How Do You Integrate Complex Functions with Logarithmic Terms?

  • Thread starter HACR
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In summary: I am stuck.Ok, you don't have to use the variable name 'z' in the output. Just use 'x'. Like this: With[{z=1},NIntegrate[(Log x)/((x-2 z) (x-3 z)),{x,-∞,2 z,3 z,+∞},Method->PrincipalValue]]I've never had to use the Mathematica before. I had one of those old TI-85's when I was a kid that I programmed the midpoint rule onto and that's how I made it through calculus. Then in college I bought a TI-92 and programmed the Simpson's Rule onto it. That's as far as I
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose a complex integral of the form
[tex] \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}(\frac {1}{\alpha+i\lambda}-\frac{1}{\beta +i \lambda}) log(-i\mu\lambda) d\lambda [/tex]
are arbitrary positive parameters and the sufficient condition for integrability (nonlatttice, etc) is assumed. The branch cut lies on the negative real axis i.e. [tex]C1; [-r,-R]U[re^{i\theta}:-\pi<θ<0]U[r,R]U[Re^{iθ}:-pi<θ<0] [/tex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Haven't learned how to get its residue first of all. Second of all the integrand is multiplied by log(-iμλ} which I haven't dealt with before.

Homework Statement

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Homework Statement

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
HACR said:

Homework Statement

Suppose a complex integral of the form
[tex] \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}(\frac {1}{\alpha+i\lambda}-\frac{1}{\beta +i \lambda}) log(-i\mu\lambda) d\lambda [/tex]
are arbitrary positive parameters and the sufficient condition for integrability (nonlatttice, etc) is assumed. The branch cut lies on the negative real axis i.e. [tex]C1; [-r,-R]U[re^{i\theta}:-\pi<θ<0]U[r,R]U[Re^{iθ}:-pi<θ<0] [/tex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Haven't learned how to get its residue first of all. Second of all the integrand is multiplied by log(-iμλ} which I haven't dealt with before.

You need to show some work. Tell you what, put that one up for the moment and first try and solve:


same dif. Notice it's a principal-valued integral. That's because the path of integration is going right through a singular point, the branch-point of log(z). Are you familiar with those types of integrals? I suspect you aren't from what you've said. That's a problem but not major. Just indent around it and let it's indentation radius go to zero. What's the value of the integral over such an indented path? Need to figure that out. Also need to clearly state where the branch-cut is. That's not too clear the way you stated it up there. Just move it down along the negative imaginary axis to get it out the way for now. Won't change the integral. Now everything in the upper half-plane is entirely analytic for the integrand so you can use the Residue Theorem but that means you'll have to figure out what that integral is over the large circular contour connecting the end points of your integration limits. Kinda' quite a bit of work. That's what it's gonna' take though.
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  • #3
two things: branch cuts and indentation to avoid singularities. I know indentation is used to avoid isolated singularities, but branch cuts are used to make log(z) single valued. Then "Just indent around it and let it's indentation radius go to zero" would mean making a branch cut at the same time avoiding isolated singularities.
  • #4
I had a branch cut on the positive imaginary axis; however, I didn't quite get what I was hoping. The two integrals on the real axis cancels. i.e.
[tex]-\int_{\rho}^{R} \frac{(ln(r)+\pi i)e^{i\pi}}{(r-2i)(r-3i)} dr +\int_{C_\rho}f(z)dz+\int_{C_R}f(z)dz-\int_{\rho}^{R} \frac{(ln(r)+2\pi i)e^{2\pi i}}{(r-2i)(r-3i)}dr
Actually ln(r) cancels.
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  • #5
The below is the contour considered.


  • Snapshot_20111226_1_0.bmp
    18.8 KB · Views: 534
  • #6
Ok, you tried. Fair enough. Consider though an upper-half washer contour right? That little half-hole in the washer corresponds to the indentation around the origin and the branch-cut is along the negative imaginary axis. Then the P.V. integral plus the indentation plus the large half-circle contour would, by the Residue Theorem, equal to [itex]2\pi i(r_1+r_2)[/itex] right? If you don't see that, you'll have to review what a Principal Value integral is. Basically the limit of that improper integral as the distance to the singular point approaches zero.

[tex]\text{P.V.}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(z)dz+\lim_{\rho\to 0}\int_{\pi}^0 f(z)dz+\lim_{R\to\infty}\mathop\int_{C} f(z)dz=2\pi i(r_1+r_2)[/tex]

Alright, I tell you what. Just for now, assume the two limits tend to zero. That's a common and acceptable way to approach these types of problems as long as you go back and confirm or reject your assumption. Then the principal valued integral would just be that residue calculation. Ok, then that's not hard to check that assumption in Mathematica. Just numerically integrate it although you'll have to specify the "PrincipalValue" method:


Get that answer, then compute the two residues to get that answer. Do they agree or not? Then further proceed depending on that answer.
  • #7
f[z] = (log z)/((z - 2 i) (z - 3 i)), {z, -\[Infinity],
0, \[Infinity]}, Method -> "PrincipalValue"]

I did type this in but didn't give me a numerical value. seems to be wrong in the interval -infty-> -1. I haven't used it before so not sure how to proceed from here.They should go to zero b/c as
[tex] \rho [/tex] and R go to 0 and [tex] \infty [/tex] , they vanish.
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  • #8
the code didn't work although thanks. Well I tried this to get rid of two simple poles, 2i and 3i:NIntegrate[(Log z)/((z-2 i) (z-3 i)),{z,-∞,2 i,3 i,+∞},Method->PrincipalValue] . Note the 2i and 3i. but for some reason mathematica wouldn't recognize 2i and 3i.
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  • #9
"The integrand (Log\z)/((-3\i+z)\(-2\i+z)) has evaluated to non-numerical values for all sampling points in the region with boundaries {{-\[Infinity],0.}}."

Yes this is what I received from the mathematica. But then the problem is that z can't be specified since it's an independent variable that needs to vary.
One possible solution:
The integral is computed without difficulty if the parameter has a numerical value:With[{c=1},NIntegrate[Cos[c x],{x,0,6}]

The problem is that this is not true for the complex integrand considered.
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FAQ: How Do You Integrate Complex Functions with Logarithmic Terms?

1. What is a complex integral?

A complex integral is a mathematical concept that involves calculating the area under a curve in the complex plane. It is similar to a regular integral in calculus, but it takes into account both real and imaginary numbers.

2. What does the notation "Log(-i μ λ)" mean?

The notation "Log(-i μ λ)" represents the complex logarithm of the complex number -i μ λ. This means finding the number x such that e^x = -i μ λ, where e is the base of the natural logarithm.

3. How do you solve a complex integral?

To solve a complex integral, you must first identify the function that you are integrating and the limits of integration. Then, you can use methods such as the Cauchy integral theorem or the residue theorem to evaluate the integral.

4. What is the significance of the complex logarithm in this integral?

The complex logarithm is used in this integral to represent the inverse of the exponential function. It allows us to find the value of x in the equation e^x = -i μ λ, which is necessary for solving the integral.

5. Are there any practical applications of complex integrals?

Yes, complex integrals have many practical applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. They are used to model and solve problems involving waves, circuits, and complex systems. They are also essential in the study of complex functions and their properties.
