Math required for String/M-theory

  • Thread starter QuantumDefect
  • Start date
In summary: Replies! I was just wondering because I want to get into theoretical physics when I go to grad school in 3 years. I am very excited about it and I was just trying to prepare math courses that i should take in the next three years. Again, thank you for your replies.
  • #1
Hi all, I was interested in seeing what math is required to study string/m-theory, all responses would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
Music, is a good one. Other then that, I have my own little explination, granted I don't know the equation form of it, I still try and program it. So far it seams to be working, but this is only an opinion. I don't think their is a proven way to make a string to study, other then the waves of music and noise. But hopefully the Divisional Continuum does, it seams very much like it. And if you surf through the "What is nothing?" discussion I have attached a program that does a single path, or string through this idea.
  • #3
The math for string theory includes complex variables (analytic and meromorphic functions, riemann surfaces, conformal mapping), familiarity with higher algebra (rings, fields, algebras, ideals, representations), and very advanced calculus (beyond the usual advanced calculus and covering distributions, advance integral methods and the like). Grad students in theoretical physics get this with their course work.
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  • #4
Thanks for the Replies! I was just wondering because I want to get into theoretical physics when I go to grad school in 3 years. I am very excited about it and I was just trying to prepare math courses that i should take in the next three years. Again, thank you for your replies. :smile:
  • #5
Undergraduate prep courses: Advanced calc, ordinary diff eq, partial diff eq if offered, compex variables (or "analysis") if offered, modern algebra. Plus talk to your advisors and math professors.
  • #6
Pat Schwarz > The Official String Theory Website > mathematics --->
  • #7
selfAdjoint said:
The math for string theory includes complex variables (analytic and meromorphic functions, riemann surfaces, conformal mapping), familiarity with higher algebra (rings, fields, algebras, ideals, representations)
Do you have any recommendations for a good study of "familiarity with higher algebra (rings, fields, algebras, ideals, representations)"?


FAQ: Math required for String/M-theory

1. What level of math is required to understand String/M-theory?

The math required for String/M-theory is quite advanced and typically requires knowledge of calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, and group theory. It also helps to have a strong understanding of geometry and topology.

2. How important is math in understanding String/M-theory?

Math is crucial to understanding String/M-theory. In fact, it is the foundation of this theoretical framework for explaining the fundamental nature of the universe. Without a strong grasp of mathematical concepts, it would be nearly impossible to fully comprehend String/M-theory.

3. Can someone with a basic understanding of math still learn about String/M-theory?

While a basic understanding of math is helpful, it is not enough to fully understand String/M-theory. This theory is highly complex and requires a deep understanding of advanced mathematical concepts in order to fully grasp its principles and implications.

4. Are there any specific areas of math that are more important for String/M-theory?

While a broad range of mathematical knowledge is needed for String/M-theory, some key areas include differential geometry, algebraic geometry, and topology. These areas are particularly relevant in understanding the concepts of strings, branes, and other fundamental objects in String/M-theory.

5. Are there any resources available for learning the math required for String/M-theory?

Yes, there are many resources available for learning the math required for String/M-theory. These include textbooks, online courses, and academic journals. It is also helpful to have a mentor or tutor who can guide you through the complex mathematical concepts involved in String/M-theory.

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