The physics of dark matter & energy

In summary, the hypothesis is that dark matter differs from "ordinary" matter by not emitting light and is thought to be non-baryonic, weakly-interacting, massive particles. It is unlikely that dark matter is a perfect black body due to its clumping behavior. We can observe the positions and motions of objects in the universe to infer some things about dark matter. WMAP observations support the existence of dark energy, which is thought to make up around 70% of the universe's total density. WMAP alone is not a strong indicator of dark energy, but when combined with other measurements, it supports the idea that the universe is flat and that dark energy is responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe.
  • #1
Gold Member
i want to know, do we have a physics of this undefined term?
as far as i can tell, the hypthesis is that dark matter differs from "ordinary" matter by the fact it doesn't ommit light, if that's right beside the point of how can you find it with astronomical tools (which depend mainly on light and its interaction with matter), it might raise the point that dark matter is actually really a black body situation, perhaps a perfect one, and perhaps one way to identify is by checking black body radiaton near its surroundings, but is my conjecture even right and really dark matter is a case of a perfect black body?

and do we have tools in physics to anlayse its behaviour?
and what sort of energy is dark energy and how does it differ from the energies we are acquianted to?
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  • #2
loop quantum gravity said:
as far as i can tell, the hypthesis is that dark matter differs from "ordinary" matter by the fact it doesn't ommit light, if that's right beside the point of how can you find it with astronomical tools (which depend mainly on light and its interaction with matter),

That's how it was originally defined, yes. What people usually mean by "dark matter" nowadays is non-baryonic, weakly-interacting, massive particles. Since these particles are thought to make up the majority of the truly "dark" mass, the definitions are similar.

it might raise the point that dark matter is actually really a black body situation, perhaps a perfect one, and perhaps one way to identify is by checking black body radiaton near its surroundings, but is my conjecture even right and really dark matter is a case of a perfect black body?

For the dark matter to have a blackbody distribution, it would have to be a relativistic species (behaving like radiation). For it to be relativistic at this epoch, it would have be of very low mass, even lower than neutrinos. Aside from not being expected from theory, this possibility can be ruled out from the fact that dark matter clumps around galaxies. Relativistic matter wouldn't remain bound to a galaxy or cluster of galaxies.

and do we have tools in physics to anlayse its behaviour?

We can observe the positions and motions of objects in the universe and infer some things about the dark matter. The simple classic example is the rotation curves of spiral galaxies.

and what sort of energy is dark energy and how does it differ from the energies we are acquianted to?

I wrote up a review of this a while back:"
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  • #3
ST -- or anyone who knows:

Can you give a brief description of what it is in the WMAP observations / analysis that provides support for dark energy and for the estimate that it comprises ~70% of the stuff in the universe? Thanks.
  • #4
PhysicsDilettante said:
Can you give a brief description of what it is in the WMAP observations / analysis that provides support for dark energy and for the estimate that it comprises ~70% of the stuff in the universe?

WMAP alone is actually a very poor probe of dark energy because at the time that the CMB was made (z~1100), the dark energy density was negligibly small. However, there's more to the story. Roughly, WMAP is capable of measuring the total matter content of the universe (this contributes to the formation of the acoustic peaks in the power spectrum, especially the third one) and the flatness of the universe (roughly determined by the angular scale of the first peak). It's a little more complicated than that, but that's the basic idea.

If the universe is measured to be flat, then the total density of everything must equal the critical density, so one way to infer the dark energy density is to say that it makes up the remainder of the closure density. This can be done with WMAP alone and is consistent with more direct measurements of accelerated expansion (from looking at SNe). If the dark energy is a cosmological constant, then we know the effect it has on the expansion rate of the universe. If we also know the density, then we can actually determine the distance to the surface of last scattering expected with that amount of dark energy. If this number is consistent with the measured distance to the surface of last scattering (and it is), then the model is self-consistent.

FAQ: The physics of dark matter & energy

What is dark matter?

Dark matter is a type of matter that does not interact with light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making it invisible to telescopes. Its presence is inferred through its gravitational effects on visible matter.

What is dark energy?

Dark energy is a theoretical form of energy that is thought to make up about 70% of the total energy in the universe. It is believed to be responsible for the observed accelerated expansion of the universe.

How is dark matter detected?

Dark matter is detected indirectly through its gravitational effects on visible matter. Scientists also use techniques such as gravitational lensing and studying the rotation of galaxies to infer the presence of dark matter.

What is the difference between dark matter and regular matter?

The main difference between dark matter and regular matter is that dark matter does not interact with light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation, while regular matter does. Dark matter also makes up a much larger portion of the universe's total energy compared to regular matter.

Why is the study of dark matter and energy important?

The study of dark matter and energy is important because it helps us understand the structure and evolution of the universe. It also has implications for our understanding of gravity and the fundamental laws of physics. Additionally, further research on dark matter and energy could potentially lead to new technologies and advancements in our understanding of the universe.
