Question on memory in small fish

  • Thread starter Artman
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In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of small fish and their memory capabilities. The participants question whether small fish truly have a limited memory or if they are capable of developing patterns of behavior. One person suggests conducting a memory experiment on the fish, while another believes that their behavior is more of a habit than memory. The conversation also touches on the idea of fish territory and the possibility of fish remembering their owners. It is mentioned that the degree of fish memory and intelligence may vary based on species.
  • #1
I've heard it said that small fish, like you would keep in an aquarium, only have a few seconds of memory. If this is true, why do they develop patterns of behavior?

I have two small fish one of them is a Red Molly (I think that is the name) that has developed certain habitual resting areas in the tank. If it has no appreciable memory, does it discover these places anew each time? Or do you think that research may be wrong about the memory of small fish?
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  • #2
Maybe. Why don't you do some type of memory experiment on your fish?
Surprise the fish somehow every x seconds and see if it acts surprised.
  • #3
well it's times like these i wish i cared about pychology, but from my limited knowledge and the thinking that insued i have come to certain conclusions...

i was having this exact discussion the other day and i agree that fish like all animals have the ability to 'learn' through conditioned response, ie if it sees you coming with a cylindrical container it will think 'mmm, food' becasue every time the visual part of it's brain processes 'human, cylinder' it's food (?) brain ends up happy. just like all other animals your fish also has some already learned reflexes, like resting in certian areas, say in a protected place to avoid predators. so i reckon a fish's behaviour can be entirely attributed to these types of memory, genetic and conditioned. but then there's the 'other' memory which is what i think people are referring to, i don't know how to classify it (like i said stuff pychology) but i have worked out a way of testing it, say you put something 'desirable' to the fish behind a screen (umm, another fish? food?) but in a tank next to the one your fish is in, so it can't get to it, wait 5 seconds then put your fish in that tank, will it go behind the screen with a horny look of anticipation on its face?

i think not, try it out, i don't own any fish
  • #4
It sounds like you are thinking that it is more of a habit than memory. This is possible.

I have to develop habits for certain things such as placing my keys in the same place all of the time when not in my pocket, or my glasses when I'm not wearing them, or else I will forget where I have left them.

Thanks for the responses.
  • #5
I doubt fish are limited to a few seconds of memory in all things. I have not read any research on fish memory, but I used to have aquariums and did a lot of reading about fish behavior.

As an example, many fish are territorial (including some "small fish" you might keep in a home aquarium) and they use landmarks to identify their territory (rocks, logs, plants, etc.). One trick when introducing new fish to a tank is to rearrange all the ornaments in your tank so no fish has an established territory (otherwise the newbie gets beaten up when it tries to find a hiding place in someone else's turf).

Another example, I've read anecdotes of fish that remember their owners (i.e., they swim calmly in the presence of their owners but hide away when anyone else enters the room).

Anyway, I'm sure the degree of fish memory/intelligence depends on the species. (I also have the impression that salt water fish have more brain power than fresh water fish.) I would think that mollies are toward the lower end of fish intelligence.

These are just my impressions...don't quote me on this!

FAQ: Question on memory in small fish

1. What is the purpose of studying memory in small fish?

Studying memory in small fish can give us insight into the evolution and function of memory in different species. It can also help us understand the brain mechanisms and neural pathways involved in memory formation and retrieval.

2. How do scientists test the memory of small fish?

Scientists use various behavioral tests to assess the memory of small fish. This can include training the fish to associate a specific cue with a reward, and then testing their ability to remember and respond to that cue after a period of time has passed.

3. Do small fish have long-term memory?

Research has shown that some species of small fish, such as zebrafish, have the ability to form long-term memories. However, the duration of their long-term memory may differ from that of other species or even within a species.

4. Can memory in small fish be affected by environmental factors?

Yes, studies have shown that environmental factors, such as water temperature and quality, can impact the memory formation and retrieval of small fish. Stress and exposure to pollutants can also affect their memory abilities.

5. How can studying memory in small fish benefit human health?

Understanding the mechanisms and processes involved in memory in small fish can provide valuable insights for human health. This research can help us develop treatments for memory-related disorders and diseases, and also improve our understanding of how memory works in humans.
