More thoughts on quantum eraser experiments

In summary, Patrick posted a link to an interesting experiment involving photon interference and delayed erasure. The proposed experiment involves randomly deciding whether or not to insert a polarizer in the path of a photon after it has already hit the screen, and then observing the interference pattern. The discussion also delves into the concept of nonlocality in space and time, and how this experiment could offer a new twist in testing Bell's inequality. However, it is argued that this experiment is not truly a Bell-type experiment and the results can be explained through subset selection.
  • #1
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Patrick posted the following interesting link in another thread:

vanesch said:


I'd like to discuss this some more. Whenever I have read about these experiments I have always hoped to see the results of one in particular but I have never found what I wanted. I can guess what the results would be, but maybe some would disagree.

An obvious extension of the third experiment, the delayed erasure, would be the following:

let photon s hit the screen first. *Then* (after the impactof s) randomly decide whether a polarizer will be inserted in the path of photon p. This way, the choice of inserting the polarizer in the path of p is made *after* photon s has hit the screen.

Even better: make the path of beam p so long that even a signal at the speed of light could not get from s to p to exchange any info between those two.

Now, I can guess what the result would be (I can't see any other possibility unless completely new physics would come into play but maybe some will disagree):

I think that the pattern on the screen will not be a clear interference or non-interference pattern. It will be more messy. But then, if someone separately plot the impacts of s corresponding to the case where the polarizer was in the path of p and the impacts of s corresponding to when the polarizer was absent, one would see a non-interference and an interference pattern, respectively. I can't think of anything else that could happen (unless, again, something drastically new emerges).

I would find this an interesting experiment to do. I know that some would say that if we accept the experiments testing Bell's inequality, we already know about the nonlocality aspect of QM and that my experiment does not bring anything new. Still, I think it would be an interesting different check. And one that would clearly show not only a nonlocality in space but also one in time (the s photon would not only know what happens very far, but also what happens in the future!). I know that some people will say (I'm used to having my ideas shot down, as you see :wink: ) that it's obvious that a nonlocality in space leads to a nonlocality in time (we just have to view a n experiment testing Bell's inequality in a different Lorentz frame) but still, those are all theoretical considerations. We should do experiment and let Nature tells us what is correct. And the experiment I am thinking about here offers a new twist, I would think.

Of course, I am sure it's not a new idea, so I would also like to have reference to this type of experiment, if anyone knows.


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  • #2
nrqed said:
I think that the pattern on the screen will not be a clear interference or non-interference pattern. It will be more messy. But then, if someone separately plot the impacts of s corresponding to the case where the polarizer was in the path of p and the impacts of s corresponding to when the polarizer was absent, one would see a non-interference and an interference pattern, respectively. I can't think of anything else that could happen (unless, again, something drastically new emerges).

In fact, the experiment which I linked up is, if you think about it, tricking you. It is (classical) subset selection. Look at the double slit experiment with different QW plates: clearly left-handed photons are not going to interfere with right-handed photons, so it is normal that you only get a blob when looking at ALL the photons. I also guess you get that same blob after having introduced the polarizer in p *if you do not look for coincidences* but simply look at all the s-photons. It is only when you select the subset of photons that get through the 45 degree polarizer that you get a subset of s-photons which interfere.
Due to the correlation between the photons, the 45-degree polarizer in fact (true, this is QM at its best !) makes us have also 45-degree s-photons, which are NOT altered through the QW plates and which DO interfere. It is just by writing out:

|psi> = 1/sqrt(2) (|x>|y> + |y>|x>) = 1/2 1/sqrt(2) ( [|45->+|45+>]x[- |45-> + |45+>] + [|45-> + |45+>]x[|45->+|45+>])
= 1/sqrt(2) (|45+>|45+> - |45->|45->)

which shows that we can think of our original entangled xy and yx state also as an entangled state with polarization +45 for both photons or -45 for both photons.
So subselecting the p photon under +45 degree selects only +45 degree photons for the s-photon, and hence they pass as +45 degree photons through the QW plates and the slits ; this means interference.

As the QW plate introduces different indices of refraction for +45 and -45 degree photons, this SHIFTS the interference pattern (contrary to what is said in the text!) so the interference pattern of the +45 degree photons together with the SHIFTED pattern of the -45 degree photons make up the blurry blob when we count all the photons.

Much ado for nothing special in fact.

A true Bell type experiment is much more mysterious. This one just *looks* mysterious, but consists of subselecting two shifted interference patterns.

  • #3
vanesch said:
|psi> = 1/sqrt(2) (|x>|y> + |y>|x>) = 1/2 1/sqrt(2) ( [|45->+|45+>]x[- |45-> + |45+>] + [|45-> + |45+>]x[|45->+|45+>])
= 1/sqrt(2) (|45+>|45+> - |45->|45->)

Oops, a minus sign forgotten (doesn't affect the result, I was taking it over from a piece of paper):

|psi> = 1/sqrt(2) (|x>|y> + |y>|x>) = 1/2 1/sqrt(2) ( [|45->+|45+>]x[- |45-> + |45+>] + [-|45-> + |45+>]x[|45->+|45+>])
= 1/sqrt(2) (|45+>|45+> - |45->|45->)
  • #4
Simple Question?

I apologize if my terminology is wrong.

What is the result if the signal photon hits the screen before a choice is made about whether or not to measure the idler photons to determine the path? Two bands or an interference pattern.

If the result depends on whether or not it is ultimately decided to measure which path the photon goes down. Could we put the choice whether or not to measure the photons' path on Alpha Centuri and receive the answer through a interference pattern or no interference pattern here on Earth before the choice is ever made! :bugeye:

The only problem I see is it bumps up against Einstien's pesky little speed limit since we get an answer quicker than immediately.

FAQ: More thoughts on quantum eraser experiments

1. What is a quantum eraser experiment?

A quantum eraser experiment is a type of thought experiment in quantum mechanics that involves the concept of entanglement. It explores the behavior of particles at the quantum level and how they can seemingly "choose" their paths based on the presence or absence of a measuring device.

2. How does a quantum eraser experiment work?

In a quantum eraser experiment, a pair of entangled particles are sent through a double-slit apparatus. One particle is directed towards a detector that records its position, while the other particle is directed towards a screen where it can create an interference pattern. The key factor in this experiment is the use of a "quantum eraser" which can erase the information about the particle's path, thus causing the interference pattern to reappear.

3. What is the significance of a quantum eraser experiment?

Quantum eraser experiments have important implications in the study of quantum mechanics. They demonstrate the strange and counterintuitive behavior of particles at the quantum level, such as the concept of superposition and the role of observation in determining the behavior of particles. These experiments also have practical applications in fields such as quantum computing and cryptography.

4. Are quantum eraser experiments real or just theoretical?

Quantum eraser experiments have been conducted in laboratories and have been proven to accurately reflect the behavior of particles at the quantum level. While they may seem counterintuitive and even paradoxical, they are based on well-established principles of quantum mechanics and have been verified through experiments.

5. What are the implications of quantum eraser experiments for our understanding of reality?

Quantum eraser experiments challenge our traditional understanding of reality and raise questions about the nature of existence and the role of consciousness in determining reality. They also have implications for the concept of determinism and the idea that the universe operates based on predictable and predetermined laws. These experiments continue to spark philosophical and scientific debates about the true nature of reality.

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