Looking for a Theorem of Continuous Functions

In summary, there is a theorem that states if a function is continuous in each variable separately, then the function is also continuous in the product space.
  • #1
Say I have a function F(x,y)=(f(x),g(y)), F:X×Y→X'×Y'. Is there a theorem that says if f:X→X' and g:Y→Y' are continuous then F(x,y) is continuous. I've proved it, or at least I think I have, but I'd like to know for sure whether or not I'm right.

I know that its not necessarily true that a function defined on a product space is continuous even if it is continuous in each variable separately. But it seems as though since the function I defined above does not interact x and y, there may be some different rules.

Also, if anyone knows for sure that this is not true, that would be useful information as well.

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  • #2
You are right F is continuous.

Suppose U',V' are open in X',Y'. Let U and V be their respective inverse images under f and g. The inverse image of U'xV' by your map F is UxV, which is open in XxY. Then use the fact that all open sets in X'xY' are unions of sets of the form U'xV'.
  • #3
A function X-->Y x Z, F(x) = (f(x), g(x)) is continuous iff both f:X-->Y and g:X-->Z are continuous.

Your statement is a particular case of this. Also, it would still be true if you had F(x,y)=(f(x,y),g(x,y)).
  • #4
quasar987 said:
A function X-->Y x Z, F(x) = (f(x), g(x)) is continuous iff both f:X-->Y and g:X-->Z are continuous.

Your statement is a particular case of this. Also, it would still be true if you had F(x,y)=(f(x,y),g(x,y)).

Ah I actually was looking at this theorem but I stupidly did not see this. I guess in my case where I define f on X and g on Y, I would write F(x,y)=(f'(x,y),g'(x,y)) where f'(x,y)=f(x)and g'(x,y)=g(x) so then g' and f' are both continuous and defined on X×Y, right?
  • #5
as quasar says this follows immediately from what is essentially the defining property of a product. It is also one aspect of the statement that products are functors. i.e. when learning to define a product of two spaces one should also learn to define the product of two maps. i.e. products are functors from the collection (category) of pairs of spaces (X,Y) and pairs of maps (f,g), to the collection (category) of single spaces XxY, and single maps fxg. Your map is fxg.

so the full construction takes a pair of spaces (X,Y) to a space XxY, and a pair of continuous maps (f,g) to a continuous map fxg.
  • #6
Can you give me a reference for products of two maps? Wikipedia is weak on this point and google is proving relatively useless.
  • #7
sammycaps said:
Ah I actually was looking at this theorem but I stupidly did not see this. I guess in my case where I define f on X and g on Y, I would write F(x,y)=(f'(x,y),g'(x,y)) where f'(x,y)=f(x)and g'(x,y)=g(x) so then g' and f' are both continuous and defined on X×Y, right?

  • #8
you just defined it yourself.
  • #9
When first learning about continuity I found it instructive to try the theorem first for metric spaces. In this case, I start with X and Y metric spaces and try to come up with a metric on the product space such that Cauchy sequences in the product converge if an only if their projections converge. Then check to see if this gives you the product topology - just to be sure, The more general idea that has been discussed in this thread then becomes obvious from this.
  • #10
mathwonk said:
you just defined it yourself.

Are the components of the product viewed as functions from the product space or from the original space (in the definition I gave I had F(x,y)=(f'(x,y),g'(x,y)) where f(x,y)=f(x) (and for g), but wikipedia just calls them functions from the original spaces)?
  • #11
lavinia said:
When first learning about continuity I found it instructive to try the theorem first for metric spaces. In this case, I start with X and Y metric spaces and try to come up with a metric on the product space such that Cauchy sequences in the product converge if an only if their projections converge. Then check to see if this gives you the product topology - just to be sure, The more general idea that has been discussed in this thread then becomes obvious from this.

Ok, thanks very much.

FAQ: Looking for a Theorem of Continuous Functions

What is a continuous function?

A continuous function is a type of mathematical function that has a continuous graph, meaning that there are no abrupt changes or gaps in the values of the function over its domain.

Why are continuous functions important?

Continuous functions are important in mathematics because they allow us to model real-world phenomena and make predictions with a high level of accuracy. They also have many useful properties that make them easier to work with in calculations and proofs.

How do you prove that a function is continuous?

To prove that a function is continuous, you must show that it satisfies the three conditions of continuity: 1) the function is defined at the point in question, 2) the limit of the function exists at that point, and 3) the limit and the function value are equal at that point. If all three conditions are met, the function is considered continuous at that point.

Can a function be continuous at one point but not at others?

Yes, it is possible for a function to be continuous at one point but not at others. This is because the continuity of a function depends on the behavior of the function at each individual point, rather than the function as a whole. For example, a function may be continuous everywhere except for a single point where it has a jump or a discontinuity.

What is the difference between a continuous function and a differentiable function?

A continuous function is one that has a smooth and unbroken graph, while a differentiable function is one that has a well-defined slope or derivative at every point in its domain. In other words, all differentiable functions are continuous, but not all continuous functions are differentiable.

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