Learn IRAF for Astrophysics: UofL Student Seeks Examples & Guidance

  • Thread starter bsleis01
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In summary, the conversation discusses the speaker's experience in reducing CCD data in IRAF with the help of their professor. They have recently acquired a laptop and are struggling to piece together the steps they previously worked on. The speaker is seeking assistance with reducing spectra images and is interested in developing their skills in IRAF. They are referred to several manuals and resources available for programming in IRAF.
  • #1
I am an astrophysics student at the University of Louisville. Last semester, a third of the course was a brief introduction to reducing CCD data in IRAF and producing a spectral curve. An example was worked through in reducing Hubble data of a galaxy that the professor had written a paper on. At the time, however, I did not have a laptop yet. I now have a laptop with Linux (fedora), and I am trying to piece together what we worked on and I am not getting too far.

If you are familiar with IRAF, here is my current standing:

I have been able to combine the zero and flat images and have produced a zerocombine.fits, flatcombine.fits, and something called a flatten.fits. I was able to work through the steps that he has in his notes through apflatten although I am not sure what that did.

I have looked through user manuals and cookbooks on the subject online and get lost in the language. I am also having trouble understanding, in the list of files from the data he collected, what exactly are the longslit spectra images are exactly.


Does anyone have any examples, or know of any online, of someone working through CCD images, combining zero and darks, correcting the images they want to reduce the spectra of, and then reducing the spectra itself? Then maybe calibrating for wavelength?

Would anyone be interested in communicating with me on maybe working out how to do that with either the example I am working on or one they might have?

Are there any other good programs for doing this?

Thanks a lot! I am really interested in developing some skills in IRAF.

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  • #2
There are several manuals available to assist you with programming in IRAF; the one you will need will depend on the type of programming you expect to do. They are all available in the iraf/docs directory on the node iraf.noao.edu ( by anonymous FTP. The documents are compressed so be sure to declare binary before the transfer.

1) scripts - An Introductory User's Guide to IRAF Scripts, revised by Rob Seaman, September 1989, 49 pages (script.ps.Z, script.pdf). A slide overview is also available.

2) IMFORT - A User's Guide to Fortran Programming in IRAF: The IMFORT Interface, Doug Tody, September 1986, 29 pages [manual pages not included] (imfort.ps.Z).
Specifying Pixel Directories with IMFORT, Doug Tody, June 1989, 1 page [short memo describing a modification to IMFORT] (imfortmem.ps.Z)

3) SPP - An Introductory User's Guide to IRAF SPP Programming, Rob Seaman, October 1992, 76 pages (sppguide.ps.Z). The package of examples from the text is also available as is this slide overview.
SPP Reference Manual, Zolt Levay, October 1992 - see the archives at ftp.stsci.edu in the software/stsdas/v1.3/doc/programmer/spp directory.

4) There are many more older documents that may be referenced by the above that are also available. These are all listed in the TOC_vol3a.txt and TOC_vol3b.txt files in iraf/docs.

FAQ: Learn IRAF for Astrophysics: UofL Student Seeks Examples & Guidance

1. What is IRAF and why is it important for astrophysics research?

IRAF (Image Reduction and Analysis Facility) is a software package developed by the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) for processing and analyzing astronomical data. It is an essential tool for astrophysicists as it allows for the reduction and calibration of raw data from telescopes, as well as the creation of images and spectra for further analysis.

2. How can I learn IRAF for astrophysics research?

There are several resources available for learning IRAF. You can start by reading the documentation provided by NOAO, which includes tutorials and examples. You can also attend workshops or courses offered by universities or research institutions. Additionally, there are online tutorials and forums where you can ask questions and get guidance from experienced users.

3. Is there a specific version of IRAF that I should use?

The most recent version of IRAF is 2.16, which is recommended for new users. However, older versions of IRAF may still be used for specific research projects. It is important to check with your advisor or research group to determine which version is most appropriate for your work.

4. Can I use IRAF on any operating system?

Yes, IRAF is available for multiple operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. However, it is primarily designed for use with Unix-based systems. It is important to note that some tasks may have different syntax or functionality depending on the operating system being used.

5. Are there any alternatives to IRAF for astrophysics research?

Yes, there are several other software packages available for astrophysics research, such as PyRAF, AstroPy, and SAOImage DS9. Each of these has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of which to use may depend on the specific needs of your research project. It is always recommended to consult with your advisor or research group before selecting a software package.

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