Marking questions as answered when they are, and adding them to FAQ

  • Thread starter CosmicVoyager
  • Start date
In summary, people post questions on the internet asking for help, and the FAQ is a collection of frequently asked questions that are answered in one post.
  • #1

Something can be done now thanks to crowdsourcing via the internet that could not be done before with books. Most questions asked here can be answered thanks to the combined knowledge, imagination, and explanatory skills of a vast number of people. And those answers can be updated if need be.

When the asker is satisfied the question has been answered, it should be marked as answered and added to a FAQ.

If someone has further questions about a topic, merely addressing that as it in a post as it is done now causes the complete answer to be spread out through the thread. What is needed is the complete answer in one post. So instead of just responding, the answer should be updated. It should be improved.

So you have a list FAQs and the post that is the "current best answer" complete and easy to find rather that having to read through a hundred post thread.

The point is, the answers to many important questions exist here but the complete answers are scattered all over. Each FAQ should have a "current best answer" which is revised if someone has further questions.

For example, the balloon analogy. Has that been answered yet? One has to read through pages of posts to try to find out, and the answer might not even be there yet.

If not here, somewhere. So much time could be saved and so many people's important questions that desperately seek the answers to can be found.

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  • #2
Won't work for most questions. There are too many of them.
  • #3
Well CosmicVoyager has a point in my opinion. Of course, there are too many questions, so it would be to much to put every question in the FAQ, it would just be to large!

However, there are some frequently recurring questions that appear a lot. And posting an FAQ of the most frequent questions would be very handy!
I'm thinking of an FAQ that explains the racecar on a train-analogy that is supposed to be a counterexample for relativity, the fact that 1=0.9999..., what exactly is infinity?, and some more topics that appear a lot...
  • #4
I'm not so sure the people asking these questions (for the most part) would bother to read the FAQ at all. I mean a lot of those types of questions have been answered to death, and are generally easily answered with a quick forum or Google search.

The real problem is perhaps that many people don't bother to do even the smallest bit of research before asking a question.

Sometimes I'm really tempted to link people through when they ask those kinds of questions. :devil:

FAQ: Marking questions as answered when they are, and adding them to FAQ

1) What is the purpose of marking questions as answered and adding them to a FAQ?

The purpose of marking questions as answered and adding them to a FAQ is to provide a clear and organized reference for commonly asked questions. This helps save time and effort for both the question asker and the question answerer.

2) How do you decide which questions to include in the FAQ?

The questions that should be included in the FAQ are those that are asked frequently and are relevant to the topic or subject matter. It is also important to consider the usefulness and clarity of the answer for each question.

3) Can questions be removed from the FAQ?

Yes, questions can be removed from the FAQ if they are no longer relevant or if the answer has become outdated. It is important to regularly review and update the FAQ to ensure its accuracy and usefulness.

4) How should the answers in the FAQ be formatted?

The answers in the FAQ should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. It is helpful to use bullet points or numbered lists to organize the information and make it easier to read. Additionally, using headings and subheadings can help break up the content and make it more visually appealing.

5) How often should the FAQ be updated?

The FAQ should be updated regularly, especially if new information or updates become available. It is important to review and update the FAQ at least once a month to ensure that it remains relevant and accurate.

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