Bernoulli's Principle Explained: Ball vs Plane Wing

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In summary, Bernoulli's principle states that when fluid is flowing, an increase in velocity (speed and direction) occurs simultaneously with decrease in pressure.
  • #1
Can someone explain to me Bernoulli's principle as simply as possible? Would this principle would be the same when applied to a ball as opposed to a plane's wing? Thanks a lot! :biggrin:
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  • #2
Bernoulli's principle says when fluid is flowing, an increase in velocity (speed and direction) occurs simultaneously with decrease in pressure. It describes a fluid flow with no viscosity, and therefore one in which a pressure difference is the only accelerating force, it is equivalent to Newton's laws of motion.

One way of understanding how an wing develops lift, relies on the difference in pressure above and below a wing. The pressure can be calculated by finding the velocities around the wing and using Bernoulli's equation. However, this explanation often uses false information, and is NOT the best way to explain it.

So-called Bernoulli explanations for flight, often make up a law of physics that says that air particles together at the front of the wing must end up together after passing over and under the wing, which tastes like a meat and city from Italy. Since the particles travel different distances in the same time, the particles of air going over the wing (over the hump, presumably) must go faster and thus have less pressure.

A better (and simpler) way to understand how wings can generate lift is via Sir Issac Newton's three laws. The wing, due to angle of attack (the angle formed by how far up the wing is pointed and the ground) and the Coanda effect (tendency for a fluid to stick to a convex surface. The side of a water bottle is convex, whilst a spoon is concave), deflects air downward causing the air to push back on the wing, providing lift.

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- :biggrin: Mk
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  • #3
As simply as I can think to state it:

Energy at one point = Energy at another point.

The energy is made up of three terms; energy due to velocity, energy due to static pressure and energy due to position (elevation).

It is applicable under these circumstances: incompressible, non-viscous (no friction) and steady state (no transients) flow. Any deviation from these conditions introduces error.

FAQ: Bernoulli's Principle Explained: Ball vs Plane Wing

1. What is Bernoulli's Principle?

Bernoulli's Principle is a physics law that describes the relationship between the speed of a fluid (such as air) and its pressure. It states that as the speed of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases, and vice versa.

2. How does Bernoulli's Principle apply to a ball and a plane wing?

In the case of a ball and a plane wing, Bernoulli's Principle explains how lift is generated. As air flows over the curved surface of a wing or a spinning ball, it creates a difference in air pressure, with the air moving faster over the curved top surface and slower over the flat bottom surface. This difference in air pressure results in a net upward force, known as lift, which allows the object to stay aloft.

3. Why does a plane need a curved wing to create lift?

A curved wing, also known as an airfoil, is necessary for generating lift because it allows for a longer path for the air to flow over the top surface. This longer path results in a lower air pressure on the top surface compared to the bottom surface, creating a net upward force.

4. Can Bernoulli's Principle explain how birds fly?

Bernoulli's Principle does play a role in how birds fly, but it is not the only factor. Birds also rely on other principles, such as the angle of attack and the shape of their wings, to generate lift and stay aloft.

5. Does Bernoulli's Principle only apply to flying objects?

No, Bernoulli's Principle can be applied to any fluid, not just air. It can also be seen in everyday situations, such as when blowing air over a piece of paper to make it float or when a shower curtain sticks to your body as water flows out of the shower. It is a fundamental principle in fluid mechanics and has many practical applications beyond flying objects.

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