Mater Annihilation -matter v.s. anti-matter-

In summary, the discussion focused on the concept of matter and anti-matter and how they interact. It was noted that in beta decay, when a positron is emitted, it can only be annihilated by interacting with an electron. The theory of conservation of mass was also discussed, with the understanding that mass is a form of energy and can be converted into different forms. The question about the charge of a proton turning into a neutron was also addressed, with the explanation that it can either absorb an electron or emit a positron.
  • #1
Gold Member
Mater Annihilation --matter v.s. anti-matter--

hey all,
in the study of "massless particles" such as the electron and the and the positron. in beta decay (beta plus) there is an emission of a subatomic particle called the positron (the anti-particle of the electron)
my thought is that when this decay occurs, why isn't there a mass release of energy. becuase i learned that when matter and anti-matter meet, they annihilate each other while producing a massive release of energy.
or is it because they "blink" out of existence before it gets in contact with matter? ( doesn't that conflict with the theory "matter can not be created nor distroyed, only transformed.")?

and in an atomic nuclei, when a proton turns directly into a neutron, where does that charge (+) charge go?

i am aware this might come across as a stupid question
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  • #2
taylaron said:
hey all,
in the study of "massless particles" such as the electron and the and the positron.

It's not particularly relevant to this discussion; but, the electron and positron are not massless. Each has a mass of about [tex]9.11 \times 10^{-31}\ \mathrm{kg}[/tex]. In performing calculations in nuclear or particle physics, it's often useful to treat electrons as massless; but, this only works because all the other energy scales being considered in such a problem are generally much larger than [tex]m_e c^2[/tex].

in beta decay (beta plus) there is an emission of a subatomic particle called the positron (the anti-particle of the electron)
my thought is that when this decay occurs, why isn't there a mass release of energy. becuase i learned that when matter and anti-matter meet, they annihilate each other while producing a massive release of energy.

Annihilation can only happen between a particle and its anti-particle. So, if a positron is created, it can only be annihilated by interacting with an electron. And, in fact, this will generally happen. In that case, we can detect the light emitted.

or is it because they "blink" out of existence before it gets in contact with matter? ( doesn't that conflict with the theory "matter can not be created nor distroyed, only transformed.")?

Conservation of mass is, quite simply not true. What is true is the more general conservation of energy. Mass is a form of energy; and that energy can be converted into different forms. But, energy overall will be conserved.

and in an atomic nuclei, when a proton turns directly into a neutron, where does that charge (+) charge go?

i am aware this might come across as a stupid question

For a proton to change to a neutron, one of two things must happen. Either it must absorb an electron (with negative charge) and emit a neutrino, or it must emit a positron and a neutrino.
  • #3
thankyou for your input parlyne

FAQ: Mater Annihilation -matter v.s. anti-matter-

What is "Mater Annihilation"?

"Mater Annihilation" refers to the process of matter and anti-matter particles colliding and annihilating each other, resulting in the release of large amounts of energy.

What is the difference between matter and anti-matter?

Matter is made up of particles with a positive charge, such as protons, neutrons, and electrons. Anti-matter, on the other hand, is made up of particles with a negative charge, such as anti-protons, anti-neutrons, and positrons.

What happens during a matter-anti-matter collision?

When matter and anti-matter particles collide, they undergo a process called annihilation, in which they are converted into pure energy in the form of photons. This energy is released in the form of gamma rays.

Why is matter-anti-matter annihilation important in the study of the universe?

Matter-anti-matter annihilation is important because it helps scientists understand the fundamental principles of the universe, such as the conservation of energy and mass. It also plays a crucial role in explaining the asymmetry between matter and anti-matter in the universe.

Can matter-anti-matter annihilation be harnessed as a source of energy?

Yes, matter-anti-matter annihilation has the potential to produce a tremendous amount of energy. However, it is currently not feasible to harness this energy for practical use due to the high cost and technical challenges involved in creating and storing anti-matter particles.

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