Frame drag to accelerate spaceships?

In summary, a rotating black hole should gain additional acceleration due to frame drag, but there is no maximum speed gain.
  • #1
As far as I understand, a spaceship going around rotating black hole should gain additional acceleration due to frame drag. Right? So, would there be max speed gain, like in gravity assist, or could you accelerate infinitely? Thanks.
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  • #2
Robert Forward had some proposal to accelerate objects via frame dragging, but I don't recall the details. A large torus of some sort, I believe.
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  • #3
As far as I understand, a spaceship going around rotating black hole should gain additional acceleration due to frame drag. Right? So, would there be max speed gain, like in gravity assist, or could you accelerate infinitely? Thanks.
Geodesics in the Kerr metric have the usual constants of the motion: energy and angular momentum. A particle falling in from infinity would re-emerge with the same energy it went in with.
  • #4
is it not the same as with gravity assist, these constraints should apply to spaceship and black hole together?


I guess I'm asking if falling body can borrow some of black hole energy.
  • #6
More on Forward's scheme -- which I never quite followed. (The original was in "Indistinguishable from Magic", a collection of non-fiction essays.).

The General Relativistic Antigravity Machine consists of a torus of dense mass which is turning inside-out like a smoke ring. A mass with this motion, according to Einstein’s theory, "drags the metric" through the center of the torus. Unidirectional general relativistic forces arise which are equivalent to gravity, and may be used to neutralize planetary surface gravity or as a space propulsion system.

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  • #7
Ok, I guess I really do need some education here. I've seen Forward's device before - in fact I remember a rather long Am J Phys article he wrote - but I never realized before how much I just don't get the point of it. It all comes back to my earlier comment:
Geodesics in the Kerr metric have the usual constants of the motion: energy and angular momentum. A particle falling in from infinity would re-emerge with the same energy it went in with.
This continues to be true in Forward's torus, does it not? It's stationary and axially symmetric. Hence by general principles, a particle traveling along a geodesic will have constant energy and angular momentum. So you can't simply drop a particle through the hole and expect it to be accelerated!

The ergosphere in the Kerr metric only works a benefit if you do something nongeodesic while inside it: either (a) fire your rockets or (b) split in two, as in the Penrose Process. I'd have to say the torus is similar - on a freely falling object the frame dragging has only a temporary effect, and when you emerge from the other side and move away you'll find to your disappointment that nothing has changed. :frown:

FAQ: Frame drag to accelerate spaceships?

1. What is frame dragging and how does it affect spaceships?

Frame dragging is a phenomenon predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity, in which the rotation of a massive body (such as a planet or star) causes a distortion in the fabric of spacetime. This distortion, known as a gravitational field, can affect the motion of objects in its vicinity, including spaceships. As a spaceship travels through the gravitational field, it experiences a force known as frame drag, which can either accelerate or decelerate its motion depending on the direction of rotation of the massive body.

2. Can frame dragging be used to accelerate spaceships?

Yes, frame dragging can be used to accelerate spaceships, but the amount of acceleration is extremely small. In order for a spaceship to experience a significant acceleration due to frame dragging, it would have to be very close to a massive body with a very high rotation rate, such as a black hole. In most cases, the effect of frame dragging on a spaceship's acceleration is negligible and cannot be used for practical purposes.

3. Is frame dragging a constant force or does it vary?

Frame dragging is a variable force, as it depends on the mass and rotation rate of the massive body creating the gravitational field. The closer a spaceship is to the massive body, the stronger the frame drag force will be, and it will decrease as the spaceship moves farther away. Additionally, the direction of the frame drag force will also vary depending on the rotation direction of the massive body.

4. Can frame dragging cause a spaceship to travel faster than the speed of light?

No, frame dragging cannot cause a spaceship to travel faster than the speed of light. According to the theory of relativity, the speed of light is the maximum speed at which any object can travel. While frame dragging can affect the acceleration of a spaceship, it cannot overcome the ultimate speed limit of the universe.

5. Are there any current technologies that utilize frame dragging for spacecraft propulsion?

No, there are currently no technologies that utilize frame dragging for spacecraft propulsion. The effect of frame dragging is too small to be used for practical purposes, and it would require extremely specific conditions and advanced technology to harness this force for spacecraft propulsion. However, scientists continue to study frame dragging and its potential applications in space travel.

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