Time-dependent perturbation theory: hydrogen atom in electric field

They have to be modified a bit for non-uniform fields, but basically they hold.In summary, the dipole selection rule states that transitions from one energy level to another are only allowed if the change in angular momentum quantum number is |Δℓ| = 1 and the change in magnetic quantum number is Δm = 0. In the case of a hydrogen atom placed in a weak electric field, the only allowed transition from the ground state (n=1) to the n=2 states is to the 2p orbital with m = 0. This is because the perturbation, which is proportional to the electric field and position operator, is of dipole form and thus follows the dipole selection rule.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A Hydrogen atom in its ground state (n,l,m) = (1,0,0) is placed in a weak electric fieldE(t) = 0 if t < 0
[tex]Eo *e^{\frac{-t}{\tau}} [/tex]if t > 0E is in the positive z direction

What is the probability that it will be found in any of the n=2 states at time t > 0 ? use first order perturbation theory

Homework Equations

[tex]C^{(1)}_{ba} = \frac{1}{(i\hbar)} \int^t_0 H'_{ba} e^{iw_{ba}t'}dt' [/tex]

where [tex] H'_{ba}[/tex] is the (b,a) matrix element of the perturbation and [tex]w_{ba} = \frac{(E^{(0)}_b - E^{(0)}_a)}{\hbar} [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

so basically i set up the schrodinger equation in spherical coordinates and added the perturbation [tex]H' = e*Eo *e^{\frac{-t}{\tau}}*rcos{\theta} [/tex]

where e is the magnitude of the charge charge of an electron. i then evaluated [tex]C_{ba} [/tex] for a = 1s and b = 2s, 2p0, 2p1, 2p-1 all separately.

i got [tex] H'_{ba} = 0 [/tex] for everything except 2p0, so the coefficients will be 0, for 2p0 i got this for the coefficient:

[tex] (\frac{e*Eo}{i\hbar3\sqrt{2}a^4_{\mu}})(\int^{\infty}_0 r^4 e^{\frac{-3r}{2a_{\mu}}}dr)(\frac{1}{\frac{i3\mu e^4}{128\pi^2 \epsilon^2_o\hbar^3} - \frac{1}{\tau}})(e^{t(\frac{i3\mu e^4}{128\pi^2\epsilon^2_0\hbar^3}-\frac{1}{\tau}]}-1) [/tex]
a_{\mu} =\frac{4\pi\epsilon_o\hbar^2}{\mu e^2}
\mu = [/tex] reduced massand then just take the absolute value squared to get the probability of being found in that state at time t. i was wondering if i did this right? also sorry about using e for the exponential and the charge, if it has variables in its power then its the exponential, otherwise its charge.
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  • #2
adjklx said:

Homework Statement

A Hydrogen atom in its ground state (n,l,m) = (1,0,0) is placed in a weak electric field

E(t) = 0 if t < 0
[tex]Eo *e^{\frac{-t}{\tau}} [/tex]if t > 0

E is in the positive z direction

What is the probability that it will be found in any of the n=2 states at time t > 0 ? use first order perturbation theory

Homework Equations

[tex]C^{(1)}_{ba} = \frac{1}{(i\hbar)} \int^t_0 H'_{ba} e^{iw_{ba}t'}dt' [/tex]

where [tex] H'_{ba}[/tex] is the (b,a) matrix element of the perturbation and [tex]w_{ba} = \frac{(E^{(0)}_b - E^{(0)}_a)}{\hbar} [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

so basically i set up the schrodinger equation in spherical coordinates and added the perturbation [tex]H' = e*Eo *e^{\frac{-t}{\tau}}*rcos{\theta} [/tex]

where e is the magnitude of the charge charge of an electron. i then evaluated [tex]C_{ba} [/tex] for a = 1s and b = 2s, 2p0, 2p1, 2p-1 all separately.

i got [tex] H'_{ba} = 0 [/tex] for everything except 2p0, so the coefficients will be 0, for 2p0 i got this for the coefficient:

[tex] (\frac{e*Eo}{i\hbar3\sqrt{2}a^4_{\mu}})(\int^{\infty}_0 r^4 e^{\frac{-3r}{2a_{\mu}}}dr)(\frac{1}{\frac{i3\mu e^4}{128\pi^2 \epsilon^2_o\hbar^3} - \frac{1}{\tau}})(e^{t(\frac{i3\mu e^4}{128\pi^2\epsilon^2_0\hbar^3}-\frac{1}{\tau}]}-1) [/tex]
a_{\mu} =\frac{4\pi\epsilon_o\hbar^2}{\mu e^2}
\mu = [/tex] reduced mass

and then just take the absolute value squared to get the probability of being found in that state at time t. i was wondering if i did this right? also sorry about using e for the exponential and the charge, if it has variables in its power then its the exponential, otherwise its charge.

I have not checked all your algebra, but the fact that the only n=2 transition is to 2p is correct (given the dipole form of the perturbation).

This is more generally called the "dipole selection rule" and it is comes about because of the cos(theta) in the perturbation which is proportional to Y_{10}.

Thus transitions from the ground-state must go to states with [itex]\ell=1[/itex].
  • #3
oh it was actually asking for the probabilities for the individual n=2 orbitals
i received probabilities of 0 for 2s and the 2p orbitals corresponding to the quantum numbers m = +/- 1. the only non zero probability transition i received was for 2p corresponding to m = 0.

the field is just a uniform electric field in the z direction that decays with time so I'm not sure if the selection rules are the same for the dipole transition.
  • #4
adjklx said:
oh it was actually asking for the probabilities for the individual n=2 orbitals
i received probabilities of 0 for 2s and the 2p orbitals corresponding to the quantum numbers m = +/- 1. the only non zero probability transition i received was for 2p corresponding to m = 0.

the field is just a uniform electric field in the z direction that decays with time so I'm not sure if the selection rules are the same for the dipole transition.

...And I am telling you that what you have found is correct and the this *is* the dipole selection rule.

Your perturbation is basically
which *is* the dipole operator [itex]-e\bold{x}[/itex] dotted with the field vector.

You have chosen the field to be in the z-direction and thus, like I said, the spherical harmonic (1,0) is the perturbation. thus the final state must have [itex]\ell=1[/itex] and [itex]m=0[/itex] for transtions from the ground state. More generally (e.g., for transitions from states other than ground) dipole selection rules hold.

FAQ: Time-dependent perturbation theory: hydrogen atom in electric field

1. What is time-dependent perturbation theory?

Time-dependent perturbation theory is a mathematical method used to study the behavior of a quantum system (such as an atom) when it is subjected to a time-varying external perturbation (such as an electric field). It allows us to calculate the probability of transitions between different energy states of the system as a function of time.

2. How does time-dependent perturbation theory differ from time-independent perturbation theory?

Time-independent perturbation theory is used to study the behavior of a quantum system under a constant external perturbation. In contrast, time-dependent perturbation theory is used when the external perturbation varies with time, allowing us to analyze the system's response to this time-varying perturbation.

3. Can time-dependent perturbation theory be applied to any quantum system?

Yes, time-dependent perturbation theory can be applied to any quantum system, as long as it is subjected to a time-varying external perturbation. However, the calculations can become more complex for larger and more complex systems.

4. What is the role of the electric field in time-dependent perturbation theory for the hydrogen atom?

The electric field acts as the external perturbation in the time-dependent perturbation theory for the hydrogen atom. It allows us to study the changes in the atom's energy levels and the probability of transitions between these levels as the electric field varies with time.

5. How is time-dependent perturbation theory used in practical applications?

Time-dependent perturbation theory is used in a variety of practical applications, such as in the study of atomic and molecular dynamics, chemical reactions, and the behavior of quantum systems under external fields. It also plays a crucial role in the development of technologies such as laser spectroscopy and quantum computing.
