Unlock Your Brain's Potential with Speed Mathematics Techniques

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary: I think that this is a very interesting topic and I would love to learn more about it.In summary, I think that some people are born with a certain natural ability that allows them to do things faster than the average person. This ability might be due to a different way of thinking or a different way of processing information. The ability might also be due to a gift or a mutation. I think that it is important to explore this topic further so that we can learn more about what makes us different and how we can use this to our advantage.
  • #1
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Could we change/adapt to a different way of thinking?
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  • #2
wolram said:

Could we change/adapt to a different way of thinking?

In my opinion its not a matter of adaptation or changing how we think, as a process that can be tinkered and refined. People like Daniel are born with special connection between the unconscious and conscious pathways in the brain, and this allows them to make such calculations.

Perhaps if neurologists could isolate said pathways and pioneer a technique to operate them into normal brained people, they could duplicate such results. But in my opinion, its not a software issue, its a hardware issue, and no matter how well you write Windows Vista, it will never run quickly on a 1Ghz chip, with a small Bus.
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  • #3
I agree with Betwixtwists in that much of a person's brain capacity is biological in nature. It is the whole nature v. nurture argument. Though a person can overcome adversity, their bringing up is important in their ability to learn and even their desire to learn. On the other hand, though intelligence can change slightly over time, out natural brain capacity has a large impact.

While most people can preform complex mathematical operations, like 93^6, and most people can learn other languages, what makes us different from Daniel is the amount of time both of these tasks require.

Again, our desire to "change/adapt to a different way of thinking" is a large role in it being possible at all. Some people simply don't want to learn. Thus, this change or adaption might have to happen mostlyon an individual basis.
  • #4
Can he lower gas prices?
  • #5
Thanks for starting this post, Wolram! That video fascinated me and I think I'll write my psychology paper on this...synethstesia and/or giftedness/high IQ and/or high memory capabilities.
  • #6
Lanka said:
I agree with Betwixtwists in that much of a person's brain capacity is biological in nature. It is the whole nature v. nurture argument. Though a person can overcome adversity, their bringing up is important in their ability to learn and even their desire to learn. On the other hand, though intelligence can change slightly over time, out natural brain capacity has a large impact.

While most people can preform complex mathematical operations, like 93^6, and most people can learn other languages, what makes us different from Daniel is the amount of time both of these tasks require.

Again, our desire to "change/adapt to a different way of thinking" is a large role in it being possible at all. Some people simply don't want to learn. Thus, this change or adaption might have to happen mostlyon an individual basis.

I agree with you Lanka, Daniel can do it faster, that is his talent. I taught myself a year ago to do multiplications of 4x4 numbers, like 8493 x 3892 in my head. But it takes me up to 3 minutes to finish. I suppose if I really trained hard I could do it in 30 seconds, but definitely no faster. My intelligence is just average I would say and my memory is poor. Still, given a few days, I bet you I could memorize a series of digits 500 digits long using simple mnemonics techniques. Point being, Daniel could do this within seconds, and that is why I believe his unconscious does most of the work and his conscious pulls out the solution and reads it aloud to you or me.

I wish I had the link, but I recall a radio show with a neurologist who spoke about quantifying just how much faster our unconsciouses process data than our conscious mind. As I recall he threw out the number 50,000x times faster, which I'm not sure how that number was come to, but it seems rather reasonable to me. What do you think?
  • #7
I haven't watched it to the end, but I remember other research that found people with these gifts are using different areas of the brain. Facial recognition is a separate brain function for example, which we do with incredible speed and precision, without making an effort. They found that these people are using facial recognition areas (or other faster brain areas/functions) to do these amazing feats. They remapped their brain.

Ah never mind, I reached the bit about synesthesia just now...

Also there is this crazy scientist who says he can enable these abilities by disabling certain areas of the brain (by a series of very weak electro shocks).

The idea here is that over time we limmit ourselves by conforming to things such as language and running all of our thought processes through our intricate web of mental filters (to block out noise, to complete our vision, to anticipate what's going to happen etc etc).
All of this works together to create our own reality (one we can cope with) and to keep us focussed and 'sane'.

For more info read the extract from "Practical Parenting in a Fractally Demented Universe". :smile:

"We live in strange times."

"We also live in strange places: each in a universe of our own. The people with whom we populate our universes are the shadows of whole other universes intersecting with our own. Being able to glance out into this bewildering complexity of infinite recursion and say things like, " Oh, hi, Ed! Nice tan. How’s Carol?" involves a great deal of filtering skill for which all conscious entities have eventually to develop a capacity in order to protect themselves from the contemplation of the chaos through which they seethe and tumble. So give your kid a break, okay?'

...extract from Practical Parenting in a Fractally Demented Universe"
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  • #8
Geez, did they use the whole American Beauty soundtrack or something?

Anyway, Euler could do that. He actually could do it with things like square roots and so on as well. There was an argument between two people, and he the division of a number to 50 decimal places to determine who was correct. This kind of thing has been around for ages.

There are also methods you can teach yourself on how to do speed mathematics.
  • #9
OrbitalPower said:
Geez, did they use the whole American Beauty soundtrack or something?

Anyway, Euler could do that. He actually could do it with things like square roots and so on as well. There was an argument between two people, and he the division of a number to 50 decimal places to determine who was correct. This kind of thing has been around for ages.

There are also methods you can teach yourself on how to do speed mathematics.

I am always looking for new tricks in life. Do you have a link to some methods?

FAQ: Unlock Your Brain's Potential with Speed Mathematics Techniques

What is the "Incredible Brain"?

The "Incredible Brain" refers to the amazing capabilities and complex structure of the human brain, responsible for controlling our thoughts, emotions, movements, and bodily functions.

What are the main functions of the brain?

The brain has many functions, including cognition, sensory perception, motor control, and regulating the body's physiological processes. It also plays a crucial role in memory, learning, and decision-making.

How does the brain communicate?

The brain communicates through a complex network of neurons and synapses. Electrical signals are sent between neurons, and chemical signals are released at the synapse to transmit information between the cells.

Can the brain change and adapt?

Yes, the brain has the ability to change and adapt, known as neuroplasticity. This allows the brain to form new neural connections, reorganize itself, and adapt to new experiences and environments.

What factors can affect brain health?

Various factors can affect brain health, including genetics, diet, exercise, sleep, stress, and environmental factors. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to support optimal brain function and prevent cognitive decline.
