Time curvature and twin paradox.

In summary: SR is not applicable to accelerated clocks.In summary, the conversation discusses the twin paradox and its implications on time curvature. It is argued that special relativity cannot handle acceleration, but it can handle accelerating clocks. The concept of time curvature is also discussed, with some suggesting that it may exist in a compact universe with curvatures in both space and time. The conversation also delves into the relationship between general relativity and time dilation.
  • #1
Can the twin paradox provide us with insight into time curvature?

If my twin boards a ship that can travel near the speed of light, special relativity says that on arrival back on Earth, my twin should be younger that I am. Has my twin experienced a time curvature?
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi Imax! :wink:

No such thing as time curvature.

There's space curvature, and space-time curvature, but not time curvature on its own.

Also, the twin paradox can happen in special relativity, in which even space-time is completely flat! :smile:
  • #3
tiny-tim said:
Also, the twin paradox can happen in special relativity, in which even space-time is completely flat! :smile:
Although, if you want to be pedantic, you have to accelerate in order to get the twin paradox, and special relativity can't handle accelerations.
  • #4
Chalnoth said:
… special relativity can't handle accelerations.

it jolly well can!

it can't handle accelerating observers, but it can certainly handle accelerating clocks, which is all the "paradox" needs :wink:
  • #5
tiny-tim said:
it jolly well can!

it can't handle accelerating observers, but it can certainly handle accelerating clocks, which is all the "paradox" needs :wink:
Hmmm, my understanding was that was just an approximation, though. Still, I suppose it is an incredibly good approximation for any amount of acceleration that humans are likely to survive.
  • #6
Imax said:
Can the twin paradox provide us with insight into time curvature?

If my twin boards a ship that can travel near the speed of light, special relativity says that on arrival back on Earth, my twin should be younger that I am. Has my twin experienced a time curvature?

The faster you travel the greater the discrepancy between the time as it relates by us and another creature undergoing a different velocity. An accelerated clock slows down and subatomic particles last far beyond their usual lifespans when undergoing close to light velocities . Both phenomenon have been experimentally proven.

Based on Einstein's theories and these observations, it is thought that if a human is subjected to speeds approaching light then his perception of time passage will differ from those on Earth because his body will be aging at a slower rate and all body functions will be slower from an observer's perspective. Going to a planet which is light years away then, might seem to him as a matter of months. But to those on Earth it could be a decade. That's one reason that makes traveling at such speeds impractical.

Also, it is assumed that living things would survive that phenomenon. Such an extrapolation from the inanimate to the animate, however, decreases it's certainty factor considerably.

  • #7
tiny-tim said:
There's space curvature, and space-time curvature, but not time curvature on its own.[/INDENT]

Space-time can have a curvature, which implies that time may also have a curvature. I'm still struggling with this idea, but if you start out with two synchronized clocks and after doing something, those clocks are no longer synchronized, then it could be that time has a curvature.

Another example. If we can send you in spaceship into a black hole, then we should observe you slowing down as you approach the event horizon. To you, time is not slowing down. In 10 seconds or so you’ll be gobbled up by the black hole, and some of your molecule can form a nice jet about the black holes axis of rotation.

There’s a disconnect in time. I see you slowing down as you go into the black hole, and you could see an acceleration of how the Universe evolves.
  • #8
Imax said:
Space-time can have a curvature, which implies that time may also have a curvature.

But what can that possibly mean? :confused:
  • #9
I can’t see time dilation predicted by special relativity in general relativity. How does GR explain time dilation?
  • #10
Imax said:
I can’t see time dilation predicted by special relativity in general relativity. How does GR explain time dilation?
General Relativity reduces to Special Relativity in a flat space-time. So basically, the argument for time dilation is exactly the same, except that now you can also get time dilation, in certain cases, through curvature as well.
  • #11
GR and time dilation example: Photons go radially outward from a large (heavy) planet. They lose energy as they rise. (This energy loss can be approximated even using classical mechanics: use E/c2 as the "mass" of the rising photon.) By the time the photons are much higher, their energy is lower. Because E = hf, the frequency f is also lower.
Now suppose the photon source is a radio station broadcasting at a (very low) f = 1 Hz. When the photons reach a distant observer, they may be at 0.9 Hz for example. If every time the crest of the (electric field compenent of) the radio wave is generated, a giant clock facing upward ticks off 1 second, the distant observer will see the radio station and clock taking 1.11 sec per cycle (tick). Ergo, the observer sees time running slow on the surface of the planet.
The twin paradox can be reformulated as the twin circling you at near c. (Assume both of you are in free space and you are inertial, but you twin of course is not.) If a photon had to reach you by "climbing" against centripetal acceleration through a light pipe connecting you to him, the photon would lose energy.
  • #12
We seem to live in a compact Universe, with the potential for curvatures in both space and time. By time curvature, I mean to say that two clocks are no longer synchronized. I can’t work out the math :)
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  • #13
Imax said:
We seem to live in a compact Universe, with the potential for curvatures in both space and time.
Why would you think it's compact?

Imax said:
By time curvature, I mean to say that two clocks are no longer synchronized.
Then you're using the wrong word. But no matter which way you slice it, it's not possible to have curvature in only one single dimension. You need at least two to have any curvature.
  • #14
About SR and acceleration...

If you choose to define the spacetime of SR as the set ##\mathbb R^4## equipped with a set of coordinate systems such that a change of coordinates is given by a member of the Poincaré group, then by choice, the theory only includes inertial coordinate systems. But it can still handle accelerating objects, in particular, as Tiny-Tim said, accelerating clocks.

And there's no reason to define the theory this way. I think it makes much more sense to define the spacetime of SR to be the smooth manifold with underlying topological space ##\mathbb R^4## and the standard smooth structure on ##\mathbb R^4##. This way, a lot more coordinate systems are included, not just "non-accelerating" and "accelerating", but also coordinate systems that don't correspond to measurements performed by an observer.

If we do it this way (and I really think we should), the difference between SR and GR is just that in SR, the metric is always the Minkowski metric (regardless of the matter content of spacetime), and in GR, it's a solution of Einstein's equation.
  • #15
Almost thought i understand Twin paradox... but Wiki blew that thought away. Quote from wikipedia: "If the spaceship accelerates at a constant 1g, he will after a little less than a year (mathematically) reach almost the speed of light, but time dilation will increase his life span to thousands of years, seen from the reference system of the Solar System, but his subjective lifespan will not thereby change. If he returns to Earth he will land thousands of years into its future"
Now, is there any difference between acceleration due to gravity, and speed acceleration?I mean aren't we experiencing 1 g in our every day life? from what i understand, the age difference between the twins is due to acceleration, but since both experience 1g how come there still is age delay?
  • #16
smyth said:
Almost thought i understand Twin paradox... but Wiki blew that thought away. Quote from wikipedia: "If the spaceship accelerates at a constant 1g, he will after a little less than a year (mathematically) reach almost the speed of light, but time dilation will increase his life span to thousands of years, seen from the reference system of the Solar System, but his subjective lifespan will not thereby change. If he returns to Earth he will land thousands of years into its future"
Now, is there any difference between acceleration due to gravity, and speed acceleration?I mean aren't we experiencing 1 g in our every day life? from what i understand, the age difference between the twins is due to acceleration, but since both experience 1g how come there still is age delay?

The difference is that one twin is moving while the other is not, just like in the regular twin paradox.
  • #17
smyth said:
Almost thought i understand Twin paradox... but Wiki blew that thought away. Quote from wikipedia: "If the spaceship accelerates at a constant 1g, he will after a little less than a year (mathematically) reach almost the speed of light, but time dilation will increase his life span to thousands of years, seen from the reference system of the Solar System, but his subjective lifespan will not thereby change. If he returns to Earth he will land thousands of years into its future"
Now, is there any difference between acceleration due to gravity, and speed acceleration?I mean aren't we experiencing 1 g in our every day life? from what i understand, the age difference between the twins is due to acceleration, but since both experience 1g how come there still is age delay?

Acceleration, while it plays a part in determining the final respective ages of the Twins in the Twin paradox is not, in of itself, the cause of the age difference. In other words, it is not the g force that the Twins experience that results in their age difference.
  • #18
Janus said:
Acceleration, while it plays a part in determining the final respective ages of the Twins in the Twin paradox is not, in of itself, the cause of the age difference. In other words, it is not the g force that the Twins experience that results in their age difference.
Right. You need some pretty stupendously high accelerations to show a noticeable extra time dilation from the acceleration alone.
  • #19
As I see it, if you allow time curvatures, then it could negate our understanding on the age of our Universe (i.e. about 13.7 billion years). It could be much older.
  • #20
Imax said:
As I see it, if you allow time curvatures, then it could negate our understanding on the age of our Universe (i.e. about 13.7 billion years). It could be much older.
Now you're just guessing. That's not what this forum is for. Do you know a meaningful definition of the term "time curvature"? Is there a theory that involves "time curvature" that makes predictions that are as accurate as those of GR?
  • #21
Fredrik said:
Now you're just guessing.

I’m just musing about the possibility of having a space-time manifold that can allow both closed space-like and closed time-like curves.

Do you know a meaningful definition of the term "time curvature"?

No. That’s why I started this tread.

Is there a theory that involves "time curvature" that makes predictions that are as accurate as those of GR?

Probably not. Current models of our Universe can allow for the possibility of closed space-like curve. I can’t help but think that there’s something missing, which can explain dark energy and dark matter.
  • #22
Imax said:
I can’t help but think that there’s something missing, which can explain dark energy and dark matter.
That may very well be the case, but it's pretty strange to guess that what we need is "time curvature", when we have no idea what term would even mean.
  • #23
Space-time is either infinite or finite. If it’s finite, then it could be expressed as a compact manifold. A compact manifold can have closed space-like geodesics.

Take a string, and put your foot on one end. Make a loop, as big as you can, and pull in the string with your hands. You’ve made a closed space-like loop or curve. If you can pull your string to a point, then space is simply connected. If you can’t, then the manifold is multiply connected.

A geodesic is a straight line. Take your string and make a straight line. If the Universe is compact (i.e. finite), then you can select a direction and your string can loop back into your hands. Your string is going along a closed space-like geodesic.
  • #24
Yes time dilation is caused due to acceleration.
Space and tine are relative and connected.
The faster you move through the space the slower you progress through time and vice versa.
On earth, acceleration due to gravity is 9.8.m/s^2.But you must understand that you are not constantly accelerating @ g on earth.g comes into play only during a free fall.If you fall freely under g for an year,the time dilation would be the same as accelerating @ 1g in space in the wikipedia example you gave.I hope you get the point.
  • #25
shaswat said:
Yes time dilation is caused due to acceleration.
This is wrong. This diagram, made by DrGreg after a description by yuiop, shows a scenario where two clocks go through identical accelerations but end up showing very different times at the end.


In this specific situation, and in terms of the coordinates used in this diagram, the difference is entirely due to the different amounts of time spent at the maximum speed.

shaswat said:
The faster you move through the space the slower you progress through time and vice versa.
I'm not a fan of this statement either. There is some truth behind it, but I don't think this way of thinking about it can help anyone understand anything.

shaswat said:
On earth, acceleration due to gravity is 9.8.m/s^2.But you must understand that you are not constantly accelerating @ g on earth.
According to GR, you are. According to SR, you're not. So if we're talking about what SR says, I agree.

FAQ: Time curvature and twin paradox.

1. What is time curvature?

Time curvature is a concept in general relativity that explains how time is affected by gravity. According to Einstein's theory, massive objects such as planets and stars cause a curvature in the fabric of space-time, which results in a slowing down of time near these objects.

2. What is the twin paradox?

The twin paradox is a thought experiment that illustrates the effects of time dilation in special relativity. It involves one twin traveling at high speeds in a spaceship while the other twin stays on Earth. When the traveling twin returns, they will have aged slower than the twin who stayed on Earth, resulting in a paradox where the twins' ages do not match.

3. How does time curvature relate to the twin paradox?

In the twin paradox, the traveling twin experiences time dilation due to their high speed, while the twin on Earth experiences time at a normal rate. However, when the traveling twin returns to Earth, they also experience a change in gravitational field, which can further affect their perception of time. This change in gravitational field is what causes the twin paradox.

4. Can time curvature and the twin paradox be observed in real life?

Yes, both time curvature and the twin paradox have been observed in experiments. For example, atomic clocks on GPS satellites have been found to run slower than clocks on Earth due to the effects of time dilation. Additionally, astronauts who have spent extended periods of time in space have been found to age slightly slower than their Earth-bound counterparts.

5. Can time curvature and the twin paradox be explained by other theories besides general relativity?

No, time curvature and the twin paradox are unique concepts of general relativity. Other theories, such as Newton's theory of gravity, do not account for the effects of time dilation and time curvature in the same way as general relativity. So far, general relativity has been the most successful theory in explaining and predicting the observations related to time curvature and the twin paradox.

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