Why is it that when we change the light from un polarized to polarized

In summary, when light is changed from unpolarized to polarized, the intensity decreases to half its original value because only the component of the electric field vector in the chosen plane is allowed to pass through the polarizer. This is because unpolarized light is a combination of two beams with orthogonal polarizations, and polarizing the light means only one beam is allowed to pass. The magnetic field vector is always present, but in free space it is related to the electric field vector and is ignored. This is because the magnitude of the electric field is typically much greater than that of the magnetic field.
  • #1
elabed haidar
why is it that when we change the light from un polarized to polarized light the intensity goes to half its value and is the polarization only have to the electric field and why?? thank you
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2

To avoid confusion (!?) we always define polarisation in terms of the Electric vector. There is, of course, a Magnetic field vector, too.
A Polariser selects the Component of the field vector in a particular plane. Vectors of all sorts can be resolved in the same way; think of an inclined plane which can give you a whole range of effective g values by varying the angle by 'choosing' the appropriate component.

Light from most sources behaves as many sources, each with a random angle of polarisation. What gets through a polariser will be the sum of all components of all the waves in the chosen plane. The average value will be 1/root2 so the power will be 1/2 of the original power.
  • #3

so that's why i heard because we can measure the electric component but i didnt get why can't we measure the magnetic component
  • #4

You can't actually measure either, easily with light but you can make an E probe or an M probe to measure RF fields.
  • #5

Think of unpolarized light as the incoherent sum of two polarized beams, with orthogonal polarizations. When you polarize the light, you are letting through the beams with the one polarization and not the other, so you have half the energy getting through. The polarization of an electromagnetic wave is the electric field vector after the wave dependence has been factored out, different from the induced polarization of a material. The magnetic field vector is always there, but in free space it is trivially related to the electric field vector, so we ignore it.
  • #7

thank you fluidistic very much i got it

FAQ: Why is it that when we change the light from un polarized to polarized

1. Why do some materials appear to change color when viewed through polarized light?

When light is unpolarized, its electric field oscillates in all directions. However, when light is polarized, the electric field only oscillates in one direction. This can cause certain materials, such as crystals or plastics, to absorb the light differently depending on its polarization, resulting in a change in perceived color.

2. How does polarized light affect glare?

Polarized light can significantly reduce glare, especially from surfaces such as water, glass, or snow. This is because polarized filters block light waves that are oscillating in certain directions, which are typically the waves responsible for creating glare.

3. Can polarized light be harmful to our eyes?

No, polarized light itself is not harmful to our eyes. In fact, polarized sunglasses are often recommended for activities such as driving or being near water, as they can reduce eye strain and improve clarity. However, some polarized filters may block out certain wavelengths of light that are important for vision, so it is important to choose high-quality polarized lenses.

4. How does polarized light affect the visibility of certain objects?

Polarized light can enhance the visibility of certain objects, especially those with reflective surfaces. This is because polarized light can reduce glare and improve contrast, making objects appear sharper and more defined.

5. Can polarized light be used in science and technology?

Yes, polarized light is used in various scientific and technological applications. For example, polarized light microscopy is used in biology and materials science to study the structure and properties of different materials. Polarized light is also used in LCD screens, 3D glasses, and various measurement tools.
