How do brids navigate during migration?

  • Thread starter Lisa!
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In summary, birds have a magnetic organ above their beak which allows them to sense a magnetic field, and they also use the position of the sun and possibly stars for navigation during migration. Research suggests that birds also use primary productivity and food availability as a factor in their migration patterns. This explains why they migrate back up north during the European summer to take advantage of higher food sources and photosynthesis.
  • #1
Gold Member
How do brids find their directions during migration? Do they have any natural compass in their brain?
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  • #2
I don't know too much about this, but they do have a magnetic organ which I believe is just above the base of the beak. There's also strong evidence that they can calculate things based upon the position of the sun.
  • #3
birds do sense a magnetic field, e.g., thrush nightingales:
More general:

Research also cites a use of the sun and maybe stars as a secondary navigational aid.
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  • #4
I guess this question is related, so I can understand why birds would migrate south, but then why do they have to migrate back up north again? What is not down south in the European Summer that is there in the European winter in other words?
  • #5
Primary productivity in more Northern latitudes during summer is very high compared to the tropics - ie., more bugs, fish, and seeds for baby birds. Photosynthesis increases so much that there is a dip in atmospheric [itex]CO_2[/tex] during the summer months.

FAQ: How do brids navigate during migration?

1. How do birds know where to migrate?

Birds use a variety of navigation cues to determine their migration route, including the position of the sun and stars, magnetic fields, landmarks, and even smells and sounds. Some species also have a genetic instinct to follow a specific migration path.

2. How do birds navigate at night?

Many birds have the ability to sense the Earth's magnetic field and use it as a navigational tool. They have specialized cells in their eyes and beaks that can detect the magnetic field and help them orient themselves during nighttime migration.

3. Do birds use the same migration route every year?

While some birds do use the same migration route every year, others may alter their route depending on factors such as weather conditions, food availability, and habitat changes. Some birds may even switch between different migration paths in different years.

4. How do birds know when to start and stop their migration?

Birds rely on environmental cues such as changes in day length, temperature, and food availability to time their migration. They also have an internal biological clock that helps them know when it is time to start and stop their journey.

5. How do scientists study bird migration?

Scientists use a variety of methods to study bird migration, including tagging and tracking individual birds, using weather radar to detect large groups of migrating birds, and analyzing data from citizen science programs where people report bird sightings. They also use satellite imagery and geolocators to track bird movements over long distances.
