Schrodinger equation in matrix form

This is why, in all your expressions, I use the index n instead of m. I have no problem replacing n by m at the end as long as I understand that this comes from the fact that the delta forces me to do it. The inverse is not true: if you use m as the index (because it is convenient for you), you can't just replace m by n because the result will no longer be correct.I am sorry if this is a bit complicated, it is an important point and I am afraid that unless you see it once correctly, you are going to make mistakes in the future.
  • #1
I have been asked to show that the Schroding equation is equivalent to:
i(hbar)d/dt(cn(t))=sum over m (Hnm*cm(t))
where Hnm=integral over all space of (complex conjugate of psin)*Hamiltonian operating on psim

psi=sum over n (cn(t)*psin)
But i don't know how to even start this question.
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  • #3
Hi sensou,

I will give you a few hints on where to start. You obviously want to begin with the Schrodiner equation: [tex] i \hbar \frac{d}{dt} |\psi(t)\rangle = H | \psi(t) \rangle [/tex] in bra-ket notation (if you are unfamiliar with this notation, let me know). You have also expanded your wavefunction in terms of a basis set [tex] |\psi(t) \rangle = \sum_n c_n(t) |\psi_n \rangle [/tex].

Here is the hint: The coeffecients [tex] c_n(t) [/tex] are time dependent, while the basis vectors [tex] |\psi_n \rangle [/tex] are independent of time.

Now a question for you: Given a certain vector [tex] |\psi(t)\rangle [/tex], how do you find the coeffecients [tex] c_n(t) [/tex]?
  • #4
i haven't used bra-ket notation before but i can understand what you wrote
i will try to use latex code now hopefully it will turn out correctly
what i wrote in the initial question was
[tex] i \hbar \frac {d c_n(t)} {dt} = \sum_m H_n_m c_m(t) [/tex]
[tex] H_n_m = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} \psi_n^* \hat{H} \psi_m \,dx [/tex]
[tex] c_n(t) = \int \psi_n^* \Psi(x , t) \,dx [/tex]
after a few steps i get:
[tex] i \hbar \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} \sum_m \dot{c_m} (t) \psi_n^* \psi_m \,dx = \sum_m c_m(t) \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} \psi_n^* \hat{H} \psi_m \,dx[/tex]

there is a dot on the first [tex] c_m(t) [/tex] but it is difficult to see
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  • #5
sensou said:
i haven't used bra-ket notation before but i can understand what you wrote
i will try to use latex code now hopefully it will turn out correctly
[tex] c_n(t) = \int \psi_n^* \Psi(x , t) \,dx [/tex]

That is right.

So the way to do it is this:
Start with Schrodinger's equation applied to Psi(x,t). Write
[itex] \Psi(x,t) = \sum_n c_n(t) \psi_n(x) [/itex].

Now multiply everything (both right and left sides) of the equation by [itex] \psi_m(x)[/itex] and integrate over x and you will get the equation you had to prove (notice that [itex] \sum_n c_n(t) \int \psi_m(x) \psi_n(x) = \sum_n \delta_{n,m} c_n(t) = c_n(t) [/itex]
  • #6
so, [tex] i \hbar \int \sum_m \dot{c_m} (t) \psi_n^* \psi_m \,dx = i \hbar \sum_m \delta_{n,m} \dot{c_m(t)} = i \hbar \dot{c_m(t)} or \dot{c_n(t)} ?[/tex]
if it is the [tex] i \hbar \dot{c_n(t)} [/tex] then my answer works out
but i don't think the fact that it is c_n rather than c_m makes sense to me
or is it because of the [tex] \delta_{n,m} [/tex] that makes it ok. If m=n they are the same thing so [tex] \dot{c_n(t)} [/tex] is the same as [tex] \dot{c_m(t)} [/tex]
Thanks for all the help, especially if this is correct!
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  • #7

That sum does indeed give [tex] i \hbar \dot{c}_n(t) [/tex] because of the Kronecker delta which sets [tex] m = n [/tex], so you got it.
  • #8
sensou said:
so, [tex] i \hbar \int \sum_m \dot{c_m} (t) \psi_n^* \psi_m \,dx = i \hbar \sum_m \delta_{n,m} \dot{c_m(t)} = i \hbar \dot{c_m(t)} or \dot{c_n(t)} ?[/tex]
if it is the [tex] i \hbar \dot{c_n(t)} [/tex] then my answer works out
but i don't think the fact that it is c_n rather than c_m makes sense to me
or is it because of the [tex] \delta_{n,m} [/tex] that makes it ok. If m=n they are the same thing so [tex] \dot{c_n(t)} [/tex] is the same as [tex] \dot{c_m(t)} [/tex]
Thanks for all the help, especially if this is correct!

Yes, this is correct. But let me explain a little.

Indeed, [itex] \sum_m \delta_{n,m} \dot{c_m(t)} = \dot{c_n(t)} [/itex]

but one should not sya that the result (the right hand side) is [itex]\dot{c_n} [/itex] *OR* [itex]\dot{c_m} [/itex]... It can only be with the expression with the index *n*. Notice that m is summed over (it is then called a dummy index). After the summation is done, no m should appear in the final expression (it's a bit like a definite integral over x...the final answer should not contain x). What the delta does is that it ''kills'' (sets to zero) al the terms where m is not equal to n, leaving only the term in the sum where m is equal to n.

The way to think about the equation then is :for a given n (let`s say 42), what is the result of doing this integral. The result is [itex]i \hbar \dot{c_{42}} [/itex]. So for an arbitrary n, the result is [itex]i \hbar \dot{c_n} [/itex]. You might say ''well, the delta function sets m=n anyway so hwy can't I write the answer with ''m''. This is a common source of confusion. The problem is that if I give you a value fo n an dyou do the calculation and send me back the answer with an index m, I will say ''what do you mean by m? I gave you a value of n, I have no idea what m stands for!'' And you will say ''well, m is equal to n''. And I will say ''then why not writing n??''

This may sound as illy point but to be more serious, when you do long calculations with a lt of indices and summation and so on, there is only one way to correctly do it when there is a Kronecker delta summed over: you *must* set the dummy index (the one summed over) equal to the value imposed by the delta. The resulting expression (after the sum has been carried out) muts *NOT* contain the dummy variable anymore.


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  • #9
ahh i think i understand now. Thanks for the deeper insight into the question and helping me understand it better. I am new to this forum and i plan to stay and help others if i can since the help i received was so good.
  • #10
sensou said:
ahh i think i understand now. Thanks for the deeper insight into the question and helping me understand it better. I am new to this forum and i plan to stay and help others if i can since the help i received was so good.
You are most welcome.

Yes, please pass over the favor to others!

FAQ: Schrodinger equation in matrix form

1. What is the Schrodinger equation in matrix form?

The Schrodinger equation in matrix form is a mathematical representation of the wave function of a quantum system. It describes how the wave function changes over time and is essential for predicting the behavior of particles at the quantum level.

2. How is the Schrodinger equation in matrix form different from the traditional form?

The traditional form of the Schrodinger equation is a differential equation, while the matrix form is a set of linear algebraic equations. The matrix form is more convenient for solving problems involving multiple particles and allows for the treatment of spin and other quantum properties.

3. What is the significance of the matrix elements in the Schrodinger equation?

The matrix elements in the Schrodinger equation represent the probability amplitudes for a particle to transition from one state to another. They provide information about the energy levels and transitions of the system, which can be used to make predictions about the behavior of the system.

4. How is the Schrodinger equation in matrix form used in quantum mechanics?

The Schrodinger equation in matrix form is a fundamental tool in quantum mechanics. It is used to calculate the wave function of a quantum system, which provides information about the probability of finding a particle in a particular state. This information can then be used to make predictions about the behavior of the system under different conditions.

5. Can the Schrodinger equation in matrix form be applied to all quantum systems?

Yes, the Schrodinger equation in matrix form is a general equation that can be applied to any quantum system, regardless of its complexity. It has been successfully used to describe a wide range of phenomena, from the behavior of individual particles to the properties of complex molecules and materials.
