Difference in simple and fractional distillation

In summary, fractional distillation is a process used when the differences in boiling points of substances are below 25C and there are more than 2 or 3 substances in the mixture. The main difference in apparatus is that fractional distillation utilizes a column with plates stacked on top of each other, while simple distillation does not require this column. The manual instrumentation may also differ, but the principle remains similar. Checking ASTM methods can provide more information on the structure of fractional distillation apparatus.
  • #1
I found on the internet that fractional is used when the differences in boiling points are below 25C, and that there are more than 2 or 3 substances in the mixture, but i didn´t figure out what's the difference in apparatus or how the substances are purified in fractional distillation. Could anyone please explain it.
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
Have you tried google?
  • #3
The manual instrumentation does differ a bit, however the principle is similar.

The fractional distillation will use a straight delivery tube to your receiver, so the cutting is extremely basic as the distance between your distillation flask and the outlet is not so large, as in your normal "straight" distillation.

Try checking ASTM methods for more on the structure of instrumentation
  • #4
When looking it up, you should notice the main difference in the fractional distillation apparatus contains a column divided into plates (or something resembling plates) stacked one on top of another.

A simple distillation apparatus doesn't have that kind of column, because as you have found, it is not needed for components with widely different boiling points.

FAQ: Difference in simple and fractional distillation

1. What is the main difference between simple and fractional distillation?

The main difference between simple and fractional distillation is the number of times the vapor is condensed and re-vaporized. In simple distillation, the vapor is condensed once, while in fractional distillation, it is condensed and re-vaporized multiple times.

2. Which type of distillation is more efficient?

Fractional distillation is more efficient than simple distillation. This is because the repeated condensation and re-vaporization in fractional distillation allows for a higher degree of separation of the components in the mixture.

3. Can both simple and fractional distillation be used to separate mixtures?

Yes, both simple and fractional distillation can be used to separate mixtures. However, the choice of which method to use depends on the complexity of the mixture and the desired purity of the separated components.

4. How does the boiling point of the components affect the choice of distillation method?

The boiling point of the components plays a crucial role in determining the choice of distillation method. Simple distillation is suitable for separating components with a large difference in boiling points, while fractional distillation is more effective for components with smaller differences in boiling points.

5. What are the main applications of simple and fractional distillation?

Simple distillation is commonly used in the purification of water and the separation of volatile organic compounds. Fractional distillation is used in the production of fuels, such as gasoline and diesel, as well as in the production of alcoholic beverages.
