FAQ: Semiconductor: Cz Crystal Growth

1. What is Semiconductor: Cz Crystal Growth?

Semiconductor: Cz Crystal Growth is a process used to produce single-crystal silicon ingots, which are commonly used in the production of computer chips and other electronic devices. This process involves melting and solidifying polycrystalline silicon in a specialized furnace, resulting in a higher purity and more uniform crystal structure.

2. What is the purpose of Cz Crystal Growth in semiconductor production?

The purpose of Cz Crystal Growth is to produce high-purity, single-crystal silicon ingots that can be sliced into wafers for use in the production of electronic devices. This method allows for precise control over the crystal structure and impurity levels, resulting in more efficient and reliable semiconductors.

3. How does the Cz Crystal Growth process work?

In the Cz Crystal Growth process, polycrystalline silicon is placed in a quartz crucible and heated to a high temperature, causing it to melt. A single crystal seed, typically made of silicon, is then dipped into the molten silicon and slowly rotated and pulled upwards, allowing a single crystal to form. As the crystal grows, it is gradually pulled out of the molten silicon, resulting in a cylindrical ingot.

4. What are the advantages of using Cz Crystal Growth over other crystal growth methods?

Cz Crystal Growth offers several advantages over other crystal growth methods. It allows for the production of larger and higher quality crystals, with more precise control over impurity levels. This method also results in a higher yield of usable wafers and can be easily scaled up for mass production.

5. What are some potential challenges and limitations of Cz Crystal Growth?

One potential challenge of Cz Crystal Growth is the high cost of the specialized equipment and materials required for the process. The growth rate of the crystals can also be slow, resulting in longer production times. Additionally, the quality and purity of the crystal can be affected by variations in the process, such as temperature fluctuations or impurities in the starting materials.

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