Can photons be attracted to one another?

  • Thread starter sts107a
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In summary: Modern physics has shown us that photons do not exist in a classical manner, and that there are many more complexities to the interactions between particles. So trying to talk about what would happen if two photons with the same frequency were to attract one another is a bit like asking what would happen if two waves would interfere with each other. It's impossible to say for sure what would happen, as the laws of physics are much more complex than that.
  • #1
I just had a quick question; I’m an armature so please excuse my ignorance. But can photons be attracted to one another? And if so how? Thanks for all your help :)
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  • #2
What do you mean "attracted",as in they are beautiful and may fall in love one with another...?

  • #3
Attracted as in say assort of magnetic attraction.
  • #4
Sure,electric is outta discussion.Well,free photons DO NOT INTERRACT.Actually photons interact through other particles (their interaction is mediated by other particles),but that is what physicists call SCATTERING...

  • #5
Ok try this if two frequencies were transmitted from two different transmitters, if they get close enough would they attract one another? In that same case would to photons be attracted to one another
  • #6
No,classically,the two waves would simply INTERFERE...As for photons,things are more complicated and cannot be put in laymen terms...Definitely not "attraction".

  • #7
I am presuming you mean "is there any gravitational attraction between photons?" Since photons are quantum objects and there is no quantum theory of gravitation then this cannot be answered with today's physics. However you can ask "do two light beams attract one another." The answer to this is that parallel beams do not but anti-parallel beams do.
  • #8
asking if photons can attract one another is like asking whether the electromagnetic force can attract itself.

  • #9
I've never worked this out, so forgive me if it sounds dumb, but can't photons attract in GR? I mean, both have energy density and therefore affect the spacetime around them.
  • #10
Tom Mattson said:
I've never worked this out, so forgive me if it sounds dumb, but can't photons attract in GR? I mean, both have energy density and therefore affect the spacetime around them.

That is the context in which I answered above. I forgot to say "according to GR". Photons do not exist in GR but lights beams or light rays do.
  • #11
Ok but here is what I was thinking. Now I know this is pretty much out of the realm of possibility at this point, but if two photons with the same frequency (I know that one can’t be the other but if it could) couldn’t their same frequencies attracted one another being that it is electromagnetic? And could someone please give me the equation for a photon? I’m having a hard time finding it. Thanks for all your replies
  • #12
Tom Mattson said:
I've never worked this out, so forgive me if it sounds dumb, but can't photons attract in GR? I mean, both have energy density and therefore affect the spacetime around them.

There are no photons in GR,the only theories which account for a decent photon descriptio are the ones in the SM:QED & EW.In both theories,photons do not interact.They scatter one on another via particle +antiparticle fields.

GR is a very classical theory.Einstein-Maxwell and Kaluza-Klein are both classical models.

  • #13
sts107a said:
but if two photons with the same frequency couldn’t their same frequencies attracted one another being that it is electromagnetic? And could someone please give me the equation for a photon? I’m having a hard time finding it. Thanks for all your replies

Frequency are numbers.Physical quantities measured in [itex] Hz [/itex].How can they ATRACT...? :rolleyes:

  • #14
While the educational answer should be a clear "No they don't interact"
there are the ever so small effects.

The standard ones:

1) GR: everything which has energy "attracts" anything which has energy.
2) QED: higher energies or smaller scales cause more interaction with virtual particles.

But I can also imagine the following effect:

Light moving through a dielectricum causes currents at a 90 degrees phase
shift with respect to the electric field. Parallel currents do attract each
other even if it's at a ratio of (v/c)2 where v is generally very small.

This might even be extended to the dielectricum of the vacuum if it's
interpreted as vacuum polarization which is in general attributed to virtual
particles. The amount of current is then expressed by the usual dD/dt from
Maxwell. The dD/dt would cause the effect to be more significant at higher
frequencies: light, x-ray, gamma photons...

I could imagine that such an effect could lead to the compactification of
wave packets in the direction transversal to the propagation, or at least
to less spreading.

Regards, Hans.
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  • #15
Let's keep the discussion within the theoretical framework which accounts for photons:equilibrium statistical mechanics in second quantization and QED.

I think reference towards classical theories (such as GR & CED) is of no relevance.

And EW will not bring anything new in photon/quantized QED description...

  • #16
Tom Mattson said:
I've never worked this out, so forgive me if it sounds dumb, but can't photons attract in GR? I mean, both have energy density and therefore affect the spacetime around them.

I was under the same impression, though i am not sure. However if we have a particle (we don't need to call it a photon) that has an associated energy-density of some kind (it does not matter whether this energy comes from restmass or dynamical mass generation-processes like in the photon-case), then space time must be curved right ?

In the end it is the stress energy tensor that curves space time not just the rest-mass...This notion is adopted by QFT where the perturbations (you know, the "current" in QFT-language) of a spin 2 field is expressed by this stress-energy tensor T.

This field needs to be spin 2 (the gravitons) because otherwise it cannot couple to the stress energy tensor which is a symmetric tensor with two indices and has therefore 5 degrees of freedom.

So TOM, i think you are quite right on this one

  • #17
Tom Mattson said:
I've never worked this out, so forgive me if it sounds dumb, but can't photons attract in GR? I mean, both have energy density and therefore affect the spacetime around them.
I am afraid the question is more complicated. After reading a comment in this thread, I searched about this subject and found this: . There it is shown that two parallel light beams do neither attact nor repel, since their gravitoelectric field cancels their gravitomagnetic field. (If you want to avoid the whole calculations go directly to chapter 4). In case of antiparallel light beams there is indeed an attraction.

This concerning light beams. Now, it seams to me that the question about single photons might be more subtle. They are always moving at speed c, and their gravitational field should also propagate at that speed. Consider for example two parallel photons. Will one photon feel the gravitational field of the other one? In case of photons moving towards each other, they probably will. I wonder how to figure out the bending of spacetime produced by a photon.
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  • #18
hellfire said:
I wonder how to figure out the bending of spacetime produced by a photon.

Well, we need to know the actual formula for the stress energy tensor in the specific case of a photon. If it is zero, then there is no curvature of spacetime.

According to me we need to know how this energy tensor looks like in the case of a photon. Does anyone know this ?

  • #19
Marlon,are u trying to "assemble" classical GR with quantum electrodynamics...?

If u succeed,then the Nobel for 2005 may be yours...:wink:

  • #20
dextercioby said:
Marlon,are u trying to "assemble" classical GR with quantum electrodynamics...?

If u succeed,then the Nobel for 2005 may be yours...:wink:

No i am not.

QFT is able to prove that masses attract. This can be done with the "simple" path integral quantization formalism. Just replace the J-terms by the stress energy tensor.


Read Anthony Zee's QFT in a nutshell. This is done in the first or second chapter...
  • #21
Okay,let's stick it to QED,then and leave GR alone...


FAQ: Can photons be attracted to one another?

1. Can photons be attracted to one another?

Yes, photons can be attracted to one another. This phenomenon is known as photon-photon interaction or photon-photon scattering.

2. How do photons interact with each other?

Photons interact with each other through the electromagnetic force. This force is responsible for all interactions between electrically charged particles, including photons.

3. Is photon-photon interaction a common occurrence?

No, photon-photon interaction is not a common occurrence in everyday life. It typically occurs in extreme environments, such as high-energy particle accelerators or the early universe.

4. Can photon-photon interaction produce new particles?

Yes, when two photons interact with each other, they can produce new particles such as electron-positron pairs. This process is known as pair production.

5. Can photon-photon interaction be observed in a laboratory setting?

Yes, scientists have been able to observe photon-photon interaction in laboratory experiments. However, it requires high-energy photons and specialized equipment to create the conditions necessary for this interaction to occur.

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