Massless electrons behave relativistically

In summary: This speed of 1 million m/s per second comes from an effective calculationwhere E=m_cc_*^2 where c_* = 10^6 m/s is called the "effective speed of light". This is something entirely different then saying that the electrons are actuallymoving with this speed.The two theory groups you mentioned had predicted the Quantum HallEffects and not the "behavior" as suggested by physicsweb.
  • #1
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"Massless" electrons behave relativistically

This is just one of a zoo of examples from condensed matter where relativistic forms manifest themselves via condensed matter phenomena.

Just imagine. One could have a benchtop demo of QCD!

Physics news on
  • #2
ZapperZ said:
This is just one of a zoo of examples from condensed matter where relativistic forms manifest themselves via condensed matter phenomena.
Just imagine. One could have a benchtop demo of QCD!

Nowadays I thrust physicsweb no more than New Scientist or Scientific
American... Electrons with zero rest-mass moving 100 million times faster
through a solid state material than normal...?!

This must be signal speed. The explanation would be as follows. If the
string of zeroes are electrons in the graphite and electron A kicks in
resulting in electron B being kicked out at the other side then the speed
of A to B would appear to be extremely high.

A ---> 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

------ 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ----> B

They somehow don't see the electrons in the graphite structure as mobile
charge carriers. This coincides with the other bizarre remark that the
conductivity remains even if there are "no mobile charge carriers in the

Current without charge... ?!

Regards, Hans
  • #3
The DIFFERENCE here from New Scientist etc. is that Physics Web is REPORTING a paper published elsewhere AND that they include the exact citation, something New Scientist and Sci Am are notorious for not consistently doing.

I read the Nature papers (there were TWO separate papers on the same subject in the same issue) and the News and Views on these two papers in the same issue, and the PhysicsWeb article is accurate! These results illustrates the bizarre behavior of what we mean as "charge transport" in 2D material.

And I don't see anything wrong with "current without charge". After all, I have seen current without any bias voltage potential (Josephson current). The fact that these papers are producing unusual results is the reason why they got into Nature in the first place.

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  • #4
The Nature papers were an interesting read. There also was a mention in one of the papers that one or two theory groups had independently predicted the same behaviour so it seems that there's nothing wrong with physicsweb's credibility.
  • #5
inha said:
The Nature papers were an interesting read. There also was a mention in one of the papers that one or two theory groups had independently predicted the same behaviour so it seems that there's nothing wrong with physicsweb's credibility.

The whole point is that physicsweb talks as if we have to take all these
things literally while the document repeatedly uses the word "fictitious".

This speed of 1 million m/s per second comes from an effective calculation
where [itex]E=m_cc_*^2[/itex] where [itex]c_* = 10^6 m/s[/itex] is called the "effective speed of light".
This is something entirely different then saying that the electrons are actually
moving with this speed.

The two theory groups you mentioned had predicted the Quantum Hall
Effects and not the "behavior" as suggested by physicsweb.

Well, here are the papers., Hans
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  • #6
Hans de Vries said:
The whole point is that physicsweb talks as if we have to take all these
things literally while the document repeatedly uses the word "fictitious".

This speed of 1 million m/s per second comes from an effective calculation
where [itex]E=m_cc_*^2[/itex] where [itex]c_* = 10^6 m/s[/itex] is called the "effective speed of light".
This is something entirely different then saying that the electrons are actually
moving with this speed.

But if we're going to pick on that kind of terminology, then you should also pick on condensed matter people who work in "quantum teleportation" and "heavy fermion systems". I mean, when they talk about the electron in UPt having 200 times the mass of a bare electron, they are also talking about "effective mass". One could easily use your argument and accuse them of using "fictitious" notion.

I really don't see this as a problem, and certainly will not fault PhysicsWeb for using it especially the News and Views article in the same issue says the same thing.

  • #7
The "relativistic" here means that the energy dispersion relation of a quasiparticle follows [tex]E = c^{*} P[/tex], rather than the usual dispersion relation [tex]E = \frac{P^2}{2m_{eff}}[/tex], with P being the momentum of a quasiparticle and [tex]m_{eff}[/tex] the effective mass of the quasiparticle.

From this, the quasiparticle shows signs of effective relativistic phenomena, rather than the non-relativistic effects shown by the quasiparticles experiencing the ordinary dispersion relation.

FAQ: Massless electrons behave relativistically

1. How can electrons have no mass?

Electrons are considered to be elementary particles, meaning they cannot be broken down into smaller components. According to the Standard Model of particle physics, they are believed to have no internal structure and therefore no mass.

2. What does it mean for an electron to behave relativistically?

Relativistic behavior refers to the effects of special relativity, which is a fundamental principle of modern physics. When an electron is moving at high speeds, close to the speed of light, its behavior is described by this theory.

3. How does the lack of mass affect the behavior of electrons?

Since electrons have no mass, they are able to reach speeds close to that of light. This causes them to exhibit relativistic effects, such as time dilation and length contraction, which are not observed in objects with more mass.

4. What are some real-world applications of massless electrons?

Massless electrons, also known as leptons, play a crucial role in many areas of modern technology. They are used in particle accelerators, as well as in electronic devices like transistors and computer chips.

5. Can electrons ever truly be considered massless?

While electrons are currently believed to have no mass according to the Standard Model, there are some theories that propose they may have a very small amount of mass. This is still an area of active research and debate in the scientific community.

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