Calculating Energy of Electron in Bohr Hydrogen Atom

In summary: You should also use the energy from iii to find the frequency.In summary, the energy of an electron in the nth orbit of a hydrogen atom is given by En = - (13.6 / n2) eV, and for n=3 there are three possible spectral transition lines when falling to the ground state. The ionization energy of hydrogen can be found by calculating the difference in energy between n=3 and n=1, and the frequency of light that will ionize hydrogen can be found by using the energy from the ionization energy calculation in the equation E = h\nu.
  • #1
5. The energy En of an electron at the nth orbit in the hydrogen atom is given as:
En = - (13.6 / n2 ) eV where n = 1,2,3, . . . . .
a, If an electron is at n=3, how many spectral transition lines are possible
if it falls to the ground ?

For part a, what does it mean by "how many spectral lines"?
Physics news on
  • #2
If an electron falls from an orbital, it will emit a photon of a certain frequency. This is the "spectral line".
  • #3
That means the question asking for frequency?
  • #4
No, it is asking how many different photons can be emitted if the electron falls from n=3 to the other possible n-values.
  • #5
The electron can either fall al at once to the bottom, or it can fall a little at a time. For example it can fall from 3 to 1 generating one line, or from 3 to 2 and then from 2 to 1 giving two different lines. The question asks for the amount of possible different lines.
  • #6
Then how to determine whether it falls from 3 to 1 or from 3 to 2 and from 2 to 1?
  • #7
frozen7 said:
Then how to determine whether it falls from 3 to 1 or from 3 to 2 and from 2 to 1?

You don't need to determine what it does, just what is possible for it to do. You've pretty much answered the question, from n=3 to n=1, n=3 to n=2, and n=2 to n=1 all produce different spectral lines because photons with different energies are produced. Thus, 3 different combonations can be produced.
  • #9
ii. Spectral lines from which spectral series ( Lyman, Balmer etc ) will be seen in the above transition?
iii. State the ionization energy of hydrogen
iv. What is the frequency of light that will ionize hydrogen

This is the following questions related with the question above.

for ii, the answer should be Lyman because it falls to ground state.

for iii, the difference of energy between n = 3 and n = 1 by using
En = - (13.6 / n2 ) eV

for iv, by using the enerygy get from iii, and substitute it into E = hf to find the frequency.

Am I doing correctly?
  • #10
For iii, assume that the electron is in its ground state. What energy will ionize it, i.e. what energy is required to remove the electron completely from a bound state around the proton.

For iv, you are correct to use E = h[itex]\nu[/itex].

FAQ: Calculating Energy of Electron in Bohr Hydrogen Atom

What is the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom?

The Bohr model is a simplified model of the hydrogen atom proposed by Niels Bohr in 1913. It describes the electron as orbiting the nucleus in circular orbits at specific energy levels.

What is the equation for calculating the energy of an electron in the Bohr model?

The equation is E = -13.6 eV / n2, where E is the energy of the electron, n is the principal quantum number, and eV represents electron volts.

How do you calculate the energy of an electron in a specific energy level in the Bohr model?

To calculate the energy of an electron in a specific energy level, substitute the principal quantum number (n) into the equation E = -13.6 eV / n2.

What is the significance of the negative sign in the equation for calculating energy in the Bohr model?

The negative sign in the equation represents the fact that the electron is bound to the nucleus and has less potential energy than it would have if it were free.

How does the energy of an electron change as it moves to a higher energy level in the Bohr model?

The energy of an electron increases as it moves to a higher energy level. This is because the distance between the electron and the nucleus increases, and therefore, the energy of the electron becomes less negative.
