Eventual disappearance of rest mass

In summary, the concept of the universe rapidly expanding and losing all rest mass is not supported by current scientific understanding. The Higgs mechanism, which gives particles their mass, is a fundamental aspect of our understanding of particle physics and is not affected by the expansion of spacetime. The idea of all particles eventually being isolated within their own event horizons is not supported by evidence.
  • #1
If the universe were expanding very, very rapidly, would rest mass disappear?
I've been reading "Cycles of Time" by Roger Penrose, which is about his "conformal cyclic cosmology" theory. The gist of it is that in the VERY VERY distant future, like a googol of years from now, when all the black holes have decayed by Hawking radiation, the universe will have only massless particles like photons, it will lose any sense of scale, since particle masses are what provides a scale. So it collapses to a new Big Bang! Neatly connecting the new observation that the universe is open and has a nonzero cosmological constant, with a cyclic universe! A universe that was closed wouldn't work for conformal cyclic cosmology.
A hitch in this idea is that not all of the mass would be in black holes. So he needs to have rest mass decay somehow, for this to work.
The universe is open, it seems, and it's going to look more and more like de Sitter spacetime. De Sitter spacetime expands at an (exponentially I think) increasing rate. After a googol of years - or enough time, anyway, any kind of particle interaction is going to be impossible. Even something a Planck distance away would be as hard to interact with as a galaxy that's not in the observable universe is now. A signal from a Planck distance away would never get there.
So couldn't this rapid expansion of spacetime tear the Higgs mechanism to pieces, since it's based on interactions?
Penrose sort of touches on this idea. He says that in time each particle would be isolated inside its own event horizon. But he seems to think that a particle isolated this way would still have mass and charge. I'm wondering if it wouldn't.
This question probably goes way beyond known physics. But I'm hoping that people who know about particle physics and the Higgs mechanism could shed some light.
This "Cycles of Time" book is very worth reading -
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  • #2

Thank you for bringing up this interesting topic. I can say that the idea of the universe rapidly expanding and eventually losing all rest mass is not supported by current scientific understanding.

First, let's clarify what is meant by "rest mass." Rest mass is the mass of an object when it is at rest, meaning it is not moving. This is different from the total mass of an object, which includes its kinetic energy (energy due to motion). In physics, mass is a fundamental property of matter and cannot be created or destroyed.

The Higgs mechanism, which is responsible for giving particles their mass, is a crucial part of the Standard Model of particle physics. It is based on the idea of a Higgs field, which permeates all of space and interacts with particles to give them mass. This mechanism has been extensively tested and is a fundamental aspect of our understanding of particle physics.

In a universe that is rapidly expanding, the Higgs field would still exist and interact with particles, giving them mass. While the expansion of spacetime may make it more difficult for particles to interact, it would not tear apart the Higgs mechanism. In fact, the Higgs field is thought to be responsible for the expansion of the universe, as it contributes to the cosmological constant.

Furthermore, the idea of all particles eventually being isolated within their own event horizons is not supported by current understanding of the universe. While black holes are a natural consequence of general relativity, there is no evidence to suggest that all particles will eventually become black holes.

Overall, while it is always important to explore new ideas and theories, it is crucial to base them on current scientific understanding and evidence. The idea of the universe rapidly expanding and losing all rest mass is not supported by our current understanding of the universe and particle physics.

FAQ: Eventual disappearance of rest mass

1. What is the "eventual disappearance of rest mass"?

The eventual disappearance of rest mass refers to the theoretical concept in physics that suggests all particles with rest mass will eventually decay into energy, according to the law of conservation of energy.

2. Is the eventual disappearance of rest mass a proven fact?

No, the eventual disappearance of rest mass is still a theoretical concept and has not been proven through experiments. However, it is supported by theories such as the Standard Model of particle physics and the theory of relativity.

3. How does the eventual disappearance of rest mass relate to Einstein's famous equation, E=mc²?

E=mc², also known as the mass-energy equivalence equation, states that energy and mass are interchangeable and can be converted into each other. This equation supports the idea of the eventual disappearance of rest mass, as it suggests that mass can be converted into energy and vice versa.

4. What would be the implications of the eventual disappearance of rest mass?

If the eventual disappearance of rest mass is proven to be true, it would have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and the laws of physics. It would also have practical applications, such as the development of new energy sources.

5. Are there any known particles that have exhibited the eventual disappearance of rest mass?

Currently, there are no known particles that have completely disappeared through the process of converting their mass into energy. However, some particles, such as neutrinos, have very small rest masses and have been observed to change into different types of particles, which supports the idea of the eventual disappearance of rest mass.

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