High Energy Lasers: Questions & Answers

In summary: Mirrors designed for a specific wavelength may perform better.In summary, the conversation discusses high energy lasers and the challenges of using them, such as the need for proper shuttering and combining of laser beams. The key to success is tuning mirrors to the laser frequency and using highly reflective coatings.
  • #1
Does someone here know about high energy lasers?

As I understand it, at a certain field strength you damage your optical media, but I know high power cw lasers do exist, so I wonder:

1) How do you shutter a high power laser?
2) Is it possible to join two laser beams. The only way I see would be with a polarizing beam splitter in reverse, but you can only do that once and the medium hast to survive.
3) Is the key to success to tune all your mirrors exactly to the laser frequency?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Usually, it's the optical surface coatings that damage before the actual optical material.

Higher power lasers typically use a larger area beam, so that the intensity (power/area) is kept below the damage threshold.

1) lasers can be shuttered with a black anodized aluminum stop, with a heatsink if necessary. The thermal conductivity of aluminum and heatsink would dissapate the heat.

2) Yes, a polarizing beam splitter can combine two beams that are each linearly polarized. The resulting beam will be unpolarized.

3) Mirrors that are highly reflective at the laser frequency are used so that losses are minimal. Mirrors often work over a broad range of wavelengths, eg. "visible", "near ir", etc.
  • #3

I am familiar with high energy lasers and their capabilities. To address your questions:

1) There are various ways to shutter a high power laser, including mechanical shutters, acousto-optic modulators, and electro-optic modulators. These devices can quickly block or redirect the laser beam, providing a means for control and safety.

2) Yes, it is possible to join two laser beams. One method is using a beam combiner, which combines multiple beams into one. This can be done with polarizing beam splitters or dichroic mirrors. However, as you mentioned, the medium must be able to withstand the high power without damage.

3) Tuning the mirrors to the exact laser frequency is important for achieving optimal performance and efficiency. However, it is not the only factor for success. Other considerations include the type of laser medium, the power source, and the optical components used in the laser system.

I hope this helps answer your questions about high energy lasers. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to ask. As scientists, it is our duty to continually research and advance our understanding of this technology.

FAQ: High Energy Lasers: Questions & Answers

1. What are high energy lasers and how do they work?

High energy lasers are powerful sources of light that emit intense beams of light in the visible or invisible spectrum. They work by generating a concentrated beam of light through the use of an energy source, such as electricity or chemical reactions, and amplifying it through a medium, such as a gas, solid, or liquid.

2. What are the potential applications of high energy lasers?

High energy lasers have a wide range of potential applications, including military and defense systems, industrial cutting and welding, medical procedures, research and development, and communications and data transmission. They can also be used for precision targeting and tracking, as well as for scientific experiments and measurements.

3. What makes high energy lasers different from other types of lasers?

High energy lasers are distinguished from other types of lasers by their ability to deliver large amounts of energy in a short amount of time. They also have much higher power densities, which allows them to produce more intense beams of light. Additionally, high energy lasers require advanced technology and materials to withstand the extreme conditions of their operation.

4. What are some challenges associated with developing and using high energy lasers?

One of the main challenges with high energy lasers is managing the heat generated by their intense beams of light. This can cause damage to the laser's components and reduce its effectiveness. Another challenge is achieving a stable and precise beam, as even small deviations can greatly affect the laser's performance. Additionally, high energy lasers can be expensive to develop and maintain, and require specialized training for their operation.

5. Are there any safety concerns with high energy lasers?

High energy lasers can pose safety risks if not used properly. Their intense beams of light can cause eye damage or burns if not properly contained or directed. Therefore, strict safety protocols and precautions must be followed when handling and operating high energy lasers. Additionally, high energy lasers used in military applications may also pose a threat to human life if not used responsibly.

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