Weightless Vacuum Container maximum height

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential height a weightless constant volume container filled with vacuum would reach if left to float in the atmosphere. There is no limit to its ascent as long as it is displacing some weight of atmosphere. However, in practical terms, the limit is around 50km due to the presence of weight and pressure differences.
  • #1
Assume you have a weightless constant volume container "filled with" vacuum. If you let it float in the atmosphere, how "high" would it go? I guess at some point Archimedes' principle should fail. What do you think?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
If this thing is completely 'weightless' (a thought experiment) then there is no limit to where it would end up. It would always be displacing some weight of atmosphere. The atmosphere of a totally isolated Earth 'goes on' for ever and there would always be a pressure difference between nearer and more distant sides of the box which would produce an outward force .
As real high altitude balloon flights show, the practical limit is around 50km; not very far at all but of course that's not a 'weightless' box of vacuum.

FAQ: Weightless Vacuum Container maximum height

1. What is a weightless vacuum container?

A weightless vacuum container is a vessel that is designed to maintain a vacuum state while being subjected to different levels of gravitational force. This allows for the storage and transportation of delicate or sensitive materials without the risk of contamination or damage from air or pressure changes.

2. How does a weightless vacuum container work?

A weightless vacuum container works by creating a vacuum inside the vessel, which eliminates any air or gas particles. This creates a stable environment inside the container, even when subjected to different levels of gravitational force, as the absence of air reduces the risk of pressure changes or contamination.

3. What is the maximum height a weightless vacuum container can reach?

The maximum height a weightless vacuum container can reach depends on various factors such as the strength and design of the container, as well as the level of gravitational force it will be subjected to. In general, weightless vacuum containers can reach heights of hundreds of miles in space.

4. What materials are weightless vacuum containers made of?

Weightless vacuum containers are typically made of lightweight and durable materials such as aluminum, titanium, or carbon fiber. These materials are able to withstand high levels of gravitational force without compromising the vacuum state inside the container.

5. What are the practical applications of weightless vacuum containers?

Weightless vacuum containers have a wide range of practical applications, including the storage and transportation of delicate materials such as pharmaceuticals, biological samples, and electronic components. They are also used in space exploration for the safe transport of equipment and experiments in a zero-gravity environment.

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